Push dev work to master #2
@ -255,169 +255,7 @@
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'use strict';
const BOLEX = {
angle : 133,
prism : 0.8,
expected : 630
const STATE = {
dir : true,
exposure : 630, //always ms
delay : 0,
scale : 'ms',
delayScale : 'ms',
counter : 0
let frame;
let getState;
let setDir;
let setExposure;
let setDelay;
let setCounter;
var shutter = function (exposure) {
let fraction = BOLEX.expected / 1000;
let speed;
let corrected;
let str;
if (exposure > BOLEX.expected) {
//if exposure is explicitly set
fraction = exposure / 1000;
speed = fraction;
} else {
speed = fraction * (BOLEX.angle / 360);
corrected = speed * BOLEX.prism;
if (corrected < 1.0) {
//less than a second
str = '1/' + Math.round(Math.pow(corrected, -1)) + ' sec';
} else if (corrected >= 1.0 && corrected < 60) {
//greater than a second, less than a minute
str = '' + (Math.round(corrected * 10) / 10) + ' sec'
} else if (corrected >= 60 && corrected < 60 * 60) {
//greater than a minute, less than an hour
str = '' + (Math.round(corrected / 6) / 10) + ' min';
} else if (corrected >= 60 * 60 && corrected < 60 * 60 * 24) {
//greater than an hour, less than a day
str = '' + (Math.round(corrected / (6 * 60)) / 10) + ' hr';
} else if (corrected >= 60 * 60 * 24) {
//greater than a day
str = '' + (Math.round(corrected / (6 * 60 * 24)) / 10) + ' day';
return { speed : speed, str : str }
var scaleAuto = function (ms) {
if (ms < 1000) {
return 'ms'
} else if (ms >= 1000 && ms < 1000 * 60) {
return 'sec'
} else if (ms >= 1000 * 60 && ms < 1000 * 60 * 60) {
return 'min'
} else if (ms >= 1000 * 60 * 60) {
return 'hour'
var scaleTime = function (raw, scale) {
if (scale === 'ms') {
return raw
} else if (scale === 'sec') {
return raw * 1000;
} else if (scale === 'min') {
return raw * (1000 * 60);
} else if (scale === 'hour') {
return raw * (1000 * 60 * 60);
var setExposureScale = function () {
const scale = document.getElementById('scale').value;
const elem = document.getElementById('exposure');
if (scale === 'ms') {
elem.value = STATE.exposure;
} else if (scale === 'sec') {
elem.value = STATE.exposure / 1000;
} else if (scale === 'min') {
elem.value = STATE.exposure / (1000 * 60);
} else if (scale === 'hour') {
elem.value = STATE.exposure / (1000 * 60 * 60);
STATE.scale = scale;
var setDelayScale = function () {
const scale = document.getElementById('scale').value;
const elem = document.getElementById('delay');
if (scale === 'ms') {
elem.value = STATE.delay;
} else if (scale === 'sec') {
elem.value = STATE.delay / 1000;
} else if (scale === 'min') {
elem.value = STATE.delay / (1000 * 60);
} else if (scale === 'hour') {
elem.value = STATE.delay / (1000 * 60 * 60);
STATE.delayScale = scale;
var setDirLabel = function (dir) {
const bwdLabel = document.getElementById('bwdLabel');
const fwdLabel = document.getElementById('fwdLabel');
if (dir) {
} else {
var incCounter = function (val) {
const elem = document.getElementById('counter');
const current = elem.value;
elem.value = (parseInt(current) + val);
STATE.counter += val;
var forceCounter = function (val) {
document.getElementById('counter').value = val;
var unsetPages = function () {
const pages = document.getElementsByClassName('page');
const icons = document.getElementsByClassName('icon');
for (let icon of icons) {
if (icon.classList.contains('selected')) icon.classList.remove('selected');
for (let page of pages){
if (page.classList.contains('selected')) page.classList.remove('selected');
var appPage = function () {
var settingsPage = function () {
var sequencerPage = function () {
var mscriptPage = function () {
var isNumeric = function (n) {
return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);
<script src="static/js/intval.core.js"></script>
'use strict'
const web = {};
@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
'use strict';
const BOLEX = {
angle : 133,
prism : 0.8,
expected : 630
const STATE = {
dir : true,
exposure : 630, //always ms
delay : 0,
scale : 'ms',
delayScale : 'ms',
counter : 0
let frame;
let getState;
let setDir;
let setExposure;
let setDelay;
let setCounter;
var shutter = function (exposure) {
let fraction = BOLEX.expected / 1000;
let speed;
let corrected;
let str;
if (exposure > BOLEX.expected) {
//if exposure is explicitly set
fraction = exposure / 1000;
speed = fraction;
} else {
speed = fraction * (BOLEX.angle / 360);
corrected = speed * BOLEX.prism;
if (corrected < 1.0) {
//less than a second
str = '1/' + Math.round(Math.pow(corrected, -1)) + ' sec';
} else if (corrected >= 1.0 && corrected < 60) {
//greater than a second, less than a minute
str = '' + (Math.round(corrected * 10) / 10) + ' sec'
} else if (corrected >= 60 && corrected < 60 * 60) {
//greater than a minute, less than an hour
str = '' + (Math.round(corrected / 6) / 10) + ' min';
} else if (corrected >= 60 * 60 && corrected < 60 * 60 * 24) {
//greater than an hour, less than a day
str = '' + (Math.round(corrected / (6 * 60)) / 10) + ' hr';
} else if (corrected >= 60 * 60 * 24) {
//greater than a day
str = '' + (Math.round(corrected / (6 * 60 * 24)) / 10) + ' day';
return { speed : speed, str : str }
var scaleAuto = function (ms) {
if (ms < 1000) {
return 'ms'
} else if (ms >= 1000 && ms < 1000 * 60) {
return 'sec'
} else if (ms >= 1000 * 60 && ms < 1000 * 60 * 60) {
return 'min'
} else if (ms >= 1000 * 60 * 60) {
return 'hour'
var scaleTime = function (raw, scale) {
if (scale === 'ms') {
return raw
} else if (scale === 'sec') {
return raw * 1000;
} else if (scale === 'min') {
return raw * (1000 * 60);
} else if (scale === 'hour') {
return raw * (1000 * 60 * 60);
var setExposureScale = function () {
const scale = document.getElementById('scale').value;
const elem = document.getElementById('exposure');
if (scale === 'ms') {
elem.value = STATE.exposure;
} else if (scale === 'sec') {
elem.value = STATE.exposure / 1000;
} else if (scale === 'min') {
elem.value = STATE.exposure / (1000 * 60);
} else if (scale === 'hour') {
elem.value = STATE.exposure / (1000 * 60 * 60);
STATE.scale = scale;
var setDelayScale = function () {
const scale = document.getElementById('scale').value;
const elem = document.getElementById('delay');
if (scale === 'ms') {
elem.value = STATE.delay;
} else if (scale === 'sec') {
elem.value = STATE.delay / 1000;
} else if (scale === 'min') {
elem.value = STATE.delay / (1000 * 60);
} else if (scale === 'hour') {
elem.value = STATE.delay / (1000 * 60 * 60);
STATE.delayScale = scale;
var setDirLabel = function (dir) {
const bwdLabel = document.getElementById('bwdLabel');
const fwdLabel = document.getElementById('fwdLabel');
if (dir) {
} else {
var incCounter = function (val) {
const elem = document.getElementById('counter');
const current = elem.value;
elem.value = (parseInt(current) + val);
STATE.counter += val;
var forceCounter = function (val) {
document.getElementById('counter').value = val;
var unsetPages = function () {
const pages = document.getElementsByClassName('page');
const icons = document.getElementsByClassName('icon');
for (let icon of icons) {
if (icon.classList.contains('selected')) icon.classList.remove('selected');
for (let page of pages){;
if (page.classList.contains('selected')) page.classList.remove('selected');
var appPage = function () {
var settingsPage = function () {
var sequencerPage = function () {
var mscriptPage = function () {
var isNumeric = function (n) {
return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);
@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ server {
#gzip_comp_level 5;
#gzip_types text/plain text/css application/x-javascript text/xml application/xml application/xml+rss text/javascript application/json;
#use project location
alias /home/pi/intval3/static/;
alias /home/pi/intval3/www/static/;
Reference in New Issue