488 lines
17 KiB
488 lines
17 KiB
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
//import Log = require('log');
const delay_1 = require("delay");
const { SerialPort } = require('serialport');
const { ReadlineParser } = require('@serialport/parser-readline');
const exec = require('child_process').exec;
const parser = new ReadlineParser({ delimiter: '\r\n' });
const newlineRe = new RegExp('\n', 'g');
const returnRe = new RegExp('\r', 'g');
let eventEmitter;
let cfg;
let arduino;
const KNOWN = [
* Class representing the arduino communication features
class Arduino {
constructor(errorState) {
this.path = {};
this.known = KNOWN;
this.alias = {};
this.serial = { connect: {}, projector: {}, camera: {}, light: {} };
this.hasState = {};
this.baud = 57600;
this.queue = {};
this.timer = 0;
this.lock = false;
this.locks = {};
this.errorState = errorState;
async init() {
const Log = require('log');
this.log = await Log({ label: 'arduino' });
* Enumerate all connected devices that might be Arduinos
* @returns {Promise} Resolves after enumerating
async enumerate() {
let ports;
let matches = [];
try {
ports = await SerialPort.list();
catch (err) {
throw err;
this.log.info('Available ports:');
this.log.info(ports.map((port) => { return port.path; }).join(','));
ports.forEach((port) => {
if (this.known.indexOf(port.path) !== -1) {
else if ((port.manufacturer + '').toLowerCase().indexOf('arduino') !== -1) {
else if ((port.path + '').toLowerCase().indexOf('usbserial') !== -1) {
else if ((port.path + '').toLowerCase().indexOf('usbmodem') !== -1) {
else if ((port.path + '').toLowerCase().indexOf('ttyusb') !== -1) {
if (matches.length === 0) {
throw new Error('No USB devices found');
else if (matches.length > 0) {
return matches;
* Send a command to an Arduino using async/await
* @param {string} device Arduino identifier
* @param {string} cmd Single character command to send
* @returns {Promise} Resolves after sending
async sendAsync(device, cmd) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.log.info(`${device} -> ${cmd}`);
this.queue[cmd] = (ms) => {
return resolve(ms);
return this.serial[device].write(cmd, (err, results) => {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
async send(serial, cmd) {
const device = this.alias[serial];
let results;
this.log.info(`${cmd} -> ${serial}`);
if (this.locks[serial]) {
this.log.warning(`Serial ${serial} is locked`);
return false;
this.timer = new Date().getTime();
this.locks[serial] = true;
await delay_1.delay(cfg.arduino.serialDelay);
try {
results = await this.sendAsync(device, cmd);
catch (e) {
return this.log.error(e);
this.locks[serial] = false;
await eventEmitter.emit('arduino_send', cmd);
return results;
async sendString(serial, str) {
const device = this.alias[serial];
let writeSuccess;
await delay_1.delay(cfg.arduino.serialDelay);
if (typeof this.serial[device].fake !== 'undefined'
&& this.serial[device].fake) {
return this.serial[device].string(str);
else {
try {
writeSuccess = await this.writeAsync(device, str);
catch (e) {
return this.log.error(e);
return writeSuccess;
async stateAsync(device, confirm = false) {
const cmd = cfg.arduino.cmd.state;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.queue[cmd] = (state) => {
if (confirm) {
this.hasState[device] = true;
this.log.info(`Device ${device} supports state [${state}]`);
return resolve(state);
if (confirm) {
setTimeout(function () {
if (typeof this.queue[cmd] !== 'undefined') {
delete this.queue[cmd];
this.hasState[device] = false;
this.log.info(`Device ${device} does not support state`);
return resolve(null);
}.bind(this), 1000);
//this.log.info(`${device} -> ${cmd}`)
return this.serial[device].write(cmd, (err, results) => {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
async state(serial, confirm = false) {
const device = confirm ? this.alias['connect'] : this.alias[serial];
let results;
if (this.locks[serial]) {
return null;
this.timer = new Date().getTime();
this.locks[serial] = true;
await delay_1.delay(cfg.arduino.serialDelay);
try {
results = await this.stateAsync(device, confirm);
catch (e) {
return this.log.error(e);
this.locks[serial] = false;
await eventEmitter.emit('arduino_state', cfg.arduino.cmd.state);
return results;
* Send a string to an Arduino using async/await
* @param {string} device Arduino identifier
* @param {string} str String to send
* @returns {Promise} Resolves after sending
async writeAsync(device, str) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.serial[device].write(str, function (err, results) {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
return resolve(results);
end(serial, data) {
const end = new Date().getTime();
const ms = end - this.timer;
let complete;
this.log.info(`${serial} -> ${data}`);
if (this.queue[data] !== undefined) {
this.locks[serial] = false;
complete = this.queue[data](ms); //execute callback
eventEmitter.emit('arduino_end', data);
delete this.queue[data];
else if (data[0] === cfg.arduino.cmd.state) {
complete = this.queue[cfg.arduino.cmd.state](data);
delete this.queue[cfg.arduino.cmd.state];
return data;
else if (data[0] === cfg.arduino.cmd.error) {
this.log.error(`Received error from device ${serial}`);
//error state
//stop sequence
//throw error in ui
else {
//this.log.info('Received stray "' + data + '"') //silent to user
return ms;
aliasSerial(serial, device) {
//this.log.info(`Making "${serial}" an alias of ${device}`)
this.alias[serial] = device;
async connect(serial, device, confirm) {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
let connectSuccess;
this.path[serial] = device;
this.alias[serial] = device;
this.serial[device] = new SerialPort({
path: this.path[serial],
autoOpen: false,
baudRate: cfg.arduino.baud,
this.locks[device] = false;
try {
connectSuccess = await this.openArduino(device);
catch (e) {
this.log.error('failed to open: ' + e);
return reject(e);
//this.log.info(`Opened connection with ${this.path[serial]} as ${serial}`)
if (!confirm) {
this.serial[device].on('data', async (data) => {
let d = data.toString('utf8');
d = d.replace(newlineRe, '').replace(returnRe, '');
return this.end(serial, d);
else {
this.serial[device].on('data', async (data) => {
let d = data.toString('utf8');
d = d.replace(newlineRe, '').replace(returnRe, '');
return await this.confirmEnd(d);
return resolve(this.path[serial]);
confirmEnd(data) {
if (data === cfg.arduino.cmd.connect
|| data === cfg.arduino.cmd.projector_identifier
|| data === cfg.arduino.cmd.camera_identifier
|| data === cfg.arduino.cmd.light_identifier
|| data === cfg.arduino.cmd.projector_light_identifier
|| data === cfg.arduino.cmd.projector_camera_light_identifier
|| data === cfg.arduino.cmd.projector_camera_identifier
|| data === cfg.arduino.cmd.projector_second_identifier
|| data === cfg.arduino.cmd.projectors_identifier
|| data === cfg.arduino.cmd.projector_second_forward
|| data === cfg.arduino.cmd.projector_second_backward
|| data === cfg.arduino.cmd.projector_second
|| data === cfg.arduino.cmd.projectors
|| data === cfg.arduino.cmd.camera_second_identifier
|| data === cfg.arduino.cmd.cameras_identifier
|| data === cfg.arduino.cmd.camera_second_forward
|| data === cfg.arduino.cmd.camera_second_backward
|| data === cfg.arduino.cmd.camera_second
|| data === cfg.arduino.cmd.cameras
|| data === cfg.arduino.cmd.capper_identifier
|| data === cfg.arduino.cmd.camera_capper_identifier
|| data === cfg.arduino.cmd.camera_capper_projector_identifier
|| data === cfg.arduino.cmd.camera_capper_projectors_identifier) {
this.confirmExec(null, data);
this.confirmExec = {};
else if (data[0] === cfg.arduino.cmd.state) {
delete this.queue[cfg.arduino.cmd.state];
async verify() {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
const device = this.alias['connect'];
let writeSuccess;
this.confirmExec = function (err, data) {
if (data === cfg.arduino.cmd.connect) {
return resolve(true);
else {
return reject('Wrong data returned');
await delay_1.delay(cfg.arduino.serialDelay);
try {
writeSuccess = await this.sendAsync(device, cfg.arduino.cmd.connect);
catch (e) {
return reject(e);
return resolve(writeSuccess);
async distinguish() {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
const device = this.alias['connect'];
let writeSuccess;
let type;
this.confirmExec = function (err, data) {
if (data === cfg.arduino.cmd.projector_identifier) {
type = 'projector';
else if (data === cfg.arduino.cmd.camera_identifier) {
type = 'camera';
else if (data === cfg.arduino.cmd.light_identifier) {
type = 'light';
else if (data === cfg.arduino.cmd.projector_light_identifier) {
type = 'projector,light';
else if (data === cfg.arduino.cmd.projector_camera_light_identifier) {
type = 'projector,camera,light';
else if (data === cfg.arduino.cmd.projector_camera_identifier) {
type = 'projector,camera';
else if (data === cfg.arduino.cmd.projector_second_identifier) {
type = 'projector_second';
else if (data === cfg.arduino.cmd.projectors_identifier) {
type = 'projector,projector_second';
else if (data === cfg.arduino.cmd.camera_second_identifier) {
type = 'camera_second';
else if (data === cfg.arduino.cmd.cameras_identifier) {
type = 'camera,camera_second';
else if (data === cfg.arduino.cmd.camera_projectors_identifier) {
type = 'camera,projector,projector_second';
else if (data === cfg.arduino.cmd.cameras_projector_identifier) {
type = 'camera,camera_second,projector';
else if (data === cfg.arduino.cmd.cameras_projectors_identifier) {
type = 'camera,camera_second,projector,projector_second';
else if (data === cfg.arduino.cmd.capper_identifier) {
type = 'capper';
else if (data === cfg.arduino.cmd.camera_capper_identifier) {
type = 'camera,capper';
else if (data === cfg.arduino.cmd.camera_capper_projector_identifier) {
type = 'camera,capper,projector';
else if (data === cfg.arduino.cmd.camera_capper_projectors_identifier) {
type = 'camera,capper,projector,projector_second';
return resolve(type);
await delay_1.delay(cfg.arduino.serialDelay);
try {
writeSuccess = await this.sendAsync(device, cfg.arduino.cmd.mcopy_identifier);
catch (e) {
return reject(e);
async close() {
const device = this.alias['connect'];
let closeSuccess;
try {
closeSuccess = await this.closeArduino(device);
catch (e) {
throw e;
return closeSuccess;
async fakeConnect(serial) {
const device = '/dev/fake';
this.alias[serial] = device;
this.serial[device] = {
write: async function (cmd, cb) {
const t = {
c: cfg.arduino.cam.time + cfg.arduino.cam.delay,
p: cfg.arduino.proj.time + cfg.arduino.proj.delay,
A: 180,
B: 180
let timeout = t[cmd];
if (typeof timeout === 'undefined')
timeout = 10;
arduino.timer = +new Date();
await delay_1.delay(timeout);
arduino.end(serial, cmd);
return cb();
string: async function (str) {
//do nothing
return true;
fake: true
//this.log.info('Connected to fake arduino! Not real! Does not exist!')
return true;
* Connect to an Arduino using async/await
* @param {string} device Arduino identifier
* @returns {Promise} Resolves after opening
async openArduino(device) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
return this.serial[device].open((err) => {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
return resolve(true);
* Close a connection to an Arduino using async/await
* @param {string} device Arduino identifier
* @returns {Promise} Resolves after closing
async closeArduino(device) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
return this.serial[device].close((err) => {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
return resolve(true);
if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.parent) {
module.exports = function (c, ee, errorState) {
eventEmitter = ee;
cfg = c;
arduino = new Arduino(errorState);
return arduino;
//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map