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// Pin Connectors V2
// Tony Buser <>
// pinhole(h=5);
// test();
// pintack(h=10);
// pinpeg(h=20);
module test() {
tolerance = 0.3;
translate([-12, 12, 0]) pinpeg(h=20);
translate([12, 12, 0]) pintack(h=10);
difference() {
union() {
translate([0, -12, 2.5]) cube(size = [59, 20, 5], center = true);
translate([24, -12, 7.5]) cube(size = [12, 20, 15], center = true);
translate([-24, -12, 0]) pinhole(h=5, t=tolerance);
translate([-12, -12, 0]) pinhole(h=5, t=tolerance, tight=false);
translate([0, -12, 0]) pinhole(h=10, t=tolerance);
translate([12, -12, 0]) pinhole(h=10, t=tolerance, tight=false);
translate([24, -12, 15]) rotate([0, 180, 0]) pinhole(h=10, t=tolerance);
module pinhole(h=10, r=4, lh=3, lt=1, t=0.3, tight=true) {
// h = shaft height
// r = shaft radius
// lh = lip height
// lt = lip thickness
// t = tolerance
// tight = set to false if you want a joint that spins easily
union() {
pin_solid(h, r+(t/2), lh, lt);
cylinder(h=h+0.2, r=r);
// widen the cylinder slightly
// cylinder(h=h+0.2, r=r+(t-0.2/2));
if (tight == false) {
cylinder(h=h+0.2, r=r+(t/2)+0.25);
// widen the entrance hole to make insertion easier
translate([0, 0, -0.1]) cylinder(h=lh/3, r2=r, r1=r+(t/2)+(lt/2));
module pin(h=10, r=4, lh=3, lt=1, side=false) {
// h = shaft height
// r = shaft radius
// lh = lip height
// lt = lip thickness
// side = set to true if you want it printed horizontally
if (side) {
pin_horizontal(h, r, lh, lt);
} else {
pin_vertical(h, r, lh, lt);
module pintack(h=10, r=4, lh=3, lt=1, bh=3, br=8.75) {
// bh = base_height
// br = base_radius
union() {
cylinder(h=bh, r=br);
translate([0, 0, bh]) pin(h, r, lh, lt);
module pinpeg(h=20, r=4, lh=3, lt=1) {
union() {
translate([0, -h/4+0.05, 0]) pin(h/2+0.1, r, lh, lt, side=true);
translate([0, h/4-0.05, 0]) rotate([0, 0, 180]) pin(h/2+0.1, r, lh, lt, side=true);
// just call pin instead, I made this module because it was easier to do the rotation option this way
// since openscad complains of recursion if I did it all in one module
module pin_vertical(h=10, r=4, lh=3, lt=1) {
// h = shaft height
// r = shaft radius
// lh = lip height
// lt = lip thickness
difference() {
pin_solid(h, r, lh, lt);
// center cut
translate([-r*0.5/2, -(r*2+lt*2)/2, h/4]) cube([r*0.5, r*2+lt*2, h]);
translate([0, 0, h/4]) cylinder(h=h+lh, r=r/2.5, $fn=20);
// center curve
// translate([0, 0, h/4]) rotate([90, 0, 0]) cylinder(h=r*2, r=r*0.5/2, center=true, $fn=20);
// side cuts
translate([-r*2, -lt-r*1.125, -1]) cube([r*4, lt*2, h+2]);
translate([-r*2, -lt+r*1.125, -1]) cube([r*4, lt*2, h+2]);
// call pin with side=true instead of this
module pin_horizontal(h=10, r=4, lh=3, lt=1) {
// h = shaft height
// r = shaft radius
// lh = lip height
// lt = lip thickness
translate([0, h/2, r*1.125-lt]) rotate([90, 0, 0]) pin_vertical(h, r, lh, lt);
// this is mainly to make the pinhole module easier
module pin_solid(h=10, r=4, lh=3, lt=1) {
union() {
// shaft
cylinder(h=h-lh, r=r, $fn=30);
// lip
// translate([0, 0, h-lh]) cylinder(h=lh*0.25, r1=r, r2=r+(lt/2), $fn=30);
// translate([0, 0, h-lh+lh*0.25]) cylinder(h=lh*0.25, r2=r, r1=r+(lt/2), $fn=30);
// translate([0, 0, h-lh+lh*0.50]) cylinder(h=lh*0.50, r1=r, r2=r-(lt/2), $fn=30);
// translate([0, 0, h-lh]) cylinder(h=lh*0.50, r1=r, r2=r+(lt/2), $fn=30);
// translate([0, 0, h-lh+lh*0.50]) cylinder(h=lh*0.50, r1=r+(lt/2), r2=r-(lt/3), $fn=30);
translate([0, 0, h-lh]) cylinder(h=lh*0.25, r1=r, r2=r+(lt/2), $fn=30);
translate([0, 0, h-lh+lh*0.25]) cylinder(h=lh*0.25, r=r+(lt/2), $fn=30);
translate([0, 0, h-lh+lh*0.50]) cylinder(h=lh*0.50, r1=r+(lt/2), r2=r-(lt/2), $fn=30);
// translate([0, 0, h-lh]) cylinder(h=lh, r1=r+(lt/2), r2=1, $fn=30);
// translate([0, 0, h-lh-lt/2]) cylinder(h=lt/2, r1=r, r2=r+(lt/2), $fn=30);