canon_ble #82

mattmcw merged 149 commits from canon_ble into main 2023-08-01 03:38:52 +00:00
2 changed files with 240 additions and 8 deletions
Showing only changes of commit af3b1b8cbb - Show all commits

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 87a68d07fa3a29f923187073193def5bf0805c94 Subproject commit b499c2810117b5ca57014d5cb4219cf68b4c5c0f

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@ -1,21 +1,253 @@
include <./common/common.scad>; include <./common/common.scad>;
include <./common/motors.scad>;
PART = "debug"; PanelX = 89;
PanelY = 125;
PanelZ = 6;
BearingOuterDiameter = 21.6;
BearingInnerDiameter = 8.05;
FrameBoltX = (-PanelX / 2) + 8.6;
FrameBoltY = 92.8 / 2;
FrameBoltD = 9;
KeyDistance = 57.4;
KeyVoidD = BearingInnerDiameter + 0.3;
KeyVoidD2 = 14.2;
KeyWidth = 2.25;
StepperMountZ = 20;
GateBoltX = (-PanelX / 2) + 54;
GateBoltY = 105 / 2;
NubVoidD = 5.5;
NubVoidX = 3.5;
NubX = (-PanelX / 2) + 66;
module debug () { module debug () {
cube(); difference () {
//translate([45, 0, 0]) cube([89, 200, 50], center = true);
//NEMA17([0, KeyDistance / 2, -50]);
//NEMA17([0, -KeyDistance / 2, -50]);
//gate_key([0, KeyDistance / 2, -14], [0, 0, 45]);
gate_key([0, -KeyDistance / 2, -14], [0, 0, 45]);
module bearing_void (pos = [0, 0, 0], width= 8) {
fuzz = 0.3;
translate (pos) {
difference () {
cylinder(r = R(BearingOuterDiameter) + fuzz, h = width, center = true, $fn = 90);
module key_void (pos = [0, 0, 0]) {
translate(pos) {
cylinder(r = R(KeyVoidD), h = 6 + 1, center = true, $fn = 50);
translate([0, 0, -2]) cylinder(r = R(KeyVoidD2), h = 6, center = true, $fn = 50);
module front_bolt_void (pos = [0, 0, 0]) {
translate(pos) {
cylinder(r = R(FrameBoltD), h = PanelZ + 1, center = true, $fn = 50);
module bolt_void (pos = [0, 0, 0], H = StepperMountZ + 1) {
translate(pos) {
cylinder(r = R(3.5), h = H, center = true, $fn = 30);
module bolt_and_cap_void (pos = [0, 0, 0], cap = 10, bolt = 10) {
translate(pos) {
cylinder(r = R(6.25), h = cap, center = true, $fn = 30);
translate([0, 0, -(cap / 2) - (bolt / 2)]) cylinder(r = R(3.5), h = bolt, center = true, $fn = 30);
module stepper_block_bolt_voids (pos = [0, 0, 0]) {
BoltX = NEMA17BoltSpacing / 2;
BoltY = NEMA17BoltSpacing / 2;
translate(pos) {
bolt_and_cap_void([BoltX, BoltY, 0]);
bolt_and_cap_void([-BoltX, BoltY, 0]);
bolt_and_cap_void([BoltX, -BoltY, 0]);
bolt_and_cap_void([-BoltX, -BoltY, 0]);
module panel_bolt_voids (pos = [0, 0, 0]) {
translate(pos) {
stepper_block_bolt_voids([0, KeyDistance / 2, 0]);
stepper_block_bolt_voids([0, -KeyDistance / 2, 0]);
module LED_void (pos = [0, 0, 0], rot = [0, 0, 0], flip = false) {
LEDVoidD = 5;
LightVoidD = 2.5;
translate(pos) rotate(rot) {
rotate([0, 90, 0]) {
cylinder(r = R(LightVoidD), h = 80, center = true, $fn = 40);
if (flip) {
translate([0, 0, -37.5]) cylinder(r = R(LEDVoidD), h = 80, center = true, $fn = 40);
translate([0, 0, 65]) cylinder(r = R(LEDVoidD), h = 80, center = true, $fn = 40);
} else {
translate([0, 0, 37.5]) cylinder(r = R(LEDVoidD), h = 80, center = true, $fn = 40);
translate([0, 0, -65]) cylinder(r = R(LEDVoidD), h = 80, center = true, $fn = 40);
module LED_prop (pos = [0, 0, 0], rot = [0, 0, 0], H = 15, flip = false) {
translate(pos) rotate(rot) {
if (flip) {
translate([-13, 0, 0]) cube([40, 7, H], center = true);
} else {
translate([13, 0, 0]) cube([40, 7, H], center = true);
module nub_void (pos = [0, 0, 0]) {
translate(pos) {
translate([NubVoidX / 2, 0, 0]) cylinder(r = R(NubVoidD), h = PanelZ + 1, center = true, $fn = 50);
translate([-NubVoidX / 2, 0, 0]) cylinder(r = R(NubVoidD), h = PanelZ + 1, center = true, $fn = 50);
cube([NubVoidX, NubVoidD, PanelZ + 1], center = true);
module stepper_mount_block (pos = [0, 0, 0]) {
BoltX = NEMA17BoltSpacing / 2;
BoltY = NEMA17BoltSpacing / 2;
H = StepperMountZ;
InnerD = 30;
translate(pos) {
difference () {
union () {
cube([NEMA17OuterWidth, NEMA17OuterWidth, H], center = true);
LED_prop([0, 19, -4.5 + 7.5], [0, 0, 45], flip = true);
LED_prop([0, -19, -4.5 + 10.5], [0, 0, 45], H = 9, flip = false);
for (i = [0 : 3]) {
rotate([0, 0, (i * 90) + 45]) translate([29.7, 0, 0]) cube([5.5, 5.5, H + 1], center = true);
cylinder(r = R(InnerD), h = H + 1, center = true, $fn = 120);
bolt_void([BoltX, BoltY, 0]);
bolt_void([-BoltX, BoltY, 0]);
bolt_void([BoltX, -BoltY, 0]);
bolt_void([-BoltX, -BoltY, 0]);
LED_void([0, 19, -4.5], [0, 0, 45]);
LED_void([0, -19, 1.5], [0, 0, 45], true);
module stepper_mount (pos = [0, 0, 0]) {
//NEMA17BoltSpacing = 31;
translate(pos) {
stepper_mount_block([0, KeyDistance / 2, 0]);
stepper_mount_block([0, -KeyDistance / 2, 0]);
module octagon(size, height) {
intersection() {
cube([size, size, height], true);
rotate([0,0,45]) {
cube([size, size, height], true);
module octagon_void (pos = [0, 0, 0], D = 25, H = 5.01) {
translate(pos) {
difference () {
cylinder(r = R(D + 10), h = H, center = true);
octagon(D, H + 1);
module gate_bolt_and_nut_void (pos = [0, 0, 0]) {
translate(pos) {
cylinder(r = R(5), h = PanelZ + 1, center = true, $fn = 40);
module gate_key (pos = [0, 0, 0], rot = [0, 0, 0]) {
translate(pos) rotate(rot) {
difference () {
union () {
cylinder(r = R(29), h = 12, center = true, $fn = 120);
translate([0, 0, 1]) cylinder(r = R(11), h = 12, center = true, $fn = 60);
translate([0, 0, (13 / 2) + (10 / 2)]) cylinder(r = R(BearingInnerDiameter - 0.3), h = 10, center = true, $fn = 60);
scale([1.02, 1.02, 1]) NEMA17_motor_shaft([0, 0, -5]);
octagon_void([0, 0, 3.5]);
//normalization flat
translate([0, 27, -3.5]) cube([29, 29, 10], center = true);
rotate ([0, 0, 45]) {
translate([0, (10 / 2) + (KeyWidth / 2), (13 / 2) + (10 / 2) + 6]) cube([10, 10, 10], center = true);
translate([0, -(10 / 2) - (KeyWidth / 2), (13 / 2) + (10 / 2) + 6]) cube([10, 10, 10], center = true);
module panel (pos = [0, 0, 0], rot = [0, 0, 0]) {
translate(pos) rotate(rot) {
difference () {
union () {
cube([PanelX, PanelY, PanelZ], center = true);
translate([0, KeyDistance / 2, -(10 / 2) + (PanelZ / 2)]) cylinder(r = R(31), h = 10, center = true, $fn = 90);
translate([0, -KeyDistance / 2, -(10 / 2) + (PanelZ / 2)]) cylinder(r = R(31), h = 10, center = true, $fn = 90);;
//front bolts
front_bolt_void([FrameBoltX, FrameBoltY, 0]);
front_bolt_void([FrameBoltX, -FrameBoltY, 0]);
//key + bearing voids
bearing_void([0, KeyDistance / 2, (PanelZ / 2) - (8 / 2) - 2], 8.01);
bearing_void([0, -KeyDistance / 2, (PanelZ / 2) - (8 / 2) - 2], 8.01);
key_void([0, KeyDistance / 2, 0]);
key_void([0, -KeyDistance / 2, 0]);
panel_bolt_voids([0, 0, -1]);
gate_bolt_and_nut_void([GateBoltX, GateBoltY, 0]);
gate_bolt_and_nut_void([GateBoltX, -GateBoltY, 0]);
nub_void([NubX, 0, 0]);
stepper_mount([0, 0, -(StepperMountZ / 2) - (PanelZ / 2)]);
} }
module projector () { module projector () {
} }
module key () { PART = "panel";
if (PART == "projector") { if (PART == "gate_key") {
} else if (PART == "panel") {
} else { } else {
debug(); debug();
} }