Copy ble and wifi modules as .ts source. Begin refactor into typescript as is before addressing bug issues.

This commit is contained in:
mmcwilliams 2019-11-26 10:43:54 -05:00
parent 883187a591
commit 9d1163926f
3 changed files with 468 additions and 2 deletions

src/ble/index.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
'use strict'
/** @module ble */
/** Bluetooth Low Energy module */
const util = require('util')
const os = require('os')
const log = require('../log')('ble')
const wifi = require('../wifi')
const DEVICE_NAME = process.env.DEVICE_NAME || 'intval3'
const SERVICE_ID = process.env.SERVICE_ID || 'intval3_ble'
const CHAR_ID = process.env.CHAR_ID || 'intval3char'
const WIFI_ID = process.env.WIFI_ID || 'wifichar'
const NETWORK = os.networkInterfaces()
const MAC = getMac() || spoofMac()
//Give the device a unique device name, needs to be in env
process.env.BLENO_DEVICE_NAME += '_' + MAC
const bleno = require('bleno')
let currentWifi = 'disconnected'
let currentAddr = null
let getState
const chars = []
function createChar(name, uuid, prop, write, read) {
function characteristic () {, {
uuid : uuid,
properties: prop
util.inherits(characteristic, bleno.Characteristic)
if (prop.indexOf('read') !== -1) {
//data, offset, withoutResponse, callback
characteristic.prototype.onReadRequest = read
if (prop.indexOf('write') !== -1) {
characteristic.prototype.onWriteRequest = write
chars.push(new characteristic())
function createChars (onWrite, onRead) {
createChar('intval3', CHAR_ID, ['read', 'write'], onWrite, onRead)
createChar('wifi', WIFI_ID, ['read', 'write'], onWifiWrite, onWifiRead)
function onWifiWrite (data, offset, withoutResponse, callback) {
let result
let utf8
let obj
let ssid
let pwd
if (offset) {
log.warn(`Offset scenario`)
result = bleno.Characteristic.RESULT_ATTR_NOT_LONG
return callback(result)
utf8 = data.toString('utf8')
obj = JSON.parse(utf8)
ssid = obj.ssid
pwd = obj.pwd`connecting to AP`, { ssid : ssid })
return wifi.createPSK(ssid, pwd, (err, hash, plaintext) => {
if (err) {
log.error('Error hashing wifi password', err)
result = bleno.Characteristic.RESULT_UNLIKELY_ERROR
return callback(result)
return wifi.setNetwork(ssid, plaintext, hash, (err, data) => {
if (err) {
log.error('Error configuring wifi', err)
result = bleno.Characteristic.RESULT_UNLIKELY_ERROR
return callback(result)
currentWifi = ssid
currentAddr = getIp()`Connected to AP`, { ssid : ssid, ip : currentAddr })
result = bleno.Characteristic.RESULT_SUCCESS
return callback(result)
function onWifiRead (offset, callback) {
let result = bleno.Characteristic.RESULT_SUCCESS
let wifiRes = {}
let data
wifi.list((err, list) => {
if (err) {
result = bleno.Characteristic.RESULT_UNLIKELY_ERROR
return callback(result)
wifiRes.available = list
wifiRes.current = currentWifi
wifiRes.ip = currentAddr'Discovered available APs', { found : list.length })
data = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(wifiRes))
callback(result, data.slice(offset, data.length))
function getMac () {
const colonRe = new RegExp(':', 'g')
if (NETWORK && NETWORK.wlan0 && NETWORK.wlan0[0] && NETWORK.wlan0[0].mac) {
return NETWORK.wlan0[0].mac.replace(colonRe, '')
return undefined
function spoofMac () {
const fs = require('fs')
const FSPATH = require.resolve('uuid')
const IDFILE = os.homedir() + '/.intval3id'
let uuid
let TMP
let dashRe
delete require.cache[FSPATH]
if (fs.existsSync(IDFILE)) {
return fs.readFileSync(IDFILE, 'utf8')
uuid = require('uuid').v4
UUIDPATH = require.resolve('uuid')
delete require.cache[UUIDPATH]
TMP = uuid()
MACTMP = TMP.replace(dashRe, '').substring(0, 12)
dashRe = new RegExp('-', 'g')
fs.writeFileSync(IDFILE, MACTMP, 'utf8')
return MACTMP
function getIp () {
let addr = null
let ipv4
const ifaces = os.networkInterfaces()
if (ifaces && ifaces.wlan0) {
ipv4 = ifaces.wlan0.filter(iface => {
if ( === 'IPv4') {
return iface
if (ipv4.length === 1) {
addr = ipv4[0].address
return addr
function capitalize (s) {
return s[0].toUpperCase() + s.slice(1)
/** Class representing the bluetooth interface */
class BLE {
* Establishes Bluetooth Low Energy services, accessible to process through this class
* @constructor
constructor (bleGetState) {'Starting bluetooth service')
getState = bleGetState
bleno.on('stateChange', state => {'stateChange', { state : state })
if (state === 'poweredOn') {'Starting advertising', { DEVICE_NAME, DEVICE_ID : process.env.BLENO_DEVICE_NAME })
bleno.startAdvertising(DEVICE_NAME, [CHAR_ID])
} else {
bleno.on('advertisingStart', err => {'advertisingStart', { res : (err ? 'error ' + err : 'success') })
createChars(this._onWrite.bind(this), this._onRead.bind(this))
if (!err) {
new bleno.PrimaryService({
uuid : SERVICE_ID, //hardcoded across panels
characteristics : chars
bleno.on('accept', clientAddress => {'accept', { clientAddress : clientAddress })
bleno.on('disconnect', clientAddress => {'disconnect', { clientAddress : clientAddress })
wifi.getNetwork((err, ssid) => {
if (err) {
return log.error('wifi.getNetwork', err)
currentWifi = ssid
currentAddr = getIp()'wifi.getNetwork', {ssid : ssid, ip : currentAddr })
_onWrite (data, offset, withoutResponse, callback) {
let result = {}
let utf8
let obj
let fn
if (offset) {
log.warn(`Offset scenario`)
result = bleno.Characteristic.RESULT_ATTR_NOT_LONG
return callback(result)
utf8 = data.toString('utf8')
obj = JSON.parse(utf8)
result = bleno.Characteristic.RESULT_SUCCESS
fn = `_on${capitalize(obj.type)}`
if (obj.type && this[fn]) {
return this[fn](obj, () => {
} else {
return callback(result)
_onRead (offset, callback) {
const result = bleno.Characteristic.RESULT_SUCCESS
const state = getState()
const data = new Buffer(JSON.stringify( state ))
callback(result, data.slice(offset, data.length))
* Binds functions to events that are triggered by BLE messages
* @param {string} eventName Name of the event to to bind
* @param {function} callback Invoked when the event is triggered
on (eventName, callback) {
this[`_on${capitalize(eventName)}`] = callback
module.exports = BLE

src/wifi/index.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
'use strict'
const networkPattern = /network[\s\S]*?=[\s\S]*?{([\s\S]*?)}/gi
const quoteRe = new RegExp('"', 'g')
const filePath = '/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf'
const reconfigure = '/sbin/wpa_cli reconfigure'
const refresh = 'ip link set wlan0 down && ip link set wlan0 up'
const iwlist = '/sbin/iwlist wlan0 scanning | grep "ESSID:"'
const iwgetid = '/sbin/iwgetid'
const log = require('../log')('wifi')
const exec = require('child_process').exec
const fs = require('fs')
let _entry = null
let _ssid = null
let _cb = null
/** Class representing the wifi features */
class Wifi {
constructor () {
* List available wifi access points
* @param {function} callback Function which gets invoked after list is returned
list (callback) {
exec(iwlist, (err, stdout, stderr) => {
if (err) {
return callback(err)
const limit = 20;
const lines = stdout.split('\n')
let output = []
let line
let i = 0
for (let l of lines) {
line = l.replace('ESSID:', '').trim()
if (line !== '""' && i < limit) {
line = line.replace(quoteRe, '')
output = output.filter(ap => {
if (ap !== '') return ap
return callback(null, output)
* (internal function) Invoked after config file is read,
* then invokes file write on the config file
* @param {object} err (optional) Error object only present if problem reading config file
* @param {string} data Contents of the config file
_readConfigCb (err, data) {
let parsed
let current
if (err) {
return _cb(err)
parsed = this._parseConfig(data)
current = parsed.find(network => {
return network.ssid === _ssid
if (typeof current !== 'undefined') {
data = data.replace(current.raw, _entry)
} else {
data += '\n\n' + _entry
_entry = null
fs.writeFile(filePath, data, 'utf8', this._writeConfigCb.bind(this))
* (internal function) Invoked after config file is written,
* then executes reconfiguration command
* @param {object} err (optional) Error object only present if problem writing config file
_writeConfigCb (err) {
if (err) {
return _cb(err)
exec(reconfigure, this._reconfigureCb.bind(this))
* (internal function) Invoked after reconfiguration command is complete
* @param {object} err (optional) Error object only present if configuration command fails
* @param {string} stdout Standard output from reconfiguration command
* @param {string} stderr Error output from command if fails
_reconfigureCb (err, stdout, stderr) {
if (err) {
return _cb(err)
console.log('Wifi reconfigured')
exec(refresh, this._refreshCb.bind(this))
* (internal function) Invoked after wifi refresh command is complete
* @param {object} err (optional) Error object only present if refresh command fails
* @param {string} stdout Standard output from refresh command
* @param {string} stderr Error output from command if fails
_refreshCb (err, stdout, stderr) {
if (err) {
return _cb(err)
console.log('Wifi refreshed')
_cb(null, { ssid : _ssid })
_cb = () => {}
_parseConfig (str) {
const networks = []
const lines = str.split('\n')
let network = {}
for (let line of lines) {
if (line.substring(0, 9) === 'network={') {
network = {}
network.raw = line
} else if (network.raw && line.indexOf('ssid=') !== -1) {
network.ssid = line.replace('ssid=', '').trim().replace(quoteRe, '')
if (network.raw) {
network.raw += '\n' + line
} else if (network.raw && line.substring(0, 1) === '}') {
network.raw += '\n' + line
network = {}
} else if (network.raw) {
network.raw += '\n' + line
return networks
* Create sanitized wpa_supplicant.conf stanza for
* configuring wifi without storing plaintext passwords
* @example
* network={
* ssid="YOUR_SSID"
* psk=6a24edf1592aec4465271b7dcd204601b6e78df3186ce1a62a31f40ae9630702
* }
* @param {string} ssid SSID of wifi network
* @param {string} pwd Plaintext passphrase of wifi network
* @param {function} callback Function called after psk hash is generated
createPSK (ssid, pwd, callback) {
const cmd = `wpa_passphrase '${ssid.replace(/'/g, `'\\''`)}' '${pwd.replace(/'/g, `'\\''`)}' | grep "psk="`
let lines
let hash
let plaintext
exec(cmd, (err, stdout, stderr) => {
if (err) {
return callback(err)
lines = stdout.replace('#psk=', '').split('psk=')
hash = lines[1]
plaintext = lines[0]
callback(null, hash.trim(), plaintext.trim())
* Function which initializes the processes for adding a wifi access point authentication
* @param {string} ssid SSID of network to configure
* @param {string} pwd Password of access point, plaintext to be masked
* @param {string} hash Password/SSID of access point, securely hashed
* @param {function} callback Function invoked after process is complete, or fails
setNetwork (ssid, pwd, hash, callback) {
let masked = pwd.split('').map(char => { return char !== '"' ? '*' : '"' }).join('')
_entry = `network={\n\tssid="${ssid}"\n\t#psk=${masked}\n\tpsk=${hash}\n}\n`
_cb = callback
_ssid = ssid
fs.readFile(filePath, 'utf8', this._readConfigCb.bind(this))
* Executes command which gets the currently connected network
* @param {function} callback Function which is invoked after command is completed
getNetwork (callback) {
let output
exec(iwgetid, (err, stdout, stderr) => {
if (err) {
return callback(err)
output = stdout.split('ESSID:')[1].replace(quoteRe, '').trim()
callback(null, output)
module.exports = new Wifi()

View File

@ -12,8 +12,11 @@
"outDir": "./lib/",
"rootDir" : "./src/",
"paths" : {
"log" : ["./lib/log"],
"delay" : [ "./lib/delay"]
"log" : [ "./lib/log" ],
"delay" : [ "./lib/delay" ],
"intval" : [ "./lib/intval" ],
"ble" : [ "./lib/ble" ],
"wifi" : [ "./lib/wifi" ]
"exclude" : [