Add a three hole punch peg bar design. Not as stable as the ACME punch, but way more available. With both sides punched carefully, this could be very useable.

This commit is contained in:
mmcwilliams 2020-03-31 16:29:36 -04:00
parent 51a86e221f
commit db01b6a267
5 changed files with 47006 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
"buy" : ""

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@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
$fn = 60;
time = 0;
L = 254;
W = 13;
H = 3;
CENTER_D = 6.39;
CENTER_H = 9.76;
SIDE_D = 3.24;
SIDE_L = 11.92;
SIDE_SPACE = 108 * 2;
module rounded_bar (arr = [50, 10, 10], fn = 60) {
$fn = fn;
cube([arr[0] - arr[1], arr[1], arr[2]], center = true);
translate ([(arr[0] / 2) - (arr[1] / 2), 0, 0]) {
cylinder(r = arr[1] / 2, h = arr[2], center = true);
translate ([-(arr[0] / 2) + (arr[1] / 2), 0, 0]) {
cylinder(r = arr[1] / 2, h = arr[2], center = true);
module animation_peg_bar () {
rounded_bar([L, W, H], $fn);
translate([0, 0, (CENTER_H / 2) - .5]) round_peg(CENTER_D, CENTER_H);
translate([(SIDE_SPACE / 2), 0, (CENTER_H / 2) + .3 ]) round_peg(CENTER_D, CENTER_H);
translate([-(SIDE_SPACE / 2), 0, (CENTER_H / 2) + .3 ]) round_peg(CENTER_D, CENTER_H);
module round_peg (D = 6, H = 9) {
union () {
cylinder(r = D / 2, h = H - (D / 2), center = true);
translate([0, 0, (H / 2) - (D / 4)]) {
difference () {
sphere(r = D / 2);
translate([0, 0, -D]) cube([D*2, D*2, D*2], center = true);
module center_part () {
difference () {
intersection () {
cube([L / 3, 30, 30], center = true);
translate([L / 6, 9, 13 / 2]) cube([13, 13, 13], center = true);
translate([L / 6, -9, -13 / 2]) cube([13, 13, 13], center = true);
translate([-L / 6, -9, 13 / 2]) cube([13, 13, 13], center = true);
translate([-L / 6, 9, -13 / 2]) cube([13, 13, 13], center = true);
module three_parts () {
translate([L / 3.2, 0, 0]) difference () {
translate([L / 2, 0, 0]) cube([L, 30, 30], center = true);
translate([-L / 3.2, W + 3, 0]) difference () {
translate([-L / 2, 0, 0]) cube([L, 30, 30], center = true);
translate([0, (W + 3) * 2, 0]) center_part();
rotate([0, 0, time]) animation_peg_bar();

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