from shapely import geometry, ops, affinity import axi import math import osm2shapely import sys import logging logging.basicConfig() HOME = 35.768616, -78.844005 RALEIGH = 35.777486, -78.635794 DURHAM = 35.999392, -78.919217 PARIS = 48.856744, 2.351248 HOLBROOK = 32.422131, -80.713289 FORMLABS = 42.374414, -71.087908 PINE_RIDGE_ROAD = 42.427164, -71.143553 TIMES_SQUARE = 40.758582, -73.985066 LAT, LNG = TIMES_SQUARE LANDSCAPE = False PAGE_WIDTH_IN = 12 PAGE_HEIGHT_IN = 8.5 MAP_WIDTH_KM = 1.61 LANE_WIDTH_M = 3.7 EARTH_RADIUS_KM = 6371 WEIGHTS = { 'motorway': 2, 'motorway_link': 2, 'trunk_link': 2, 'trunk': 2, 'primary_link': 1.75, 'primary': 1.75, 'secondary': 1.5, 'secondary_link': 1.5, 'tertiary_link': 1.25, 'tertiary': 1.25, 'living_street': 1, 'unclassified': 1, 'residential': 1, # 'service': 0, # 'railway': 0, # 'pedestrian': 0, # 'footway': 0, # 'natural': 0, } def paths_to_shapely(paths): return geometry.MultiLineString(paths) def shapely_to_paths(g): if isinstance(g, geometry.Point): return [] elif isinstance(g, geometry.LineString): return [list(g.coords)] elif isinstance(g, (geometry.MultiPoint, geometry.MultiLineString, geometry.MultiPolygon, geometry.collection.GeometryCollection)): paths = [] for x in g: paths.extend(shapely_to_paths(x)) return paths elif isinstance(g, geometry.Polygon): paths = [] paths.append(list(g.exterior.coords)) for interior in g.interiors: paths.extend(shapely_to_paths(interior)) return paths else: raise Exception('unhandled shapely geometry: %s' % type(g)) def follow(g, step): result = [] d = step e = 1e-3 l = g.length while d < l: p = g.interpolate(d) a = g.interpolate(d - e) b = g.interpolate(d + e) angle = math.atan2(b.y - a.y, b.x - a.x) result.append((p.x, p.y, angle)) d += step return result def hatch(g, angle, step): print g.area x0, y0, x1, y1 = g.bounds d = max(x1 - x0, y1 - y0) * 2 lines = [] x = 0 while x < d: lines.append(geometry.LineString([(x - d / 2, -d / 2), (x - d / 2, d / 2)])) x += step if not lines: return None lines = geometry.collection.GeometryCollection(lines) lines = affinity.rotate(lines, angle) lines = affinity.translate(lines, (x0 + x1) / 2, (y0 + y1) / 2) return g.intersection(lines) def crop(g, w, h): return g.intersection(geometry.Polygon(box(w, h))) def box(w, h): w *= 0.5 h *= 0.5 return [(-w, -h), (w, -h), (w, h), (-w, h), (-w, -h)] def haversine(lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2): lng1, lat1, lng2, lat2 = map(math.radians, [lng1, lat1, lng2, lat2]) dlng = lng2 - lng1 dlat = lat2 - lat1 a = math.sin(dlat/2)**2 + math.cos(lat1) * math.cos(lat2) * math.sin(dlng/2)**2 return math.asin(math.sqrt(a)) * 2 * EARTH_RADIUS_KM class LambertAzimuthalEqualAreaProjection(object): def __init__(self, lat, lng): = lat self.lng = lng self.angle = math.radians(29) self.scale = 1 self.scale = self.kilometer_scale() def project(self, lng, lat): lng, lat = math.radians(lng), math.radians(lat) clng, clat = math.radians(self.lng), math.radians( k = math.sqrt(2 / (1 + math.sin(clat)*math.sin(lat) + math.cos(clat)*math.cos(lat)*math.cos(lng-clng))) x = k * math.cos(lat) * math.sin(lng-clng) y = k * (math.cos(clat)*math.sin(lat) - math.sin(clat)*math.cos(lat)*math.cos(lng-clng)) rx = x * math.cos(self.angle) - y * math.sin(self.angle) ry = y * math.cos(self.angle) + x * math.sin(self.angle) x = rx y = ry s = self.scale return (x * s, -y * s) def kilometer_scale(self): e = 1e-3 lat, lng =, self.lng km_per_lat = haversine(lat - e, lng, lat + e, lng) / (2 * e) km_per_lng = haversine(lat, lng - e, lat, lng + e) / (2 * e) x1, y1 = self.project(lng - 1 / km_per_lng, lat - 1 / km_per_lat) x2, y2 = self.project(lng + 1 / km_per_lng, lat + 1 / km_per_lat) sx = 2 / (x2 - x1) sy = 2 / (y1 - y2) return (sx + sy) / 2 def transform(self, g): result = ops.transform(self.project, g) result.tags = g.tags return result def circle(cx, cy, r, n, revs=5): points = [] n *= revs for i in range(n + 1): a = revs * math.pi * i / n x = cx + math.cos(a) * r y = cy + math.sin(a) * r points.append((x, y)) return points def main(): # parse osm file into shapely geometries geometries = osm2shapely.parse(sys.argv[1]) # setup map projection projection = LambertAzimuthalEqualAreaProjection(LAT, LNG) geometries = [projection.transform(g) for g in geometries] # determine width and height of map w = MAP_WIDTH_KM if LANDSCAPE: h = float(w) * PAGE_HEIGHT_IN / PAGE_WIDTH_IN else: h = float(w) * PAGE_WIDTH_IN / PAGE_HEIGHT_IN # process geometries gs = [] roads = [] for g in geometries: highway = g.tags.get('highway') if highway and highway in WEIGHTS: weight = WEIGHTS[highway] if weight: g = g.buffer(LANE_WIDTH_M / 1000.0 * weight) g = crop(g, w * 1.1, h * 1.1) roads.append(g) # elif 'natural' in g.tags: # gs.append(g) elif 'building' in g.tags: gs.append(g) print 'crop' gs = [crop(g, w * 1.1, h * 1.1) for g in gs] roads = [crop(g, w * 1.1, h * 1.1) for g in roads] # gs = [] # for key, ways in handler.ways.items(): # if key not in WEIGHTS: # print 'skip', key, len(ways) # continue # print 'layer', key, len(ways) # ggs = [] # for way in ways: # coords = [projection.project(*handler.coords[x]) for x in way] # if key == 'natural' and coords[0] == coords[-1]: # ggs.append(geometry.Polygon(coords)) # else: # ggs.append(geometry.LineString(coords)) # # g = paths_to_shapely(paths) # g = geometry.collection.GeometryCollection(ggs) # if key == 'railway': # paths = shapely_to_paths(g) # g = paths_to_shapely(paths) # points = follow(g, 20 / 1000.0) # s = 4 / 1000.0 # for x, y, a in points: # x1 = x + math.cos(a + math.pi / 2) * s # y1 = y + math.sin(a + math.pi / 2) * s # x2 = x + math.cos(a - math.pi / 2) * s # y2 = y + math.sin(a - math.pi / 2) * s # paths.append([(x1, y1), (x2, y2)]) # g = paths_to_shapely(paths) # if key == 'natural': # gs.append(crop(paths_to_shapely(shapely_to_paths(g)), w * 1.1, h * 1.1)) # paths = hatch(g, 45, 10 / 1000.0) # g = paths_to_shapely(paths) # weight = WEIGHTS[key] # if weight: # g = g.buffer(LANE_WIDTH_M / 1000.0 * weight) # g = crop(g, w * 1.1, h * 1.1) # gs.append(g) print 'union' roads = ops.cascaded_union(roads) all_roads = [] while not roads.is_empty: all_roads.append(roads) roads = roads.buffer(-LANE_WIDTH_M / 1000.0 / 3) g = geometry.collection.GeometryCollection(gs + all_roads) g = paths_to_shapely(shapely_to_paths(g)) print 'crop' g = crop(g, w, h) paths = shapely_to_paths(g) # dot at origin # s = 3 / 1000.0 / 3 # for i in range(4): # paths.append(circle(0, 0, i * s, 360)) # border around map s = 6 / 1000.0 / 2 for m in range(1): paths.append(box(w - s * m, h - s * m)) print 'axi' d = axi.Drawing(paths) d = d.rotate_and_scale_to_fit(PAGE_WIDTH_IN, PAGE_HEIGHT_IN, step=90) d = d.sort_paths().join_paths(0.002).simplify_paths(0.002) im = d.render() im.write_to_png('out.png') axi.draw(d) if __name__ == '__main__': main()