Generate a guide, generated specifically for the sequence and template and use that as first frame.

This commit is contained in:
Matt McWilliams 2023-03-14 11:30:44 -04:00
parent 803b58c3dd
commit a4b966abd0
4 changed files with 114 additions and 12 deletions

View File

@ -44,20 +44,36 @@ img_name () {
echo "Using frames in ${OUTPUT}..."
SCALE=$(echo "scale=$DIGITS; 323/404" | bc)
OUTER=$(echo "scale=$DIGITS; 374/404" | bc)
W=$(cat "${1}" | jq -r ".width")
H=$(cat "${1}" | jq -r ".height")
DPI=$(echo "${W}/8.5" | bc)
RATIO=$(bash fourcell/ "${1}")
TMP=$(mktemp -d)
echo "DPI: $DPI"
echo "DPI: ${DPI}"
ls -1 "${OUTPUT}"*.{jpg,jpeg,JPG,JPG,png,PNG,gif,GIF,tif,tiff,TIF,TIFF} > "${FRAMES}" 2> /dev/null
ONEFRAME=$(ls -1 "${OUTPUT}"*.{jpg,jpeg,JPG,JPG,png,PNG,gif,GIF,tif,tiff,TIF,TIFF} 2> /dev/null | head -n1)
DIM=$(identify -ping -format '%w %h' "${ONEFRAME}")
WIDTH=$(echo ${DIM} | awk '{print $1}')
HEIGHT=$(echo ${DIM} | awk '{print $2}')
R=$(echo "scale=${DIGITS};${HEIGHT}/${WIDTH}" | bc)
OW=$(echo "scale=${DIGITS};${DPI}*(404/96)" | bc | awk -F'.' '{print $1}')
IW=$(echo "scale=${DIGITS};${OW}*${SCALE}" | bc | awk -F'.' '{print $1}')
IH=$(echo "scale=${DIGITS};${IW}*${R}" | bc | awk -F'.' '{print $1}')
GUIDE="${TMP}/guide_$(date +%s).png"
bash --dpi ${DPI} --dimensions "${IW}x${IH}" "${GUIDE}"
echo "${GUIDE}" > "${FRAMES}"
ls -1 "${OUTPUT}"*.{jpg,jpeg,JPG,JPG,png,PNG,gif,GIF,tif,tiff,TIF,TIFF} >> "${FRAMES}" 2> /dev/null
FC=$(wc -l < "${FRAMES}")
PAGES=$(echo "(${FC}/4)+1" | bc)
TMP=$(mktemp -d)
for ((i=0;i<${PAGES};++i)); do
f1=$(sed -n "$(((i*4)+1))p" < "${FRAMES}")
f2=$(sed -n "$(((i*4)+2))p" < "${FRAMES}")

fourcell/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
import argparse
import cv2
import numpy as np
def create_blank(width, height):
image = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)
color = tuple(reversed(rgb_color))
image[:] = color
return image
def guide (args) :
if 'dpi' in args :
DPI = args.dpi
line = round(DPI/MINLINE)
halfLine = round(line/2)
if line == 1 :
halfLine = 1
dims = args.dimensions.split('x')
w = int(dims[0])
h = int(dims[1])
halfW = round(w/2)
halfH = round(h/2)
tenthW = round(w/10)
tenthH = round(h/10)
img = create_blank(w, h)
# bisect
cv2.line(img, (halfW, 0,), (halfW, h,), [0, 0, 0], line)
cv2.line(img, (0, halfH,), (w, halfH,), [0, 0, 0], line)
# outline
cv2.line(img, (halfLine, 0,), (halfLine, h,), [0, 0, 0], line)
cv2.line(img, (w-halfLine, 0,), (w-halfLine, h,), [0, 0, 0], line)
cv2.line(img, (0, halfLine,), (w, halfLine,), [0, 0, 0], line)
cv2.line(img, (0, h-halfLine,), (w, h-halfLine,), [0, 0, 0], line)
# ticks
for i in range(0, 9) :
y1 = round(halfH + ((i + 1) * (tenthH/2)))
y2 = round(halfH - ((i + 1) * (tenthH/2)))
cv2.line(img, (halfW - round(tenthW/4), y1,), (halfW + round(tenthW/4), y1,), [0, 0, 0], line)
cv2.line(img, (halfW - round(tenthW/4), y2,), (halfW + round(tenthW/4), y2,), [0, 0, 0], line)
x1 = round(halfW + ((i + 1) * (tenthW/2)))
x2 = round(halfW - ((i + 1) * (tenthW/2)))
cv2.line(img, (x1, halfH - round(tenthH/4),), (x1, halfH + round(tenthH/4),), [0, 0, 0], line)
cv2.line(img, (x2, halfH - round(tenthH/4),), (x2, halfH + round(tenthH/4),), [0, 0, 0], line)
cv2.imwrite(args.output, img)
def main () :
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('output', help='Output file')
parser.add_argument('--dpi', '-d', help='DPI', required=False, type=int, default=600)
parser.add_argument('--dimensions', '-D', help='Dimensions of image', required=True, type=str)
args = parser.parse_args()

View File

@ -1,20 +1,23 @@
# Centers a frame of video in a white image container.
source ./
#iWidth 323 = oWidth 404
#iHeight 242 = oHeight 374
# iWidth 323 = oWidth 404
# iHeight 242 = oHeight 374
# current ratio 1.088
# template ratio 1.291
SCALE=$(echo "scale=$DIGITS; 323/404" | bc)
OUTER=$(echo "scale=$DIGITS; 374/404" | bc)
RATIO=$(echo "scale=$DIGITS; 242/323" | bc)
# current ratio 1.088
# template ratio 1.291
if [[ "${1}" != "" ]]; then
@ -42,6 +45,7 @@ fi
DIM=$(identify -ping -format '%w %h' "${3}")
WIDTH=$(echo ${DIM} | awk '{print $1}')
HEIGHT=$(echo ${DIM} | awk '{print $2}')
R=$(echo "scale=${DIGITS};${HEIGHT}/${WIDTH}" | bc)
OW=$(echo "scale=${DIGITS};${DPI}*(404/96)" | bc | awk -F'.' '{print $1}')
OH=$(echo "scale=${DIGITS};${OW}*${OUTER}" | bc | awk -F'.' '{print $1}')
@ -54,4 +58,5 @@ convert "${3}" -resize ${IW}x${IH} "${TMP}/resize.tif"
composite -gravity Center -colorspace sRGB "${TMP}/resize.tif" "${TMP}/white.tif" "${4}"
rm -rf "${TMP}"
echo "Centered in white ${3} -> ${4}"
echo "Centered in white ${3} -> ${4}"

8 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
cd fourcell
source env/bin/activate
cd ..
#echo "${@}"
python ./fourcell/ "${@}"