@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#footer {
footer {
position: fixed;
bottom: 0;
width: 100%;
@ -13,23 +13,52 @@
display: none;
#colors-tabs {
width: 400px;
width: 411px;
#colors-content {
width: 400px;
width: 411px;
float: left;
.mcopy-light {
background: #000;
width: 15px;
height: 15px;
#light-status {
width: 400px;
width: 388px;
float: right;
#light-status > div {
position: relative;
clear: both;
#light-status > div:after {
content: "";
display: block;
#light-status form {
float: left;
line-height: 30px;
width: 40%;
#light-status form span {
width: 20px;
margin-left: 40px;
display: inline-block;
#light-status form input[type=text] {
width: 40px;
#preview {
margin-top: 40px;
#rgb {
border: 0;
border-radius: 0;
width: 411px;
font-size: 12px;
text-align: center;
#color {
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
@ -37,3 +66,11 @@
background-color: #000;
float: right;
.cp-app {
position: relative !important;
border-radius: 0px !important;
top: 0px !important;
.cp-app .cp-memo {
bottom: 2px !important;
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
position: fixed;
bottom: 0;
width: 100%;
@ -16,24 +16,52 @@
width: 400px;
width: 411px;
width: 400px;
width: 411px;
float: left;
background: #000;
width: 15px;
height: 15px;
width: 400px;
width: 388px;
float: right;
position: relative;
clear: both;
content: "";
display: block;
float: left;
line-height: 30px;
width: 40%;
width: 20px;
margin-left: 40px;
display: inline-block;
width: 40px;
margin-top: 40px;
border: 0;
border-radius: 0;
width: 411px;
font-size: 12px;
text-align: center;
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
@ -41,3 +69,12 @@
background-color: #000;
float: right;
position: relative !important;
border-radius: 0px !important;
top: 0px !important;
bottom: 2px !important;
@ -8,7 +8,9 @@ var scripts = [
@ -13,19 +13,26 @@
<nav id="toolbar"></nav>
<div id="screens">
<div id="controls" class="screen">
<div id="log"></div>
<div id="light">
<div id="light" class="screen">
<div id="colors-tabs"></div>
<div id="colors-content">
<div id="rgb"></div>
<div id="rgb-page" class="colors-page">
<input id="rgb" value="rgb(0, 0, 0)" />
<div id="light-status">
<span>R</span><input type="text" value="0"/><br />
<span>G</span><input type="text" value="0"/><br />
<span>B</span><input type="text" value="0"/>
<div id="color"></div>
<span>R</span><input type="text" value="0"/><br />
<span>G</span><input type="text" value="0"/><br />
<span>B</span><input type="text" value="0"/>
<div id="color"></div>
<input type="checkbox" name="preview" id="preview" class="effeckt-ckbox-ios7" />
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
var remote = require('remote'),
ipcRenderer = require('electron').ipcRenderer,
light = {},
nav = {},
log = {};
//console.log(ipcRenderer.sendSync('light', { 'fuck' : true }) );
@ -78,50 +79,137 @@ light.init = function () {
{ id: 'kelvin', caption: 'Kelvin'}
onClick: function (event) {
$('#colors-content').html('Tab: ' +;
//$('#colors-content').html('Tab: ' +;
/*var myColorPicker = new ColorPicker({
color: '', // see Colors...
mode: 'rgb-b', // initial mode the color picker is starting with
fps: 60, // the framerate colorPicker refreshes the display if no 'requestAnimationFrame'
delayOffset: 8, // pixels offset when shifting mouse up/down inside input fields before it starts acting as slider
CSSPrefix: 'cp-', // the standard prefix for (almost) all class declarations (HTML, CSS)
size: 0, // one of the 4 sizes: 0 = L (large), 1 = S, 2 = XS, 3 = XXS; resize to see what happens...
allMixDetails: true, // see Colors...
alphaBG: 'w', // initial 3rd layer bgColor (w = white, c = custom (customBG), b = black);
customBG: '#808080', // see Colors...
noAlpha: true, // disable alpha input (all sliders are gone and current alpha therefore locked)
cmyOnly: false, // display CMY instead of CMYK
memoryColors: [], // array of colors in memory section
opacityPositionRelative: undefined, // render opacity slider arrows in px or %
customCSS: undefined, // if external stylesheet, internal will be ignored...
appendTo: document.body, // the HTMLElement the colorPicker will be appended to on initialization
noRangeBackground: false, // performance option: doesn't render backgrounds in input fields if set to false
textRight: false, // not supported yet. Make numbers appear aligned right
noHexButton: false, // button next to HEX input could be used for some trigger...
noResize: false, // enable / disable resizing of colorPicker
noRGBr: false, // active / passive button right to RGB-R display. Disables rendering of 'real' color possibilities...
noRGBg: false, // same as above
noRGBb: false, // same as above
CSSStrength: 'div.', // not in use
devPicker: false, // uses existing HTML instead of internal template for developing
renderCallback: function(colors, mode){
}, // callback on after rendering (for further rendering outside colorPicker)
actionCallback: function(e, action){
}, // callback on any action within colorPicker (buttons, sliders, ...)
convertCallback: function(colors, type){
var a = colors.RND.rgb;
light.display([a.r, a.g, a.b]);
}, // see Colors...
var colors = jsColorPicker('#rgb', {
customBG: '#222',
readOnly: true,
size: 3,
// patch: false,
init: function(elm, colors) { // colors is a different instance (not connected to colorPicker)
|||| = elm.value;
|||| = colors.rgbaMixCustom.luminance > 0.22 ? '#222' : '#ddd';
convertCallback: function(colors, type){
var a = colors.RND.rgb,
rgb = [a.r, a.g, a.b];
light.color = rgb;
if (light.preview) {
light.display([0, 0, 0]);
$('#preview').on('change', function () {
light.preview = $(this).prop('checked');
if (light.preview) {
} else {
//color = [0,0,0]
light.set = function (rgb) {
'use strict';
light.current = rgb;
console.log('color: ' + rgb.join(','));
ipcRenderer.sendSync('light', rgb);
light.display = function (rgb) {
'use strict';
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
var str,
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
rgb[i] = Math.floor(rgb[i]);
$('#light-status form input').eq(i).val(rgb[i]);
light.color = rgb;
$('#color').css('background-color', 'rgb(' + rgb.join(',') + ')');
if (light.preview) {
str = 'rgb(' + rgb.join(',') + ')';
$('#color').css('background-color', str);
$('.mcopy-light').css('background-color', str);
light.color_on = false;
light.color_init = function () {
'use strict';
if (!light.color_on) {
light.color_on = true;
nav.init = function () {
'use strict';
name: 'toolbar',
items: [
{ type: 'radio', id: 'sequence', group: '1', caption: 'Sequence', icon: 'fa-star', checked: true },
{ type: 'radio', id: 'script', group: '1', caption: 'Script', icon: 'fa-star-empty' },
{ type: 'radio', id: 'controls', group: '1', caption: 'Controls', icon: 'fa-star-empty' },
{ type: 'radio', id: 'light', group: '1', caption: 'Light', icon: 'mcopy-light' },
{ type: 'spacer' },
{ type: 'button', id: 'settings', group: '1', caption: 'Settings', icon: 'fa-home' }
onClick : function (event) {
nav.change = function (id) {
'use strict';
$('#' + id).show();
if (id === 'light') {
var init = function () {
'use strict';
name: 'toolbar',
items: [
{ type: 'radio', id: 'item1', group: '1', caption: 'Sequence', icon: 'fa-star', checked: true },
{ type: 'radio', id: 'item2', group: '1', caption: 'Script', icon: 'fa-star-empty' },
{ type: 'radio', id: 'item3', group: '1', caption: 'Controls', icon: 'fa-star-empty' },
{ type: 'radio', id: 'item4', group: '1', caption: 'Light', icon: 'fa-star-empty' },
{ type: 'spacer' },
{ type: 'button', id: 'item5', group: '1', caption: 'Settings', icon: 'fa-home' }
onClick : function (event) {
@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
(function ($, window) {
colorPicker: function(config) {
var renderCallback = function(colors, mode) {
var options = this,
$input = $(options.input),
$patch = $(options.patch),
RGB = colors.RND.rgb,
HSL = colors.RND.hsl,
AHEX = options.isIE8 ? (colors.alpha < 0.16 ? '0' : '') +
(Math.round(colors.alpha * 100)).toString(16).toUpperCase() + colors.HEX : '',
RGBInnerText = RGB.r + ', ' + RGB.g + ', ' + RGB.b,
RGBAText = 'rgba(' + RGBInnerText + ', ' + colors.alpha + ')',
isAlpha = colors.alpha !== 1 && !options.isIE8,
colorMode = $'colorMode');
'color': (colors.rgbaMixCustom.luminance > 0.22 ? '#222' : '#ddd'), // Black...???
'background-color': RGBAText,
'filter' : (options.isIE8 ? 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(' + // IE<9
'startColorstr=#' + AHEX + ',' + 'endColorstr=#' + AHEX + ')' : '')
$input.val(colorMode === 'HEX' && !isAlpha ? '#' + (options.isIE8 ? AHEX : colors.HEX) :
colorMode === 'rgb' || (colorMode === 'HEX' && isAlpha) ?
(!isAlpha ? 'rgb(' + RGBInnerText + ')' : RGBAText) :
('hsl' + (isAlpha ? 'a(' : '(') + HSL.h + ', ' + HSL.s + '%, ' + HSL.l + '%' +
(isAlpha ? ', ' + colors.alpha : '') + ')')
if (options.displayCallback) {
options.displayCallback(colors, mode, options);
actionCallback = function(event, action) {
var options = this,
colorPicker = colorPickers.current;
if (action === 'toMemery') {
var memos = colorPicker.nodes.memos,
backgroundColor = '',
opacity = 0,
cookieTXT = [];
for (var n = 0, m = memos.length; n < m; n++) {
$memo = $(memos[n]);
backgroundColor = $memo.css('background-color');
opacity = Math.round($memo.css('opacity') * 100) / 100;
replace(/, /g, ',').
replace('rgb(', 'rgba(').
replace(')', ',' + opacity + ')')
cookieTXT = '\'' + cookieTXT.join('\',\'') + '\'';
$.docCookies('colorPickerMemos' + (options.noAlpha ? 'NoAlpha' : ''), cookieTXT);
} else if (action === 'resizeApp') {
$.docCookies('colorPickerSize', colorPicker.color.options.currentSize);
} else if (action === 'modeChange') {
var mode = colorPicker.color.options.mode;
$.docCookies('colorPickerMode', mode.type + '-' + mode.z);
createInstance = function(elm, config) {
var initConfig = {
klass: window.ColorPicker,
input: elm,
patch: elm,
isIE8: !!document.all && !document.addEventListener, // Opera???
animationSpeed: 200,
draggable: true,
margin: {left: -1, top: 2},
customBG: '#FFFFFF',
// displayCallback: displayCallback,
/* --- regular colorPicker options from this point --- */
color: elm.value,
initStyle: 'display: none',
mode: $.docCookies('colorPickerMode') || 'hsv-h',
// memoryColors: (function(colors, config) {
// return config.noAlpha ?
// colors.replace(/\,\d*\.*\d*\)/g, ',1)') : colors;
// })($.docCookies('colorPickerMemos'), config || {}),
memoryColors: $.docCookies('colorPickerMemos' + ((config || {}).noAlpha ? 'NoAlpha' : '')),
size: $.docCookies('colorPickerSize') || 1,
renderCallback: renderCallback,
actionCallback: actionCallback
for (var n in config) {
initConfig[n] = config[n];
return new initConfig.klass(initConfig);
doEventListeners = function(elm, multiple, off) {
var onOff = off ? 'off' : 'on';
$(elm)[onOff]('focus.colorPicker', function(e) {
var $input = $(this),
position = $input.offset(),
index = multiple ? $(that).index(this) : 0,
colorPicker = colorPickers[index] ||
(colorPickers[index] = createInstance(this, config)),
options = colorPicker.color.options,
$colorPicker = $.ui && options.draggable ?
{cancel: '.' + options.CSSPrefix + 'app div'}
) : $(colorPicker.nodes.colorPicker);
options.color = elm.value; // brings color to default on reset
'position': 'absolute',
'left': position.left + options.margin.left,
'top': + +$input.outerHeight(true) +
if (!multiple) {
options.input = elm;
options.patch = elm; // check again???
colorPicker.setColor(elm.value, undefined, undefined, true);
colorPickers.current = colorPickers[index];
$(options.appendTo || document.body).append($colorPicker);
setTimeout(function() { // compensating late style on onload in colorPicker
}, 0);
$(window)[onOff]('mousedown.colorPicker', function(e) {
var colorPicker = colorPickers.current,
$colorPicker = $(colorPicker ? colorPicker.nodes.colorPicker : undefined),
animationSpeed = colorPicker ? colorPicker.color.options.animationSpeed : 0,
isColorPicker = $('.cp-app')[0],
inputIndex = $(that).index(;
if (isColorPicker && colorPicker && $(colorPickers).index(isColorPicker)) {
if ( === colorPicker.nodes.exit) {
} else {
// buttons on colorPicker don't work any more
// $(document.body).append(isColorPicker);
} else if (inputIndex !== -1) {
// input fireld
} else {
that = this,
colorPickers = $.fn.colorPicker.colorPickers || [], // this is a way to prevent data binding on HTMLElements
testColors = new window.Colors({
customBG: (config && config.customBG) || '#FFFFFF',
allMixDetails: true
$.fn.colorPicker.colorPickers = colorPickers;
$(this).each(function(idx, elm) {
// doEventListeners(elm, (config && config.multipleInstances), true);
if (config !== 'destroy') {
var value = elm.value.split('(');
$(elm).data('colorMode', value[1] ? value[0].substr(0, 3) : 'HEX');
doEventListeners(elm, (config && config.multipleInstances), false);
if (config && config.readOnly) {
elm.readOnly = true;
if (config && config.init) {
config.init(elm, testColors.colors);
return this;
$.docCookies = function(key, val, options) {
var encode = encodeURIComponent, decode = decodeURIComponent,
cookies, n, tmp, cache = {},
if (val === undefined) { // all about reading cookies
cookies = document.cookie.split('; ') || []; // easier for decoding then with RegExp search // .split(/;\s*/)
for (n = cookies.length; n--; ) {
tmp = cookies[n].split('=');
if (tmp[0]) cache[decode(tmp.shift())] = decode(tmp.join('=')); // there might be '='s in the value...
if (!key) return cache; // return Json for easy access to all cookies
else return cache[key]; // easy access to cookies from here
} else { // write/delete cookie
options = options || {};
if (val === '' || options.expires < 0) { // prepare deleteing the cookie
options.expires = -1;
// options.path = options.domain = = undefined; // to make shure the cookie gets deleted...
if (options.expires !== undefined) { // prepare date if any
days = new Date();
days.setDate(days.getDate() + options.expires);
document.cookie = encode(key) + '=' + encode(val) +
(days ? '; expires=' + days.toUTCString() : '') +
(options.path ? '; path=' + options.path : '') +
(options.domain ? '; domain=' + options.domain : '') +
( ? '; secure' : '');
})(jQuery, this);
@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
(function (window) {
window.jsColorPicker = function(selectors, config) {
var renderCallback = function(colors, mode) {
var options = this,
input = options.input,
patch = options.patch,
RGB = colors.RND.rgb,
HSL = colors.RND.hsl,
AHEX = options.isIE8 ? (colors.alpha < 0.16 ? '0' : '') +
(Math.round(colors.alpha * 100)).toString(16).toUpperCase() + colors.HEX : '',
RGBInnerText = RGB.r + ', ' + RGB.g + ', ' + RGB.b,
RGBAText = 'rgba(' + RGBInnerText + ', ' + colors.alpha + ')',
isAlpha = colors.alpha !== 1 && !options.isIE8,
colorMode = input.getAttribute('data-colorMode');
|||| =
'color:' + (colors.rgbaMixCustom.luminance > 0.22 ? '#222' : '#ddd') + ';' + // Black...???
'background-color:' + RGBAText + ';' +
'filter:' + (options.isIE8 ? 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(' + // IE<9
'startColorstr=#' + AHEX + ',' + 'endColorstr=#' + AHEX + ')' : '');
input.value = (colorMode === 'HEX' && !isAlpha ? '#' + (options.isIE8 ? AHEX : colors.HEX) :
colorMode === 'rgb' || (colorMode === 'HEX' && isAlpha) ?
(!isAlpha ? 'rgb(' + RGBInnerText + ')' : RGBAText) :
('hsl' + (isAlpha ? 'a(' : '(') + HSL.h + ', ' + HSL.s + '%, ' + HSL.l + '%' +
(isAlpha ? ', ' + colors.alpha : '') + ')')
if (options.displayCallback) {
options.displayCallback(colors, mode, options);
extractValue = function(elm) {
return elm.value || elm.getAttribute('value') || || '#FFFFFF';
actionCallback = function(event, action) {
var options = this,
colorPicker = colorPickers.current;
if (action === 'toMemory') {
var memos = colorPicker.nodes.memos,
backgroundColor = '',
opacity = 0,
cookieTXT = [];
for (var n = 0, m = memos.length; n < m; n++) {
backgroundColor = memos[n].style.backgroundColor;
opacity = memos[n].style.opacity;
opacity = Math.round((opacity === '' ? 1 : opacity) * 100) / 100;
replace(/, /g, ',').
replace('rgb(', 'rgba(').
replace(')', ',' + opacity + ')')
cookieTXT = '\'' + cookieTXT.join('\',\'') + '\'';
ColorPicker.docCookies('colorPickerMemos' + (options.noAlpha ? 'NoAlpha' : ''), cookieTXT);
} else if (action === 'resizeApp') {
ColorPicker.docCookies('colorPickerSize', colorPicker.color.options.currentSize);
} else if (action === 'modeChange') {
var mode = colorPicker.color.options.mode;
ColorPicker.docCookies('colorPickerMode', mode.type + '-' + mode.z);
createInstance = function(elm, config) {
var initConfig = {
klass: window.ColorPicker,
input: elm,
patch: elm,
isIE8: !!document.all && !document.addEventListener, // Opera???
// *** animationSpeed: 200,
// *** draggable: true,
margin: {left: -1, top: 2},
customBG: '#FFFFFF',
// displayCallback: displayCallback,
/* --- regular colorPicker options from this point --- */
color: extractValue(elm),
initStyle: 'display: block',
mode: ColorPicker.docCookies('colorPickerMode') || 'hsv-h',
// memoryColors: (function(colors, config) {
// return config.noAlpha ?
// colors.replace(/\,\d*\.*\d*\)/g, ',1)') : colors;
// })($.docCookies('colorPickerMemos'), config || {}),
memoryColors: ColorPicker.docCookies('colorPickerMemos' +
((config || {}).noAlpha ? 'NoAlpha' : '')),
size: ColorPicker.docCookies('colorPickerSize') || 1,
renderCallback: renderCallback,
actionCallback: actionCallback
for (var n in config) {
initConfig[n] = config[n];
return new initConfig.klass(initConfig);
doEventListeners = function(elm, multiple, off) {
var onOff = off ? 'removeEventListener' : 'addEventListener',
focusListener = function(e) {
var input = this,
position = window.ColorPicker.getOrigin(input),
index = multiple ?, this) : 0,
colorPicker = colorPickers[index] ||
(colorPickers[index] = createInstance(this, config)),
options = colorPicker.color.options,
colorPickerUI = colorPicker.nodes.colorPicker;
options.color = extractValue(elm); // brings color to default on reset
|||| =
'position: absolute;' +
'left:' + (position.left + options.margin.left) + 'px;' +
'top:' + ( + +input.offsetHeight + + 'px;';
if (!multiple) {
options.input = elm;
options.patch = elm; // check again???
colorPicker.setColor(extractValue(elm), undefined, undefined, true);
colorPickers.current = colorPickers[index];
(options.appendTo || document.body).appendChild(colorPickerUI);
setTimeout(function() { // compensating late style on onload in colorPicker
|||| = 'block';
}, 0);
mousDownListener = function(e) {
var colorPicker = colorPickers.current,
colorPickerUI = (colorPicker ? colorPicker.nodes.colorPicker : undefined),
animationSpeed = colorPicker ? colorPicker.color.options.animationSpeed : 0,
isColorPicker = colorPicker && (function(elm) {
while (elm) {
if ((elm.className || '').indexOf('cp-app') !== -1) return elm;
elm = elm.parentNode;
return false;
inputIndex =,;
if (isColorPicker &&, isColorPicker)) {
if ( === colorPicker.nodes.exit) {
// = 'none';
} else {
// ...
} else if (inputIndex !== -1) {
// ...
} else if (colorPickerUI) {
// = 'none';
elm[onOff]('focus', focusListener);
if (!colorPickers.evt || off) {
colorPickers.evt = true; // prevent new eventListener for window
window[onOff]('mousedown', mousDownListener);
// this is a way to prevent data binding on HTMLElements
colorPickers = window.jsColorPicker.colorPickers || [],
elms = document.querySelectorAll(selectors),
testColors = new window.Colors({customBG: config.customBG, allMixDetails: true});
window.jsColorPicker.colorPickers = colorPickers;
for (var n = 0, m = elms.length; n < m; n++) {
var elm = elms[n];
if (config === 'destroy') {
doEventListeners(elm, (config && config.multipleInstances), true);
if (colorPickers[n]) {
} else {
var color = extractValue(elm);
var value = color.split('(');
if (config && config.init) {
config.init(elm, testColors.colors);
elm.setAttribute('data-colorMode', value[1] ? value[0].substr(0, 3) : 'HEX');
doEventListeners(elm, (config && config.multipleInstances), false);
if (config && config.readOnly) {
elm.readOnly = true;
return window.jsColorPicker.colorPickers;
window.ColorPicker.docCookies = function(key, val, options) {
var encode = encodeURIComponent, decode = decodeURIComponent,
cookies, n, tmp, cache = {},
if (val === undefined) { // all about reading cookies
cookies = document.cookie.split(/;\s*/) || [];
for (n = cookies.length; n--; ) {
tmp = cookies[n].split('=');
if (tmp[0]) cache[decode(tmp.shift())] = decode(tmp.join('=')); // there might be '='s in the value...
if (!key) return cache; // return Json for easy access to all cookies
else return cache[key]; // easy access to cookies from here
} else { // write/delete cookie
options = options || {};
if (val === '' || options.expires < 0) { // prepare deleteing the cookie
options.expires = -1;
// options.path = options.domain = = undefined; // to make shure the cookie gets deleted...
if (options.expires !== undefined) { // prepare date if any
days = new Date();
days.setDate(days.getDate() + options.expires);
document.cookie = encode(key) + '=' + encode(val) +
(days ? '; expires=' + days.toUTCString() : '') +
(options.path ? '; path=' + options.path : '') +
(options.domain ? '; domain=' + options.domain : '') +
( ? '; secure' : '');
Reference in New Issue