import sqlite3 import csv import os from uuid import uuid4 from os import path import chemical as chem import recipe as rec import supply as sup RECIPES='recipes/' SUPPLY='supply.csv' con = sqlite3.connect('developers.sqlite') cursor = con.cursor() chems = chem.Chemical(con) recs = rec.Recipe(con) sups = sup.Supply(con) def uuid () : return str(uuid4()) def createComponent (chemical, recipe_id, chemical_id, g, ml, makes, note) : id = uuid() query="INSERT OR IGNORE INTO components (component_id,recipe_id,chemical_id,grams,milliliters,makes,note) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?);" cursor.execute(query, (id, recipe_id, chemical_id, g, ml, makes, note)) con.commit() val=f"{g}g" if g != 'NULL' else f"{ml}ml" print(f"Added component {chemical} {val}") def importRecipe (filePath) : name = path.basename(filePath).replace('.csv', '').replace('_', ' ') recipe_id = recs.exists(name) if recipe_id != '' : print(f"Recipe {name} already exists") return recipe_id = recs.create(name) with open(filePath, newline='') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='|') for row in reader: chemical=row[0] if chemical == 'chemical' : continue g=float(row[1]) if row[1] != '' else 'NULL' ml=float(row[2]) if row[2] != '' else 'NULL' makes=int(row[3]) note=row[4] chemical_id=chems.identify(chemical) createComponent(chemical, recipe_id, chemical_id, g, ml, makes, note) print(f"Imported {name}") def displayCents (val) : return '${:,.2f}'.format(val / 100.0) def displayCost (ml) : query = "SELECT recipe_id,UPPER(name) FROM recipes ORDER BY name ASC;" cursor.execute(query) rows = cursor.fetchall() for row in rows: recipe = row[1] print(f"{recipe}: {ml/1000} liters") query = """SELECT AS name, (c.grams * (s.price/s.grams)) / c.makes AS cost, (c.grams/c.makes) FROM components AS c INNER JOIN supply AS s ON c.chemical_id = s.chemical_id INNER JOIN chemicals AS a ON c.chemical_id = a.chemical_id WHERE c.recipe_id = ? GROUP BY name ORDER BY cost ASC; """ cursor.execute(query, (row[0],)) components = cursor.fetchall() total = 0 for component in components: name = component[0] price = component[1] * ml grams = component[2] * ml total += price print(f"{name} : [{grams}g] {displayCents(price)}") print("------") print(f"Total: {displayCents(total)}") print("------") print('-------') print('SUPPLY') print('-------') with open(SUPPLY, newline='') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='|') for row in reader: #print(row) c=row[0] if c == 'chemical' : continue url=row[1] g=float(row[2]) if row[2] != '' else 'NULL' ml=float(row[3]) if row[3] != '' else 'NULL' price=int(row[4]) chemical_id = chems.identify(c) #problem area supply_id = sups.identify(chemical_id, url, g, ml, price) sups.display(supply_id, c) #exit() print('-------') print('RECIPES') print('-------') for recipe in os.listdir(RECIPES): if recipe.endswith('.csv') : filePath=f'{RECIPES}{recipe}' importRecipe(filePath) print('----') print('COST') print('----') displayCost(125) #gallon