
This commit is contained in:
mmcwilliams 2019-04-28 23:30:58 -04:00
parent cd629c7f37
commit 4c306285be
1 changed files with 36 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
FRAME_H = 7.49;
FRAME_W = 10.26;
module 16mm_plate () {
difference () {
cube([20, 40, 2], center = true);
//translate([10.3, 0, 1.3]) rotate([0, 30, 0]) cube([8, 200, 4], center = true);
//image void
translate([-((20 - FRAME_W) / 2) + (FRAME_OUTER / 2), 0, 0]) cube([FRAME_W, FRAME_H, 2 + 1], center = true);
//sound void
translate([-((20 - 16) / 2) + (16 / 2) - (FRAME_OUTER / 4), 7.57, 0]) cube([(16 - FRAME_W) / 2, FRAME_H, 2 + 1], center = true);
translate([-8, -19, 1.3]) {
for (i = [0 : 5]) {
registration_pin(0, i * 7.57);
module registration_pin(x, y) {
z = 3;
w = 1.27 - .3;
h = 1.9812 - .3;
translate([x, y, 0]) {
difference () {
cube([h, w, z], center = true);
translate([0, w/1.6, z - (w * 1.5)]) rotate([45, 0, 0]) cube([h, w, w], center = true);
translate([0, -w/1.6, z - (w * 1.5)]) rotate([-45, 0, 0]) cube([h, w, w], center = true);
rotate([0, 0, time]) 16mm_plate();