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@ -11,7 +11,9 @@ FN = 120;
PlugD = 16.15 - 0.6;
PlugH = 11.65;
PlugGuideD = 17 - 0.6;
PlugPinD = 3.1;
PlugPinD1 = 1.9;
PlugPinD2 = 2.9;
PlugPinD3 = 3.9;
PlugGuideRetraction = 1.25;
@ -19,31 +21,44 @@ PinSpacing = 3.85;
SocketD = 16.15;
SocketGuideD = 17.5;
SocketOuterD = 20;
SocketH = 10.5;
SocketPinD = 3.1;
CollarD = 22;
GuideAngles = [0, 100, 140, 215, 260];
GuideWidths = [3.2, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5];
DEBUG = false;
function arc_angle (D, W) = W / ((PI/180) * (D/2));
module guide (Diameter, Height, Angle, Width) {
A = arc_angle(Diameter, Width);
rotate([0, 0, Angle]) difference () {
cylinder(r = R(Diameter), h = Height, center = true, $fn = FN);
rotate([0, 0, -A/2]) translate([Diameter / 2, 0, 0]) cube([Diameter, Diameter * 2, Height + 1], center = true);
rotate([0, 0, A/2]) translate([-Diameter / 2, 0, 0]) cube([Diameter, Diameter * 2, Height + 1], center = true);
if (!DEBUG) {
rotate([0, 0, Angle]) difference () {
cylinder(r = R(Diameter), h = Height, center = true, $fn = FN);
rotate([0, 0, -A/2]) translate([Diameter / 2, 0, 0]) cube([Diameter, Diameter * 2, Height + 1], center = true);
rotate([0, 0, A/2]) translate([-Diameter / 2, 0, 0]) cube([Diameter, Diameter * 2, Height + 1], center = true);
module plug_pin (X, Y, H) {
module plug_pin (X = 0, Y = 0, H = 10) {
translate([X, Y, 0]) rotate([180, 0, 0]) {
cylinder(r = R(PlugPinD3), h = H, center = true, $fn = 40);
translate([0, 0, -(H / 2) - (3.1 / 2)]) cylinder(r = R(PlugPinD2), h = 3.11, center = true, $fn = 40);
translate([0, 0, -(H / 2) - 3.1 - (0.7 / 2)]) cylinder(r1 = R(PlugPinD1), r2 = R(PlugPinD2), h = 0.72, center = true, $fn = 40);
translate([0, 0, -(H / 2) - 3.1 - 0.7 - (8 / 2)]) cylinder(r = R(PlugPinD1), h = 8.01, center = true, $fn = 40);
module socket_pin (X = 0, Y = 0, H = 10) {
translate([X, Y, 0]) {
cylinder(r = R(PlugPinD), h = H, center = true, $fn = 40);
cylinder(r = R(SocketPinD), h = H, center = true, $fn = 40);
@ -66,33 +81,60 @@ module plug_pin_voids (PinH) {
plug_pin(PinSpacing, -PinSpacing, PinH); //7
module socket_pin_voids (PinH) {
socket_pin(0, 0, PinH); //5
socket_pin(PinSpacing, 0, PinH); //4
socket_pin(-PinSpacing, 0, PinH); //6
socket_pin(0, PinSpacing, PinH); //2
socket_pin(0, -PinSpacing, PinH); //8
socket_pin(PinSpacing, PinSpacing, PinH); //1
socket_pin(-PinSpacing, PinSpacing, PinH); //3
socket_pin(-PinSpacing, -PinSpacing, PinH); //9
socket_pin(PinSpacing, -PinSpacing, PinH); //7
module cpc_9pin_plug () {
$fn = FN;
PinH = PlugH + 1;
difference () {
union () {
cylinder(r = R(PlugD), h = PlugH, center = true);
translate([0, 0, -(PlugH/2)+(2/2)]) cylinder(r = R(PlugD + 2), h = 2, center = true);
//translate([0, 0, -(PlugH/2)+(2/2)]) cylinder(r = R(PlugD + 2), h = 2, center = true);
translate([0, 0, -PlugGuideRetraction/2]) {
for (i = [0 : len(GuideAngles) - 1]) {
guide(PlugGuideD, PlugH - PlugGuideRetraction, GuideAngles[i], GuideWidths[i]);
translate([0, 0, -7]) cylinder(r = R(PlugD) - 0.5, h = PlugH, center = true);
translate([0, 0, -5]) plug_pin_voids(PinH);
module cpc_9pin_plug_insert () {
$fn = FN;
BaseH = 3;
translate([0, 0, -5.75]) difference () {
union () {
cylinder(r = R(PlugD - 1.2), h = 6, center = true);
translate([0, 0, -1]) cylinder(r = R(PlugD + 2.5), h = 2, center = true);
color("green") translate([0, 0, -7]) cylinder(r = R(PlugD + 1.2), h = 10, center = true);
cylinder(r = R(PlugD - 2.2), h = 30, center = true);
module cpc_9pin_plug_collar () {
$fn = FN;
H = 25;
H = 10;
difference () {
union () {
cylinder(r = R(CollarD), h = H, center = true);
cylinder(r = R(23), h = H, center = true);
cylinder(r = R(SocketD), h = H, center = true);
cylinder(r = R(17), h = H + 1, center = true);
cylinder(r = R(21), h = H - 4, center = true);
translate([0, 0, H / 2]) cylinder(r = R(19), h = H, center = true);
@ -103,16 +145,18 @@ module cpc_9pin_plug_back () {
module flange_guide_void (pos = [0, 0, 0], Z = 8) {
OD = 24;
ID = 19;
translate(pos) {
intersection () {
difference () {
cylinder(r = R(OD), h = Z, center = true);
cylinder(r = R(ID), h = Z + 1, center = true);
union () {
translate([0, 0, 1]) cube([5, 25, Z], center = true);
translate([0, 0, -3]) rotate([7, 0, 0]) translate([(OD/2)-(5/2), OD/4, 0]) cube([OD, OD/2, 3], center = true);
translate([0, 0, -3]) rotate([-7, 0, 0]) translate([-(OD/2)+(5/2), -OD/4, 0]) cube([OD, OD/2, 3], center = true);
if (!DEBUG) {
translate(pos) {
intersection () {
difference () {
cylinder(r = R(OD), h = Z, center = true);
cylinder(r = R(ID), h = Z + 1, center = true);
union () {
translate([0, 0, 1]) cube([5, 25, Z], center = true);
translate([0, 0, -3]) rotate([7, 0, 0]) translate([(OD/2)-(5/2), OD/4, 0]) cube([OD, OD/2, 3], center = true);
translate([0, 0, -3]) rotate([-7, 0, 0]) translate([-(OD/2)+(5/2), -OD/4, 0]) cube([OD, OD/2, 3], center = true);
@ -141,7 +185,7 @@ module cpc_9pin_socket () {
translate([0, 0, 3]) rotate([0,0, 37]) flange_guide_void([0, 0, (PlugH / 2) - (8 / 2) + 0.01], 8);
translate([0, 0, -((SocketH + BaseH) / 2) + (BaseH / 2)]) {
m3_bolt_void([BoltVoid/2, BoltVoid/2, 0], BaseH + 1);
@ -150,14 +194,15 @@ module cpc_9pin_socket () {
m3_bolt_void([-BoltVoid/2, -BoltVoid/2, 0], BaseH + 1);
module debug () {
difference () {
union () {
translate([0, 0, 13]) cpc_9pin_socket();
color("green") translate([0, 0, 2.1]) rotate([180, 0, 0]) cpc_9pin_socket();
translate([0, 0, -5]) cpc_9pin_plug_collar();
translate([25, 0, 0]) cube([50, 50, 100], center = true);
@ -165,6 +210,8 @@ module debug () {
if (PART == "9pin_plug") {
} else if (PART == "9pin_plug_insert") {
} else if (PART == "9pin_plug_collar") {
} else if (PART == "9pin_socket") {