Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'

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Matt McWilliams 2023-05-19 18:32:23 -04:00
commit 7fec855142
1 changed files with 64 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -45,7 +45,12 @@ StockTakeupMotorRotationZ = 180-70;
TakeupPanelPictureX = 100;
TakeupPanelPictureY = 50;
TakeupPanelStockX = 100;
TakeupPanelStockY = -50;
TakeupPanelPictureOffsetX = ReelX - TakeupPanelPictureX;
TakeupPanelStockOffsetX = ReelX - TakeupPanelPictureX;
TakeupPanelX = 95;
TakeupPanelY = 90;
TakeupCenterVoidD = 47;
@ -191,6 +196,10 @@ module debug () {
takeup_panel_picture([TakeupPanelPictureX, TakeupPanelPictureY, PanelOffsetZ]);
takeup_panel_picture_motor_mount([TakeupPanelPictureX, TakeupPanelPictureY, PanelOffsetZ]);
takeup_panel_stock([TakeupPanelStockX, TakeupPanelStockY, PanelOffsetZ]);
takeup_panel_stock_motor_mount([TakeupPanelStockX, TakeupPanelStockY, PanelOffsetZ]);
difference() {
translate([ReelX, ReelY, -10]) magnetic_coupling();
@ -620,8 +629,58 @@ module takeup_panel_picture_motor_mount (pos = [0, 0, 0] ) {
module takeup_panel_stock (pos = [0, 0, 0]) {
translate(pos) {
OtherX = 25;
OtherY = 45;
translate(pos) {
difference() {
translate([12.5, 12.5, 0]) cube([TakeupPanelX, TakeupPanelY, PanelZ], center = true);
translate([-(TakeupPanelX/2) + 2.5, (TakeupPanelY/2) - 10, 0]) cube([OtherX, OtherY, PanelZ], center = true);
takeup_panel_bearings_posts([TakeupPanelStockOffsetX, 0, 4.25]);
translate([TakeupPanelStockOffsetX, 0, 0]) cylinder(r = R(TakeupCenterVoidD), h = 50, center = true, $fn = 100);
//takeup_panel_bearings_voids([TakeupPanelStockOffsetX, 0, 0]);
takeup_panel_bearings_bolts_voids([TakeupPanelStockOffsetX, 0, 5]);
takeup_panel_bearings_bolt_void([TakeupPanelStockOffsetX, (TakeupPanelY / 2) + 2.5, 0]);
takeup_panel_bearings_bolt_void([TakeupPanelStockOffsetX + (TakeupPanelX / 2), (TakeupPanelY / 2) + 2.5, 0]);
takeup_panel_bearings_bolt_void([TakeupPanelStockOffsetX - (TakeupPanelX / 2), (TakeupPanelY / 2) + 2.5, 0]);
takeup_panel_bearings_bolt_void([TakeupPanelStockOffsetX + (TakeupPanelX / 2), 2.5 - 20, 0]);
takeup_panel_bearings_bolt_void([TakeupPanelStockOffsetX - (TakeupPanelX / 2), 2.5 + 20, 0]);
takeup_panel_motor_mount_m4_bolts_voids([TakeupPanelStockOffsetX, 0, -8.99]);
module takeup_panel_stock_motor_mount (pos = [0, 0, 0] ) {
translate(pos) {
translate([TakeupPanelPictureOffsetX, 0, 0]) {
difference () {
union () {
translate([0, 0, -(PanelZ/2) - (TakeupCenterColumnZ/2)]) cylinder(r = R(TakeupCenterColumnD), h = TakeupCenterColumnZ, center = true, $fn = 100);
translate([0, 0, -16]) cylinder(r = R(TakeupCenterColumnD), h = 3, center = true, $fn = 100);
takeup_panel_motor_mount_pads([0, 0, -5.5]);
translate([0, 0, -16]) cylinder(r = R(15), h = 3 + 1, center = true, $fn = 100);
translate([0, 0, -8]) cylinder(r = R(TakeupCenterVoidD), h = TakeupCenterColumnZ, center = true, $fn = 100);
translate([2.55, -7.1, -17]) rotate([0, 0, PictureTakeupMotorRotationZ]) {
takeup_panel_motor_mount_bolt_void([MotorMountX, MotorMountY, 0]);
takeup_panel_motor_mount_bolt_void([-MotorMountX, MotorMountY, 0]);
takeup_panel_motor_mount_bolt_void([MotorMountX, -MotorMountY, 0]);
takeup_panel_motor_mount_bolt_void([-MotorMountX, -MotorMountY, 0]);
takeup_panel_motor_mount_m4_bolts_voids([0, 0, -8.99]);
takeup_mount_panel([0, 0, -20], [0, 0, PictureTakeupMotorRotationZ]);
@ -655,6 +714,10 @@ if (PART == "panel") {
} else if (PART == "takeup_panel_picture_motor_mount") {
} else if (PART == "takeup_panel_stock"){
} else if (PART == "takeup_panel_stock_motor_mount") {
} else if (PART == "picture_gate") {
rotate([-90, 0, 0]) picture_gate(Type = "standard");
} else if (PART == "sprocketed_roller_reinforced") {