# Split Reels This script generates 3D-printable, threaded split reels for 16mm and 8mm film. This is a parametric model, so download the source code and generate split reels of any capacity for either 16mm or 8mm gauge film. The design is roughly-compatible with the aluminum reels, but threading plastic onto metal or *vice versa* may break the printed parts. The downloadable models are 120m/400ft reels for 16mm and 8mm film and are designed to hold standard film cores. To use this script download the source files and create a new file in the directory in OpenSCAD. ```scad use ; split_reel("8mm", 240, "A"); ``` This will generate the threaded side of a split reel for 8mm gauge film for 240m or 800ft of film. ## 16mm Split Reel 120m/400ft - Side A (Threaded) ### [Download STL](./stl/split_reel_16mm_120m_A.stl) ![16mm Split Reel 120m/400ft - Side A](./stl/split_reel_16mm_120m_A.jpg) ## 16mm Split Reel 120m/400ft - Side B ### [Download STL](./stl/split_reel_16mm_120m_B.stl) ![16mm Split Reel 120m/400ft - Side B](./img/split_reel_16mm_120m_B.jpg) ## 8mm Split Reel 120m/400ft - Side A (Threaded) ### [Download STL](./stl/split_reel_super8_120m_A.stl) ![8mm Split Reel 120m/400ft - Side A](./stl/split_reel_super8_120m_A.jpg) ## 8mm Split Reel 120m/400ft - Side B ### [Download STL](./stl/split_reel_super8_120m_B.stl) ![8mm Split Reel 120m/400ft - Side B](./img/split_reel_super8_120m_B.jpg) ## Other STLs * [16mm Split Reel 60m/200ft - Side A (Threaded)](./stl/split_reel_16mm_60m_A.stl) * [16mm Split Reel 60m/200ft - Side B](./stl/split_reel_16mm_60m_B.stl) * [16mm Split Reel 30m/100ft - Side A (Threaded)](./stl/split_reel_16mm_30m_A.stl) * [16mm Split Reel 30m/200ft - Side B](./stl/split_reel_16mm_30m_B.stl) * [8mm Split Reel 60m/200ft - Side A (Threaded)](./stl/split_reel_8mm_60m_A.stl) * [8mm Split Reel 60m/200ft - Side B](./stl/split_reel_8mm_60m_A.stl) * [8mm Split Reel 30m/100ft - Side A (Threaded)](./stl/split_reel_8mm_30m_A.stl) * [8mm Split Reel 30m/100ft - Side B](./stl/split_reel_8mm_30m_B.stl)