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2 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Matt McWilliams dbcf6c1b6e Start a case for the electronics 2023-01-14 18:38:07 -05:00
Matt McWilliams 44ea35b290 First draft of the idle roller 2023-01-14 18:37:59 -05:00
2 changed files with 74 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -162,8 +162,46 @@ module jk_takeup_halves (HALF = "A") {
module idle_roller () {
D1 = 16;
D3 = 90;
FN = 60;
difference () {
union() {
difference () {
cylinder(r = R(D1), h = 20.2, center = true, $fn = FN);
cylinder(r = R(D1)+1, h = 17, center = true, $fn = FN);
translate([0, 0, 0]) {
difference() {
cylinder(r = R(14), h = 17.1, center = true, $fn = FN);
for (i = [0 : FN - 1]) {
rotate([0, 0, (360 / FN) * i ]) {
translate([(D3/2)+6.1, 0, 0]) rotate([90, 0, 0]) cylinder(r = R(D3), h = 2, center = true, $fn = 200);
cylinder(r = R(4.25), h = 20.2 + 1, center = true, $fn = 30);
translate([0, 0, (20.2 / 2) - (5 / 2)]) cylinder(r = R(10), h = 5.1, center = true, $fn = FN);
module idle_roller_cap () {
difference () {
cylinder(r = R(10-0.3), h = 5, center = true, $fn = 60);
cylinder(r = R(4.25), h = 20.2 + 1, center = true, $fn = 30);
translate([0, 0, 1.01]) m4_nut();
//translate([0, 0, 40]) color("red") original_takeup();
//color("blue") jk_takeup_halves("B");
//translate([0, 0, (20.2 / 2) - (5 / 2)]) idle_roller_cap();

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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
include <../common/common.scad>;
module l289N_holes (r = 3/2 - .2, MOD_MOUNT = 0) {
$fn = 60;
H = 50;
translate([0, 0, 0]) cylinder(r = r, h = H * 5, center = true);
translate([DISTANCE, 0, 0]) cylinder(r = r, h = H * 5, center = true);
translate([DISTANCE, DISTANCE, 0]) cylinder(r = r, h = H * 5, center = true);
translate([0, DISTANCE, 0]) cylinder(r = r, h = H * 5, center = true);
module l289N_mount () {
$fn = 60;
DISTANCE = 36.5;
H = 4;
module stand () {
cylinder(r1 = 4, r2 = 3, h = H, center = true);
cylinder(r = R(3.5), h = H + 5, center = true);
translate([0, 0, 0]) stand();
translate([DISTANCE, 0, 0]) stand();
translate([DISTANCE, DISTANCE, 0]) stand();
translate([0, DISTANCE, 0]) stand();
difference () {
translate([DISTANCE/2, DISTANCE/2, -3]) rounded_cube([DISTANCE + 8, DISTANCE + 8, THICKNESS], 8, center = true); //base
translate([DISTANCE/2, DISTANCE/2, -3]) rounded_cube([DISTANCE - 5, DISTANCE - 5, THICKNESS+1], 10, center = true); //base