"use strict"; var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) { return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod }; }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); require("dotenv/config"); const log_1 = require("./log"); const promises_1 = require("fs/promises"); const path_1 = require("path"); const api_1 = require("@atproto/api"); const argparse_1 = require("argparse"); const moment_1 = __importDefault(require("moment")); const db_1 = require("./db"); const env_1 = require("./env"); const size_1 = require("./size"); const tmp_1 = require("./tmp"); const shell_1 = require("./shell"); class Post { constructor() { this.log = (0, log_1.createLog)('post'); this.db = new db_1.DB(); this.bskyAgent = new api_1.BskyAgent({ service: 'https://bsky.social' }); this.random = false; const parser = new argparse_1.ArgumentParser({ description: 'Generate script' }); parser.add_argument('-r', '--random', { action: 'store_true', default: false, help: 'Choose one at random' }); const args = parser.parse_args(); this.random = args.random; this.post(); } async post() { await this.bsky(); } bskyDescription(photo) { let str = `${photo.description} ${photo.format}${photo.filmstock !== 'Unknown' ? ' - ' + photo.filmstock : ''}`; const created = moment_1.default.unix(photo.created / 1000); const now = (0, moment_1.default)(); if (now.format('YYYY') !== created.format('YYYY')) { str += '\n' + created.format('MMMM YYYY'); } return str; } async bsky() { const photo = await this.db.getBsky(this.random); const identifier = (0, env_1.envString)('BSKY_USER', null); const password = (0, env_1.envString)('BSKY_PASSWORD', null); const maxSize = 976560; let text; let post; let imagePath; let imageData; let imageSize; let blobResponse; let postData; let usedTmp = false; if (identifier === null || password === null) { this.log.error(`Cannot post without Bluesky username or password`); return; } if (photo === null) { this.log.warn(`Nothing to post`); return; } try { await this.bskyAgent.login({ identifier, password }); this.log.info(`Logged into Bluesky`); } catch (err) { this.log.error(`Error logging into Bluesky`, err); return; } text = this.bskyDescription(photo); /* embed: { images: [ { image: testUpload.data.blob, alt: "", }, ], $type: "app.bsky.embed.images", }, */ this.log.info(text); imagePath = (0, path_1.join)((0, env_1.envString)('WWW', './www'), 'img', `${photo.id}_full.jpg`); try { imageSize = await (0, size_1.size)(imagePath); } catch (err) { this.log.error(`Error getting image size`, err); return; } //976.56KB limit if (imageSize > maxSize) { this.log.info(`Image size too large: ${imageSize} > ${maxSize}`); try { imagePath = await this.imgFix(imagePath); } catch (err) { this.log.error(`Error resizing image with img_fix.sh`, err); return; } usedTmp = true; try { imageSize = await (0, size_1.size)(imagePath); } catch (err) { this.log.error(`Error getting resized image size`, err); return; } this.log.info(`Image resized to: ${imageSize}`); } try { imageData = await (0, promises_1.readFile)(imagePath); } catch (err) { this.log.error(`Error reading image data ${imagePath}`, err); return; } try { blobResponse = await this.bskyAgent.uploadBlob(imageData, { contentType: 'image/jpeg' }); } catch (err) { this.log.error(`Error uploading blob to Bluesky`, err); return; } postData = { text, embed: { $type: 'app.bsky.embed.images', images: [{ alt: photo.description, image: blobResponse.data.blob }] } }; try { await this.bskyAgent.post(postData); this.log.info(`Posted ${photo.description} (${photo.name})`); } catch (err) { this.log.error(`Error making Bluesky post`, err); return; } try { await this.db.confirmBsky(photo.id); } catch (err) { this.log.error(`Could not confirm that photo ${photo.name} was posted`, err); return; } if (usedTmp) { try { await (0, promises_1.unlink)(imagePath); } catch (err) { this.log.error(`Error removing temp image file ${imagePath}`, err); return; } } } async imgFix(imagePath) { const dest = (0, tmp_1.tmp)('.jpg', 'bsky-upload-'); const args = ['bash', 'scripts/img_fix.sh', imagePath, dest]; const shell = new shell_1.Shell(args); await shell.execute(); return dest; } } new Post(); //# sourceMappingURL=post.js.map