Create an Arri S mount for the JK rails

This commit is contained in:
Matt McWilliams 2023-01-01 11:43:21 -05:00
parent 20c9287ac2
commit 925659ba4b
2 changed files with 58 additions and 0 deletions

scad/arri_s_mount.scad Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
include <./common.scad>;
Z = 100;
baseX = 134.5;
baseY = 105.4;
baseZ = 20;
innerBaseX = 106.22;
innerBaseY = 75.88;
mountBoltsX = 71;
mountBoltsY = 90.66;
boltD = 5;
camBoltD = 10;
camBoltZ = 12;
module base () {
difference () {
cube([baseX, baseY, baseZ], center =true);
cube([innerBaseX, innerBaseY, baseZ + 1], center =true);
bolts(boltD, baseZ + 1);
module bolts (boltD = 5, boltZ = 12) {
$fn = 60;
translate([mountBoltsX/2, mountBoltsY/2, 0]) cylinder(r = R(boltD), h = boltZ, center = true);
translate([-mountBoltsX/2, mountBoltsY/2, 0]) cylinder(r = R(boltD), h = boltZ, center = true);
translate([mountBoltsX/2, -mountBoltsY/2, 0]) cylinder(r = R(boltD), h = boltZ, center = true);
translate([-mountBoltsX/2, -mountBoltsY/2, 0]) cylinder(r = R(boltD), h = boltZ, center = true);
module camera_bolt (width = 20) {
$fn = 60;
translate([width/2, 0, 0]) cylinder(r = R(camBoltD), h = Z + 1);
translate([-width/2, 0, 0]) cylinder(r = R(camBoltD), h = Z + 1);
cube([width, camBoltD, Z + 1], center = true);
module mount () {
difference () {
rounded_cube([mountBoltsX + 20, baseY, Z], d = 20, center =true, $fn = 60);
//center void
translate([0, 0, -camBoltZ]) cube([mountBoltsX - 20, innerBaseY, Z], center =true);
translate([0, 0, -camBoltZ]) cube([baseX + 1, innerBaseY - 40, Z], center =true);
bolts(boltD, Z + 1);
translate([0, 0, (Z / 2) - (Z / 2) + 15]) bolts(20, Z);
translate([0, 0, (baseZ/2) + (Z/2) + 5]) mount();

stl/arri_s_mount.stl Normal file

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