--- title: NOTES ON OPTICAL PRINTER TECHNIQUE author: Dennis Couzin date: "March 1983" ... \pagenumbering{gobble} \newpage \pagenumbering{arabic} ::: {.indexTable} | | | | | |-----|-----|-----|-----| | Magnification | 1 | Fades in Original | 14 | | Blowup & Reduction | 2 | Chart C: Neutral Density | | | Blowup Sharpness | 2 | and Equivalent Shutter | | | Printer Lenses | 3 | Angle | 15 | | Optical Zoom | 3 | Image Superposition | 16 | | Lens Aperture | 3 | Gamma & Bipack | 16 | | Focusing | 4 | Incidentally | 16 | | Focusing Aperture | 4 | Exposure Compensation | 18 | | Focusing Precision | 4 | Special Originals | 18 | | Focusing Target | 4 | Texturing | 18 | | Depth of Field | 4 | Multi-Exposure | 19 | | Bolex Prism | 4 | Multi-Pack | 19 | | Bolex Groundglass | 4 | Natural Superposition | 19 | | Defocus | 4 | Flashing | 19 | | X-Y Adjustment | 4 | Contrast Adjustment | 19 | | Exact 1:1 | 5 | Color Image Superposition | 20 | | Aimframe | 5 | Weighted Double Exposures | 20 | | Framelines | 6 | Dissolves | 21 | | Emulsion Position | 7 | Effects Dissolves | 21 | | Time | 8 | Fades from Negative | 21 | | Fancy Freeze | 8 | Color Exposure | 22 | | Fancy Slow | 8 | Testing | 22 | | Diffusers | 8 | CC Pack Reduction | 25 | | UV Filter | 9 | High Contrast Prints | 25 | | IR Filter | 9 | Hicon Exposure | 26 | | Green Filter | 3 | Contrast Building Steps | 26 | | Filter Location | 9 | Hicon Speckle | 26 | | Exposure | 9 | Tone Isolation | 27 | | Exposure Adjusters | 9 | Logic of Mask Combination | 27 | | Specifying Exposure | 11 | Image Spread and Bloom | 27 | | Film Speed | 11 | Mask and Countermask | 28 | | Right Exposure | 11 | Reversal/Negative Fitting | 28 | | Generations | 12 | Feathered Maska | 29 | | Bellows Formula | 13 | Image Marriage | 29 | | Fades | 13 | Mask Blackness | 30 | | Log Fade | 14 | Hicona from Color Originals| 30 | | Bolex Variable Shutter | 14 | Hicon Processing | 30 | | Linear Fade | 14 | Optical Printed Release Prints | 31 | | Other Fades | 14 | Ritual and Art | 31 | :::