/* Modified by Matt McWilliams 2021 stipple_gen This application is intended to replace the original UI of StippleGen_2 with a simple Processing application that can be run using command line arguments or a config file. Arguments take precedence over the config file. Why do it this way? So that the stippling process can be run headless with a config file or command line arguments. Why do that? So this application can be used for automated image generation. License: LGPL 2.1 ******************************************************************************* HISTORY ******************************************************************************* Program is based on StippleGen_2 SVG Stipple Generator, v. 2.31 Copyright (C) 2013 by Windell H. Oskay, www.evilmadscientist.com Full Documentation: http://wiki.evilmadscience.com/StippleGen Blog post about the release: http://www.evilmadscientist.com/go/stipple2 An implementation of Weighted Voronoi Stippling: http://mrl.nyu.edu/~ajsecord/stipples.html ******************************************************************************* StippleGen_2 is based on the Toxic Libs Library ( http://toxiclibs.org/ ) & example code: http://forum.processing.org/topic/toxiclib-voronoi-example-sketch Additional inspiration: Stipple Cam from Jim Bumgardner http://joyofprocessing.com/blog/2011/11/stipple-cam/ and MeshLibDemo.pde - Demo of Lee Byron's Mesh library, by Marius Watz - http://workshop.evolutionzone.com/ Requires Toxic Libs library: http://hg.postspectacular.com/toxiclibs/downloads */ /* * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * http://creativecommons.org/licenses/LGPL/2.1/ * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ import toxi.geom.*; import toxi.geom.mesh2d.*; import toxi.util.datatypes.*; import toxi.processing.*; ToxiclibsSupport gfx; public class Config { private String filePath; private File file; private String[] data; public int canvasWidth = 800; public int canvasHeight = 600; public float canvasScalar = 1.0; public boolean display = true; public int windowWidth = 800; public int windowHeight = 600; public boolean invert = false; public boolean selectInput = false; public String inputImage; public String outputImage; public String outputSVG; public int centroidsPerPass = 500; public int testsPerFrame = 90000; // public int maxGenerations = 5; //number of generations public float minDotSize = 1.25; //2; public float maxDotSize; public float dotSizeFactor = 4; //5; public int maxParticles = 2000; // Max value is normally 10000. public float cutoff = 0; // White cutoff value public int optimize = 1000; public boolean gammaCorrection = false; public float gamma = 1.0; public boolean fill = false; public float fillAngle = 45.0; public boolean fillRandom = false; public boolean dot = false; public float line = 1.0; public String mode = "stipple"; //tsp public Config (String inputFile) { int index; String[] parts; file = new File(inputFile); filePath = file.getAbsolutePath(); boolean exists = file.isFile(); filePath = file.getAbsolutePath(); exists = file.isFile(); index = argIndex("--config"); if (index == -1) { index = argIndex("-c"); } if (index > -1) { file = new File(args[index + 1]); filePath = file.getAbsolutePath(); exists = file.isFile(); } if (exists) { println("Using config " + filePath); file = new File(filePath); data = loadStrings(filePath); } if (data != null) { for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { parts = splitTokens(data[i], "="); setVar(parts[0], parts[1], filePath); } } if (args != null) { for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i+=2) { if (args[i].startsWith("--")) { setVar(args[i].substring(2), args[i+1], "args"); } else { setVar(args[i], args[i+1], "args"); } } } } private int argIndex (String arg) { int index = -1; if (args != null) { for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if ( args[i].startsWith(arg) ) { index = i; } } } return index; } private int intOrDie (String name, String val) { int intVal = -1; try { intVal = parseInt(val); } catch (Exception e) { println("Error parsing value " + name); println(e); exit(); } return intVal; } private boolean boolOrDie (String name, String val) { String[] truthy = { "true", "on", "t" }; String[] falsey = { "false", "off", "f" }; boolean boolVal = true; String compare = val.trim().toLowerCase(); for (int i = 0; i < truthy.length; i++) { if (truthy[i].equals(compare)) { boolVal = true; break; } } for (int i = 0; i < falsey.length; i++) { if (falsey[i].equals(compare)) { boolVal = false; break; } } return boolVal; } private float floatOrDie (String name, String val) { float floatVal = -1.0; try { floatVal = parseFloat(val); } catch (Exception e) { println("Error parsing value " + name); println(e); exit(); } return floatVal; } private String strOrDie (String name, String val) { return val.trim(); } public void setVar (String name, String val, String source) { switch (name) { case "canvasWidth" : canvasWidth = intOrDie(name, val); break; case "canvasHeight" : canvasHeight = intOrDie(name, val); break; case "canvasScalar" : canvasScalar = floatOrDie(name, val); break; case "display" : display = boolOrDie(name, val); break; case "windowWidth" : windowWidth = intOrDie(name, val); break; case "windowHeight" : windowHeight = intOrDie(name, val); break; case "invert" : invert = boolOrDie(name, val); break; case "inputImage" : inputImage = strOrDie(name, val); break; case "outputImage" : outputImage = strOrDie(name, val); break; case "outputSVG" : outputSVG = strOrDie(name, val); break; case "centroidsPerPass" : centroidsPerPass = intOrDie(name, val); break; case "testsPerFrame" : testsPerFrame = intOrDie(name, val); break; case "maxGenerations" : maxGenerations = intOrDie(name, val); break; case "minDotSize" : minDotSize = floatOrDie(name, val); break; case "maxDotSize" : maxDotSize = floatOrDie(name, val); break; case "dotSizeFactor" : dotSizeFactor = floatOrDie(name, val); break; case "maxParticles" : maxParticles = intOrDie(name, val); break; case "cutoff" : cutoff = intOrDie(name, val); break; case "gammaCorrection" : gammaCorrection = boolOrDie(name, val); break; case "gamma" : gamma = floatOrDie(name, val); case "fill" : fill = boolOrDie(name, val); break; case "fillAngle" : fillAngle = floatOrDie(name, val); break; case "fillRandom" : fillRandom = boolOrDie(name, val); break; case "dot" : dot = boolOrDie(name, val); break; case "line" : line = floatOrDie(name, val); break; case "mode" : mode = strOrDie(name, val); break; case "optimize" : optimize = intOrDie(name, val); break; } println("[" + source + "] " + name + "=" + val); } } Config config; final float ACCY = 1E-9f; int cellBuffer = 100; //Scale each cell to fit in a cellBuffer-sized square window for computing the centroid. int borderWidth = 6; float imageRatio; float mainRatio; float windowRatio; float lowBorderX; float hiBorderX; float lowBorderY; float hiBorderY; boolean ReInitiallizeArray; boolean fileLoaded; int SaveNow; String[] FileOutput; String StatusDisplay = "Initializing, please wait. :)"; String lastStatusDisplay = ""; float millisLastFrame = 0; float frameTime = 0; String ErrorDisplay = ""; float ErrorTime; Boolean ErrorDisp = false; int Generation; int lastGeneration = 0; int particleRouteLength; int RouteStep; boolean showBG; boolean showPath; boolean showCells; boolean TempShowCells; boolean FileModeTSP = false; int vorPointsAdded; boolean VoronoiCalculated; // Toxic libs library setup: Voronoi voronoi; Polygon2D RegionList[]; PolygonClipper2D clip; // polygon clipper int cellsTotal, cellsCalculated, cellsCalculatedLast; PImage img, imgload, imgblur; PGraphics canvas; Vec2D[] particles; int[] particleRoute; String[] header = {" image/svg+xml "}; void LoadImageAndScale() { int tempx = 0; int tempy = 0; img = createImage(config.canvasWidth, config.canvasHeight, RGB); imgblur = createImage(config.canvasWidth, config.canvasHeight, RGB); img.loadPixels(); if (config.invert) { for (int i = 0; i < img.pixels.length; i++) { img.pixels[i] = color(0); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < img.pixels.length; i++) { img.pixels[i] = color(255); } } img.updatePixels(); if (config.inputImage != null) { imgload = loadImage(config.inputImage); fileLoaded = true; } if (config.display && config.selectInput && config.inputImage == null && !fileLoaded ) { noLoop(); LOAD_FILE(); return; } if ( fileLoaded == false) { // Load a demo image, at least until we have a "real" image to work with. imgload = loadImage("grace.jpg"); // Load demo image } imageRatio = (float) imgload.width / (float) imgload.height; mainRatio = (float) config.canvasWidth / (float) config.canvasHeight; windowRatio = (float) config.windowWidth / (float) config.windowHeight; println("Image: " + imgload.width + "x" + imgload.height); println("Ratio: " + imageRatio); println("Main : " + config.canvasWidth + "x" + config.canvasHeight); println("Ratio: " + mainRatio); //resize the image to fit within canvas size if ((imgload.width > config.canvasWidth) || (imgload.height > config.canvasHeight)) { if (imageRatio > mainRatio) { imgload.resize(config.canvasWidth, 0); } else { imgload.resize(0, config.canvasHeight); } } if (imgload.height < (config.canvasHeight - 2) ) { tempy = (int) (( config.canvasHeight - imgload.height ) / 2) ; } if (imgload.width < (config.canvasWidth - 2)) { tempx = (int) (( config.canvasWidth - imgload.width ) / 2) ; } img.copy(imgload, 0, 0, imgload.width, imgload.height, tempx, tempy, imgload.width, imgload.height); //if (config.invert) { // img.filter(INVERT); //} if (config.gammaCorrection) { // Optional gamma correction for background image. img.loadPixels(); float tempFloat; // Normally in the range 0.25 - 4.0 for (int i = 0; i < img.pixels.length; i++) { tempFloat = brightness(img.pixels[i]) / 255; img.pixels[i] = color(floor(255 * pow(tempFloat, config.gamma))); } img.updatePixels(); } imgblur.copy(img, 0, 0, img.width, img.height, 0, 0, img.width, img.height); // This is a duplicate of the background image, that we will apply a blur to, // to reduce "high frequency" noise artifacts. imgblur.filter(BLUR, 1); // Low-level blur filter to eliminate pixel-to-pixel noise artifacts. imgblur.loadPixels(); } void MainArraysetup() { // Main particle array initialization (to be called whenever necessary): LoadImageAndScale(); // image(img, 0, 0); // SHOW BG IMG particles = new Vec2D[config.maxParticles]; // Fill array by "rejection sampling" int i = 0; while (i < config.maxParticles) { float fx = lowBorderX + random(hiBorderX - lowBorderX); float fy = lowBorderY + random(hiBorderY - lowBorderY); float p = brightness(imgblur.pixels[ floor(fy)*imgblur.width + floor(fx) ])/255; // OK to use simple floor_ rounding here, because this is a one-time operation, // creating the initial distribution that will be iterated. if (config.invert) { p = 1 - p; } if (random(1) >= p ) { Vec2D p1 = new Vec2D(fx, fy); particles[i] = p1; i++; } } particleRouteLength = 0; Generation = 0; millisLastFrame = millis(); RouteStep = 0; VoronoiCalculated = false; cellsCalculated = 0; vorPointsAdded = 0; voronoi = new Voronoi(); // Erase mesh TempShowCells = true; } void settings () { config = new Config(sketchPath() + "/config.txt"); if (config.display == true) { size(config.windowWidth, config.windowHeight, JAVA2D); } } void setup () { if (!config.display) { surface.setVisible(false); } canvas = createGraphics(config.canvasWidth, config.canvasHeight, JAVA2D); gfx = new ToxiclibsSupport(this, canvas); lowBorderX = borderWidth; //config.canvasWidth*0.01; hiBorderX = config.canvasWidth - borderWidth; //config.canvasWidth*0.98; lowBorderY = borderWidth; // config.canvasHeight*0.01; hiBorderY = config.canvasHeight - borderWidth; //config.canvasHeight*0.98; int innerWidth = config.canvasWidth - 2 * borderWidth; int innerHeight = config.canvasHeight - 2 * borderWidth; clip = new SutherlandHodgemanClipper(new Rect(lowBorderX, lowBorderY, innerWidth, innerHeight)); MainArraysetup(); // Main particle array setup config.maxDotSize = config.minDotSize * (1 + config.dotSizeFactor); //best way to do this? ReInitiallizeArray = false; showBG = false; showPath = true; showCells = false; fileLoaded = false; SaveNow = 0; if (config.mode.equals("tsp") || config.mode.equals("TSP")) { FileModeTSP = true; println("Using TSP mode"); } background(0); } /*** * Callback for selectInput() in LOAD_FILE. * Loads file if filetype is acceptable. ***/ void fileSelected (File selection) { String[] acceptedExt = { "GIF", "JPG", "JPEG", "TGA", "PNG" }; String[] parts; String loadPath; boolean fileOK = false; if (selection == null) { println("Window was closed or the user hit cancel."); } else { //println("User selected " + selection.getAbsolutePath()); loadPath = selection.getAbsolutePath(); // If a file was selected, print path to file println("Loaded file: " + loadPath); parts = splitTokens(loadPath, "."); for (int i = 0; i < acceptedExt.length; i++) { if ( parts[parts.length - 1].toUpperCase().equals(acceptedExt[i])) { fileOK = true; break; } } println("File OK: " + fileOK); if (fileOK) { imgload = loadImage(loadPath); fileLoaded = true; // MainArraysetup(); ReInitiallizeArray = true; } else { // Can't load file ErrorDisplay = "ERROR: BAD FILE TYPE"; ErrorTime = millis(); ErrorDisp = true; } } LoadImageAndScale(); loop(); } void LOAD_FILE () { println(":::LOAD JPG, GIF or PNG FILE:::"); selectInput("Select a file to process:", "fileSelected"); // Opens file chooser } void SAVE_PATH() { FileModeTSP = true; SAVE_SVG(); } void SAVE_STIPPLES () { FileModeTSP = false; SAVE_SVG(); } void SaveFileSelected (File selection) { if (selection == null) { // If a file was not selected println("No output file was selected..."); ErrorDisplay = "ERROR: NO FILE NAME CHOSEN."; ErrorTime = millis(); ErrorDisp = true; exit(); } else { config.outputSVG = selection.getAbsolutePath(); String[] p = splitTokens(config.outputSVG, "."); boolean fileOK = false; if ( p[p.length - 1].equals("SVG") || p[p.length - 1].equals("svg")) { fileOK = true; } if (fileOK == false) { config.outputSVG = config.outputSVG + ".svg"; } // If a file was selected, print path to folder println("Save file: " + config.outputSVG); SaveNow = 1; showPath = true; ErrorDisplay = "SAVING FILE..."; ErrorTime = millis(); ErrorDisp = true; } loop(); } void SAVE_SVG () { noLoop(); selectOutput("Output .svg file name:", "SaveFileSelected"); } void QUIT(float theValue) { exit(); } void ORDER_ON_OFF(float theValue) { if (showPath) { showPath = false; } else { showPath = true; } } void CELLS_ON_OFF(float theValue) { if (showCells) { showCells = false; } else { showCells = true; } } void IMG_ON_OFF(float theValue) { if (showBG) { showBG = false; } else { showBG = true; } } void INVERT_IMG(float theValue) { if (config.invert) { config.invert = false; } else { config.invert = true; } ReInitiallizeArray = true; } void Stipples(int inValue) { if (config.maxParticles != (int) inValue) { println("Update: Stipple Count -> " + inValue); ReInitiallizeArray = true; } } void Min_Dot_Size(float inValue) { if (config.minDotSize != inValue) { println("Update: Min_Dot_Size -> " + inValue); config.minDotSize = inValue; config.maxDotSize = config.minDotSize* (1 + config.dotSizeFactor); } } void Dot_Size_Range(float inValue) { if (config.dotSizeFactor != inValue) { println("Update: Dot Size Range -> " + inValue); config.dotSizeFactor = inValue; config.maxDotSize = config.minDotSize* (1 + config.dotSizeFactor); } } void White_Cutoff(float inValue) { if (config.cutoff != inValue) { println("Update: White_Cutoff -> "+inValue); config.cutoff = inValue; RouteStep = 0; // Reset TSP path } } void DoBackgrounds() { if (showBG) { canvas.image(img, 0, 0); // Show original (cropped and scaled, but not blurred!) image in background } else { if (config.invert) { canvas.background(0); } else { canvas.background(255); } } } void OptimizePlotPath () { println("Optimizing plot path..."); int temp; StatusDisplay = "Optimizing plotting path"; Vec2D p1; if (RouteStep == 0) { float cutoffScaled = 1 - config.cutoff; // Begin process of optimizing plotting route, by flagging particles that will be shown. particleRouteLength = 0; boolean particleRouteTemp[] = new boolean[config.maxParticles]; for (int i = 0; i < config.maxParticles; ++i) { particleRouteTemp[i] = false; int px = (int) particles[i].x; int py = (int) particles[i].y; if ((px >= imgblur.width) || (py >= imgblur.height) || (px < 0) || (py < 0)) { continue; } float v = (brightness(imgblur.pixels[ py*imgblur.width + px ]))/255; if (config.invert) { v = 1 - v; } if (v < cutoffScaled) { particleRouteTemp[i] = true; particleRouteLength++; } } particleRoute = new int[particleRouteLength]; int tempCounter = 0; for (int i = 0; i < config.maxParticles; ++i) { if (particleRouteTemp[i]) { particleRoute[tempCounter] = i; tempCounter++; } } // These are the ONLY points to be drawn in the tour. } if (RouteStep < (particleRouteLength - 2)) { // Nearest neighbor ("Simple, Greedy") algorithm path optimization: int StopPoint = RouteStep + config.optimize; // 1000 steps per frame displayed; you can edit this number! if (StopPoint > (particleRouteLength - 1)) { StopPoint = particleRouteLength - 1; } for (int i = RouteStep; i < StopPoint; ++i) { p1 = particles[particleRoute[RouteStep]]; int ClosestParticle = 0; float distMin = Float.MAX_VALUE; for (int j = RouteStep + 1; j < (particleRouteLength - 1); ++j) { Vec2D p2 = particles[particleRoute[j]]; float dx = p1.x - p2.x; float dy = p1.y - p2.y; float distance = (float) (dx*dx+dy*dy); // Only looking for closest; do not need sqrt factor! if (distance < distMin) { ClosestParticle = j; distMin = distance; } } temp = particleRoute[RouteStep + 1]; // p1 = particles[particleRoute[RouteStep + 1]]; particleRoute[RouteStep + 1] = particleRoute[ClosestParticle]; particleRoute[ClosestParticle] = temp; if (RouteStep < (particleRouteLength - 1)) { RouteStep++; } else { println("Now optimizing plot path" ); } } } else { // Initial routing is complete // 2-opt heuristic optimization: // Identify a pair of edges that would become shorter by reversing part of the tour. for (int i = 0; i < config.testsPerFrame; i++) { int indexA = floor(random(particleRouteLength - 1)); int indexB = floor(random(particleRouteLength - 1)); if (Math.abs(indexA - indexB) < 2) { continue; } if (indexB < indexA) { // swap A, B. temp = indexB; indexB = indexA; indexA = temp; } Vec2D a0 = particles[particleRoute[indexA]]; Vec2D a1 = particles[particleRoute[indexA + 1]]; Vec2D b0 = particles[particleRoute[indexB]]; Vec2D b1 = particles[particleRoute[indexB + 1]]; // Original distance: float dx = a0.x - a1.x; float dy = a0.y - a1.y; float distance = (float) (dx*dx+dy*dy); // Only a comparison; do not need sqrt factor! dx = b0.x - b1.x; dy = b0.y - b1.y; distance += (float) (dx*dx+dy*dy); // Only a comparison; do not need sqrt factor! // Possible shorter distance? dx = a0.x - b0.x; dy = a0.y - b0.y; float distance2 = (float) (dx*dx+dy*dy); // Only a comparison; do not need sqrt factor! dx = a1.x - b1.x; dy = a1.y - b1.y; distance2 += (float) (dx*dx+dy*dy); // Only a comparison; do not need sqrt factor! if (distance2 < distance) { // Reverse tour between a1 and b0. int indexhigh = indexB; int indexlow = indexA + 1; while (indexhigh > indexlow) { temp = particleRoute[indexlow]; particleRoute[indexlow] = particleRoute[indexhigh]; particleRoute[indexhigh] = temp; indexhigh--; indexlow++; } } } } frameTime = (millis() - millisLastFrame) / 1000; millisLastFrame = millis(); } void doPhysics() { // Iterative relaxation via weighted Lloyd's algorithm. int temp; int CountTemp; if (VoronoiCalculated == false){ // Part I: Calculate voronoi cell diagram of the points. StatusDisplay = "Calculating Voronoi diagram "; // float millisBaseline = millis(); // Baseline for timing studies // println("Baseline. Time = " + (millis() - millisBaseline) ); if (vorPointsAdded == 0) { voronoi = new Voronoi(); // Erase mesh } temp = vorPointsAdded + 500; // This line: VoronoiPointsPerPass (Feel free to edit this number.) if (temp > config.maxParticles) { temp = config.maxParticles; } for (int i = vorPointsAdded; i < temp; i++) { // Optional, for diagnostics::: try { voronoi.addPoint(new Vec2D(particles[i].x, particles[i].y )); } catch (Exception e) { continue; } vorPointsAdded++; } if (vorPointsAdded >= config.maxParticles) { // println("Points added. Time = " + (millis() - millisBaseline) ); cellsTotal = (voronoi.getRegions().size()); vorPointsAdded = 0; cellsCalculated = 0; cellsCalculatedLast = 0; RegionList = new Polygon2D[cellsTotal]; int i = 0; for (Polygon2D poly : voronoi.getRegions()) { RegionList[i++] = poly; // Build array of polygons } VoronoiCalculated = true; } } else{ // Part II: Calculate weighted centroids of cells. // float millisBaseline = millis(); // println("fps = " + frameRate ); StatusDisplay = "Calculating weighted centroids"; // This line: CentroidsPerPass (Feel free to edit this number.) // Higher values give slightly faster computation, but a less responsive GUI. // Default value: 500 temp = cellsCalculated + config.centroidsPerPass; if (temp > cellsTotal) { temp = cellsTotal; } for (int i=cellsCalculated; i< temp; i++) { float xMax = 0; float xMin = config.canvasWidth; float yMax = 0; float yMin = config.canvasHeight; float xt, yt; Polygon2D region = clip.clipPolygon(RegionList[i]); for (Vec2D v : region.vertices) { xt = v.x; yt = v.y; if (xt < xMin) { xMin = xt; } if (xt > xMax) { xMax = xt; } if (yt < yMin) { yMin = yt; } if (yt > yMax) { yMax = yt; } } float xDiff = xMax - xMin; float yDiff = yMax - yMin; float maxSize = max(xDiff, yDiff); float minSize = min(xDiff, yDiff); float scaleFactor = 1.0; // Maximum voronoi cell extent should be between // cellBuffer/2 and cellBuffer in size. while (maxSize > cellBuffer) { scaleFactor *= 0.5; maxSize *= 0.5; } while (maxSize < (cellBuffer/2)) { scaleFactor *= 2; maxSize *= 2; } if ((minSize * scaleFactor) > (cellBuffer/2)) { // Special correction for objects of near-unity (square-like) aspect ratio, // which have larger area *and* where it is less essential to find the exact centroid: scaleFactor *= 0.5; } float StepSize = (1/scaleFactor); float xSum = 0; float ySum = 0; float dSum = 0; float PicDensity = 1.0; if (config.invert) { for (float x=xMin; x<=xMax; x += StepSize) { for (float y=yMin; y<=yMax; y += StepSize) { Vec2D p0 = new Vec2D(x, y); if (region.containsPoint(p0)) { // Thanks to polygon clipping, NO vertices will be beyond the sides of imgblur. PicDensity = 0.001 + (brightness(imgblur.pixels[ round(y)*imgblur.width + round(x) ])); xSum += PicDensity * x; ySum += PicDensity * y; dSum += PicDensity; } } } } else { for (float x=xMin; x<=xMax; x += StepSize) { for (float y=yMin; y<=yMax; y += StepSize) { Vec2D p0 = new Vec2D(x, y); if (region.containsPoint(p0)) { // Thanks to polygon clipping, NO vertices will be beyond the sides of imgblur. PicDensity = 255.001 - (brightness(imgblur.pixels[ round(y)*imgblur.width + round(x) ])); xSum += PicDensity * x; ySum += PicDensity * y; dSum += PicDensity; } } } } if (dSum > 0) { xSum /= dSum; ySum /= dSum; } Vec2D centr; float xTemp = (xSum); float yTemp = (ySum); if ((xTemp <= lowBorderX) || (xTemp >= hiBorderX) || (yTemp <= lowBorderY) || (yTemp >= hiBorderY)) { // If new centroid is computed to be outside the visible region, use the geometric centroid instead. // This will help to prevent runaway points due to numerical artifacts. centr = region.getCentroid(); xTemp = centr.x; yTemp = centr.y; // Enforce sides, if absolutely necessary: (Failure to do so *will* cause a crash, eventually.) if (xTemp <= lowBorderX) { xTemp = lowBorderX + 1; } if (xTemp >= hiBorderX) { xTemp = hiBorderX - 1; } if (yTemp <= lowBorderY) { yTemp = lowBorderY + 1; } if (yTemp >= hiBorderY) { yTemp = hiBorderY - 1; } } particles[i].x = xTemp; particles[i].y = yTemp; cellsCalculated++; } // println("cellsCalculated = " + cellsCalculated ); // println("cellsTotal = " + cellsTotal ); if (cellsCalculated >= cellsTotal) { VoronoiCalculated = false; Generation++; frameTime = (millis() - millisLastFrame)/1000; millisLastFrame = millis(); } } } /** * https://forum.processing.org/two/discussion/3506/point-on-an-outer-circle-intercepted-by-a-line-perpendicular-to-the-tangent-of-an-inner-circle * Calculate the points of intersection between a line and the * circumference of a circle. * [x0, y0] - [x1, y1] the line end coordinates * [cx, cy] the centre of the circle * r the radius of the circle * * An array is returned that contains the intersection points in x, y order. * If the returned array is of length: * 0 then there is no intersection * 2 there is just one intersection (the line is a tangent to the circle) * 4 there are two intersections */ public float[] line_circle_p(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float cx, float cy, float r) { float[] result = null; float f = (x1 - x0); float g = (y1 - y0); float fSQ = f*f; float gSQ = g*g; float fgSQ = fSQ + gSQ; float xc0 = cx - x0; float yc0 = cy - y0; float fygx = f*yc0 - g*xc0; float root = r*r*fgSQ - fygx*fygx; if (root > -ACCY) { float[] temp = null; int np = 0; float fxgy = f*xc0 + g*yc0; if (root < ACCY) { // tangent so just one point float t = fxgy / fgSQ; temp = new float[] { x0 + f*t, y0 + g*t }; np = 2; } else { // possibly two intersections temp = new float[4]; root = sqrt(root); float t = (fxgy - root)/fgSQ; // if (t >= 0 && t <= 1) { temp[np++] = x0 + f*t; temp[np++] = y0 + g*t; t = (fxgy + root)/fgSQ; temp[np++] = x0 + f*t; temp[np++] = y0 + g*t; } if (temp != null) { result = new float[np]; System.arraycopy(temp, 0, result, 0, np); } } return (result == null) ? new float[0] : result; } /** * Create hatch lines within a circle determined by a line width * * x {float} center of circle on x axis * y {float} center of circle on y axis * d {float} diameter of circle * angle {float} angle of hatching, 0-360 * line {float} width of line **/ ArrayList fillCircle (float x, float y, float d, float angle, float line) { ArrayList output = new ArrayList(); float r = (d / 2.0); float perpAngle = (angle + 90.0) % 360.0; float perpRadian = radians(perpAngle); float radian = radians(angle); int lines = floor(d / line); float perpX = 0; float perpY = 0; float startX = 0; float startY = 0; float endX = 0; float endY = 0; float testX = 0; float testY = 0; float[] intersect; for (int i = -lines; i < lines; i++) { perpX = x + ( ( (line / 2) * (i + 0.5) ) * cos(perpRadian)); perpY = y + ( ( (line / 2) * (i + 0.5) ) * sin(perpRadian)); testX = perpX + (d * cos(radian)); testY = perpY + (d * sin(radian)); intersect = line_circle_p(perpX, perpY, testX, testY, x, y, r); if (intersect.length > 0) { startX = intersect[0]; startY = intersect[1]; } else { continue; } testX = startX - (d * cos(radian)); testY = startY - (d * sin(radian)); intersect = line_circle_p(perpX, perpY, testX, testY, x, y, r); if (intersect.length > 0) { endX = intersect[0]; endY = intersect[1]; } else { continue; } if (dist(startX, startY, endX, endY) > line) { float[] linePoints = { startX, startY, endX, endY }; output.add(linePoints); } } return output; } void draw () { int i = 0; int temp; int scaledDimension; float dotScale = (config.maxDotSize - config.minDotSize); float dotRad; float dotDiam; float cutoffScaled = 1 - config.cutoff; float hatchAngle; ArrayList hatchLines; canvas.beginDraw(); canvas.smooth(); canvas.noStroke(); if (ReInitiallizeArray) { MainArraysetup(); ReInitiallizeArray = false; } doPhysics(); if ( showPath ) { canvas.stroke(128, 128, 255); // Stroke color (blue) canvas.strokeWeight (1); for ( i = 0; i < (particleRouteLength - 1); ++i) { Vec2D p1 = particles[particleRoute[i]]; Vec2D p2 = particles[particleRoute[i + 1]]; canvas.line(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y); } } if (config.invert) { canvas.stroke(255); } else { canvas.stroke(0); } // NOT in pause mode. i.e., just displaying stipples. if (cellsCalculated == 0) { DoBackgrounds(); if (Generation == 0) { TempShowCells = true; } if (showCells || TempShowCells) { // Draw voronoi cells, over background. canvas.strokeWeight(1); canvas.noFill(); if (config.invert && (showBG == false)) { // TODO -- if config.invert AND NOT background canvas.stroke(100); } else { canvas.stroke(200); } // stroke(200); i = 0; for (Polygon2D poly : voronoi.getRegions()) { //RegionList[i++] = poly; gfx.polygon2D(clip.clipPolygon(poly)); } } if (showCells) { // Show "before and after" centroids, when polygons are shown. // Normal w/ Min & Max dot size strokeWeight(config.minDotSize); for ( i = 0; i < config.maxParticles; ++i) { int px = (int) particles[i].x; int py = (int) particles[i].y; if ((px >= imgblur.width) || (py >= imgblur.height) || (px < 0) || (py < 0)) { continue; } //Uncomment the following four lines, if you wish to display the "before" dots at weighted sizes. //float v = (brightness(imgblur.pixels[ py*imgblur.width + px ]))/255; //if (config.invert) //v = 1 - v; //strokeWeight (config.maxDotSize - v * dotScale); canvas.point(px, py); } } } else { // Stipple calculation is still underway if (TempShowCells) { DoBackgrounds(); TempShowCells = false; } // stroke(0); // Stroke color if (config.invert) { canvas.stroke(255); } else { canvas.stroke(0); } if (config.line * config.canvasScalar >= 1.0) { canvas.strokeWeight(config.line * config.canvasScalar); } else { canvas.strokeWeight(1.0); } if (!FileModeTSP && config.dot) { canvas.noStroke(); if (config.invert) { canvas.fill(255); } else { canvas.fill(0); } } if (FileModeTSP) { OptimizePlotPath(); canvas.background(config.invert ? 0 : 255); canvas.beginShape(); for ( i = 0; i < particleRouteLength; ++i) { Vec2D p1 = particles[particleRoute[i]]; float xTemp = p1.x; float yTemp = p1.y; canvas.vertex(xTemp, yTemp); } canvas.endShape(); } else { for ( i = cellsCalculatedLast; i < cellsCalculated; i++) { int px = (int) particles[i].x; int py = (int) particles[i].y; if ((px >= imgblur.width) || (py >= imgblur.height) || (px < 0) || (py < 0)) { continue; } float v = (brightness(imgblur.pixels[ py*imgblur.width + px ]))/255; if (config.invert) { v = 1 - v; } if (v < cutoffScaled) { dotDiam = (config.maxDotSize - v * dotScale) * config.canvasScalar; if (dotDiam < config.minDotSize) { dotDiam = config.minDotSize; } canvas.ellipse(px, py, dotDiam, dotDiam); if (!config.dot && config.fill) { hatchAngle = config.fillRandom ? random(0.0, 360.0) : config.fillAngle; hatchLines = fillCircle(px, py, dotDiam, hatchAngle, config.line * config.canvasScalar); if (hatchLines.size() > 0) { for (float[] linePoints : hatchLines) { canvas.line(linePoints[0], linePoints[1], linePoints[2], linePoints[3]); } } } } } cellsCalculatedLast = cellsCalculated; } } canvas.endDraw(); if (config.display) { if (mainRatio >= windowRatio) { scaledDimension = round((float) height * mainRatio); image(canvas, (width - scaledDimension) / 2, 0, scaledDimension, height); } else { scaledDimension = round((float) width / mainRatio); image(canvas, 0, (height - scaledDimension) / 2, width, scaledDimension); } } if (Generation != lastGeneration) { if (!TempShowCells && config.outputImage != null) { canvas.save(config.outputImage); } println("Generation completed: " + Generation); println("Generation time: " + frameTime + " s"); lastGeneration = Generation; } if (ErrorDisp) { println(ErrorDisplay); if ((millis() - ErrorTime) > 8000) { ErrorDisp = false; } } else { if (!lastStatusDisplay.equals(StatusDisplay)) { println(StatusDisplay); lastStatusDisplay = StatusDisplay; } } if (Generation == config.maxGenerations) { SaveNow = 1; } if (SaveNow > 0 && config.display && config.outputSVG == null) { SAVE_SVG(); return; } if (SaveNow > 0 && config.outputSVG != null) { if (!FileModeTSP) { OptimizePlotPath(); } StatusDisplay = "Saving SVG File"; FileOutput = header; String rowTemp; for (i = 0; i < FileOutput.length; i++) { FileOutput[i] = FileOutput[i].replace("{{WIDTH}}", str(config.canvasWidth)); FileOutput[i] = FileOutput[i].replace("{{HEIGHT}}", str(config.canvasHeight)); } //Need to get some background on this. //what are these magic numbers? float SVGscale = 1.0; //(800.0 / (float) config.canvasHeight); //not centering the image is more controllable int xOffset = 0; //(int) (1536 - (SVGscale * config.canvasWidth / 2)); int yOffset = 0; //(int) (1056 - (SVGscale * config.canvasHeight / 2)); if (FileModeTSP) { // Plot the PATH between the points only. println("Saving TSP File (SVG)"); println(config.outputSVG); // Path header:: rowTemp = ""); // End path description } else { println("Saving Stipple File (SVG)"); println(config.outputSVG); for ( i = 0; i < particleRouteLength; ++i) { Vec2D p1 = particles[particleRoute[i]]; int px = floor(p1.x); int py = floor(p1.y); float v = (brightness(imgblur.pixels[ py*imgblur.width + px ])) / 255; if (config.invert) { v = 1 - v; } dotRad = (config.maxDotSize - v * dotScale) / 2; float xTemp = SVGscale * p1.x + xOffset; float yTemp = SVGscale * p1.y + yOffset; if (config.dot) { rowTemp = ""; } else { rowTemp = ""; // Typ: } if (!config.dot && config.fill) { hatchAngle = config.fillRandom ? random(0.0, 360.0) : config.fillAngle; hatchLines = fillCircle(xTemp, yTemp, dotRad * 2.0, hatchAngle, config.line); if (hatchLines.size() > 0) { for (float[] linePoints : hatchLines) { rowTemp += ""; } } } FileOutput = append(FileOutput, rowTemp); } } // SVG footer: FileOutput = append(FileOutput, ""); saveStrings(config.outputSVG, FileOutput); //FileModeTSP = false; // reset for next time if (FileModeTSP) { ErrorDisplay = "TSP Path .SVG file Saved"; } else { ErrorDisplay = "Stipple .SVG file saved "; } ErrorTime = millis(); ErrorDisp = true; } else if (SaveNow > 0 && config.outputSVG == null) { println("Exiting without exporting SVG"); } if (SaveNow > 0) { exit(); } }