
231 lines
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from __future__ import division
from bisect import bisect
from collections import namedtuple
from math import sqrt, hypot
# a planner computes a motion profile for a list of (x, y) points
class Planner(object):
def __init__(self, acceleration, max_velocity, corner_factor):
self.acceleration = acceleration
self.max_velocity = max_velocity
self.corner_factor = corner_factor
def plan(self, points):
return constant_acceleration_plan(
points, self.acceleration, self.max_velocity, self.corner_factor)
def plan_all(self, paths):
return [self.plan(path) for path in paths]
# a plan is a motion profile generated by the planner
class Plan(object):
def __init__(self, blocks):
self.blocks = blocks
self.ts = [] # start time of each block = [] # start distance of each block
t = 0
s = 0
for b in blocks:
t += b.t
s += b.s
self.t = t # total time
self.s = s # total duration
def instant(self, t):
t = max(0, min(self.t, t)) # clamp t
i = bisect(self.ts, t) - 1 # find block for t
return self.blocks[i].instant(t - self.ts[i], self.ts[i],[i])
# a block is a constant acceleration for a duration of time
class Block(object):
def __init__(self, a, t, vi, p1, p2):
self.a = a
self.t = t = vi
self.p1 = p1
self.p2 = p2
self.s = p1.distance(p2)
def instant(self, t, dt=0, ds=0):
t = max(0, min(self.t, t)) # clamp t
a = self.a
v = + self.a * t
s = * t + self.a * t * t / 2
s = max(0, min(self.s, s)) # clamp s
p = self.p1.lerps(self.p2, s)
return Instant(t + dt, p, s + ds, v, a)
# an instant gives position, velocity, etc. at a single point in time
Instant = namedtuple('Instant', ['t', 'p', 's', 'v', 'a'])
# a = acceleration
# v = velocity
# s = distance
# t = time
# i = initial
# f = final
# vf = vi + a * t
# s = (vf + vi) / 2 * t
# s = vi * t + a * t * t / 2
# vf * vf = vi * vi + 2 * a * s
EPS = 1e-9
_Point = namedtuple('Point', ['x', 'y'])
class Point(_Point):
def length(self):
return hypot(self.x, self.y)
def normalize(self):
d = self.length()
if d == 0:
return Point(0, 0)
return Point(self.x / d, self.y / d)
def distance(self, other):
return hypot(self.x - other.x, self.y - other.y)
def add(self, other):
return Point(self.x + other.x, self.y + other.y)
def sub(self, other):
return Point(self.x - other.x, self.y - other.y)
def mul(self, factor):
return Point(self.x * factor, self.y * factor)
def dot(self, other):
return self.x * other.x + self.y * other.y
def lerps(self, other, s):
v = other.sub(self).normalize()
return self.add(v.mul(s))
Triangle = namedtuple('Triangle',
['s1', 's2', 't1', 't2', 'vmax', 'p1', 'p2', 'p3'])
def triangle(s, vi, vf, a, p1, p3):
# compute a triangular profile: accelerating, decelerating
s1 = (2 * a * s + vf * vf - vi * vi) / (4 * a)
s2 = s - s1
vmax = (vi * vi + 2 * a * s1) ** 0.5
t1 = (vmax - vi) / a
t2 = (vf - vmax) / -a
p2 = p1.lerps(p3, s1)
return Triangle(s1, s2, t1, t2, vmax, p1, p2, p3)
Trapezoid = namedtuple('Trapezoid',
['s1', 's2', 's3', 't1', 't2', 't3', 'p1', 'p2', 'p3', 'p4'])
def trapezoid(s, vi, vmax, vf, a, p1, p4):
# compute a trapezoidal profile: accelerating, cruising, decelerating
t1 = (vmax - vi) / a
s1 = (vmax + vi) / 2 * t1
t3 = (vf - vmax) / -a
s3 = (vf + vmax) / 2 * t3
s2 = s - s1 - s3
t2 = s2 / vmax
p2 = p1.lerps(p4, s1)
p3 = p1.lerps(p4, s - s3)
return Trapezoid(s1, s2, s3, t1, t2, t3, p1, p2, p3, p4)
def corner_velocity(s1, s2, vmax, a, delta):
# compute a maximum velocity at the corner of two segments
cosine =
if abs(cosine - 1) < EPS:
return 0
sine = sqrt((1 - cosine) / 2)
if abs(sine - 1) < EPS:
return vmax
v = sqrt((a * delta * sine) / (1 - sine))
return min(v, vmax)
class Segment(object):
# a segment is a line segment between two points, which will be broken
# up into blocks by the planner
def __init__(self, p1, p2):
self.p1 = p1
self.p2 = p2
self.length = p1.distance(p2)
self.vector = p2.sub(p1).normalize()
self.max_entry_velocity = 0
self.entry_velocity = 0
self.blocks = []
def constant_acceleration_plan(points, a, vmax, cf):
# make sure points are Point objects
points = [Point(x, y) for x, y in points]
# create segments for each consecutive pair of points
segments = [Segment(p1, p2) for p1, p2 in zip(points, points[1:])]
# compute a max_entry_velocity for each segment
# based on the angle formed by the two segments at the vertex
for s1, s2 in zip(segments, segments[1:]):
v = corner_velocity(s1, s2, vmax, a, cf)
s2.max_entry_velocity = v
# add a dummy segment at the end to force a final velocity of zero
segments.append(Segment(points[-1], points[-1]))
# loop over segments
i = 0
while i < len(segments) - 1:
# pull out some variables
segment = segments[i]
next_segment = segments[i + 1]
s = segment.length
vi = segment.entry_velocity
vexit = next_segment.max_entry_velocity
p1 = segment.p1
p2 = segment.p2
# determine which profile to use for this segment
m = triangle(s, vi, vexit, a, p1, p2)
if m.s1 < -EPS:
# too fast! update max_entry_velocity and backtrack
segment.max_entry_velocity = sqrt(vexit * vexit + 2 * a * s)
i -= 1
elif m.s2 < 0:
# accelerate
vf = sqrt(vi * vi + 2 * a * s)
t = (vf - vi) / a
segment.blocks = [
Block(a, t, vi, p1, p2),
next_segment.entry_velocity = vf
i += 1
elif m.vmax > vmax:
# accelerate, cruise, decelerate
z = trapezoid(s, vi, vmax, vexit, a, p1, p2)
segment.blocks = [
Block(a, z.t1, vi, z.p1, z.p2),
Block(0, z.t2, vmax, z.p2, z.p3),
Block(-a, z.t3, vmax, z.p3, z.p4),
next_segment.entry_velocity = vexit
i += 1
# accelerate, decelerate
segment.blocks = [
Block(a, m.t1, vi, m.p1, m.p2),
Block(-a, m.t2, m.vmax, m.p2, m.p3),
next_segment.entry_velocity = vexit
i += 1
# concatenate all of the blocks
blocks = []
for segment in segments:
# filter out zero-duration blocks and return
blocks = [b for b in blocks if b.t > EPS]
return Plan(blocks)