'use strict'; let log; let seq; //var seq = {}; /****** Sequence Object seq.i = 0; seq.time = 0; seq.stopState = false; mcopy.loop = 1; // mcopy.loopCount = 0; seq.queue = []; seq.running = false; seq.state = {}; *******/ /** * Run the sequence seq.run = function () { 'use strict'; var c = mcopy.state.sequence.arr[seq.i], timeEnd = 0, rgb, action = function () { setTimeout(function () { seq.i++; seq.run(); }, mcopy.cfg.arduino.sequenceDelay); } if (seq.i == 0) { $('#loop_current').text(gui.fmtZero(mcopy.loopCount + 1, 6)); ipcRenderer.send('seq', { action : 'loop' }); } if (seq.stop()) { $('.row input').removeClass('h'); $('#numbers div').removeClass('h'); log.info('Sequence stopped', 'SERIAL', true); return false; } if (seq.i <= mcopy.state.sequence.arr.length && c !== undefined) { log.info('Step ' + seq.i + ' command ' + c, 'SEQUENCE', true); //gui action $('.row input').removeClass('h'); $('#numbers div').removeClass('h'); $('.row input[x=' + seq.i + ']').addClass('h'); $('#numbers div[x=' + seq.i + ']').addClass('h'); if (c === 'CF'){ rgb = mcopy.state.sequence.light[seq.i].split(','); cmd.cam_forward(rgb, action); } else if (c === 'CB') { rgb = mcopy.state.sequence.light[seq.i].split(','); cmd.cam_backward(rgb, action); } else if (c === 'PF') { cmd.proj_forward(action); } else if (c === 'PB') { cmd.proj_backward(action); } else if (c === 'BF') { cmd.black_forward(action); } else if (c === 'BB') { cmd.black_backward(action); } } else { mcopy.loopCount++; $('#loop_current').text(gui.fmtZero(mcopy.loopCount + 1, 6)); if (mcopy.loopCount < mcopy.loop) { log.info('Loop ' + mcopy.loopCount + ' completed', 'SEQUENCE', true); $('.row input').removeClass('h'); $('#numbers div').removeClass('h'); seq.i = 0; seq.run(); } else { timeEnd = +new Date(); timeEnd = timeEnd - seq.time; if (timeEnd < 2000) { log.info('Sequence completed in ' + timeEnd + 'ms', 'SEQUENCE', true); } else { log.info('Sequence completed in ' + humanizeDuration(timeEnd), 'SEQUENCE', true); } ipcRenderer.send('seq', { action : 'stop' }); gui.notify('Sequence done!', (mcopy.state.sequence.arr.length * mcopy.loop) + ' actions completed in ' + humanizeDuration(timeEnd)); //clear gui $('.row input').removeClass('h'); $('#numbers div').removeClass('h'); $('#loop_current').text(''); seq.stats(); } } }; seq.stop = function (state) { 'use strict'; if (typeof state === 'undefined') { if (seq.stopState === true) { ipcRenderer.send('seq', { action : 'stop' }); } return seq.stopState; } else { seq.stopState = state; } if (state === false) { mcopy.loopCount = 0 $('#loop_current').text(''); } else { ipcRenderer.send('seq', { action : 'stop' }); } return state }; seq.init = function (start) { 'use strict'; if (typeof start === 'undefined') { start = 0; mcopy.loopCount = 0; seq.time = +new Date(); } seq.stop(false); seq.i = start; ipcRenderer.send('seq', { action : 'start' }); seq.run(); }; //!!! redo seq.stats = function () { 'use strict'; var ms = 0, c = '', cam_total = 0, proj_total = 0, real_total = mcopy.state.sequence.arr.filter(function (elem) { if (elem === undefined) { return false; } return true; }); //timing for (var i = 0; i < mcopy.state.sequence.arr.length; i++) { c = mcopy.state.sequence.arr[i]; if (c === 'CF' || c === 'CB'){ ms += mcopy.cfg.arduino.cam.time; ms += mcopy.cfg.arduino.cam.delay; ms += mcopy.cfg.arduino.serialDelay; } if (c === 'PF' || c === 'PB'){ ms += mcopy.cfg.arduino.proj.time; ms += mcopy.cfg.arduino.proj.delay; ms += mcopy.cfg.arduino.serialDelay; } if (c === 'BF' || c === 'BB'){ ms += mcopy.cfg.arduino.black.before; ms += mcopy.cfg.arduino.black.after; ms += mcopy.cfg.arduino.cam.time; ms += mcopy.cfg.arduino.cam.delay; ms += mcopy.cfg.arduino.serialDelay; } ms += mcopy.cfg.arduino.sequenceDelay; if (c === 'CF' || c === 'BF') { cam_total++; } if (c === 'CB' || c === 'BB') { cam_total--; } if (c === 'PF') { proj_total++; } if (c === 'PB') { proj_total--; } } //timing ms = ms * mcopy.loop; if (ms < 2000) { $('#seq_stats .timing span').text(ms + 'ms'); } else { $('#seq_stats .timing span').text(humanizeDuration(ms)); } //ending frames cam_total = cam_total * mcopy.loop; proj_total = proj_total * mcopy.loop; $('#seq_stats .cam_end span').text(gui.fmtZero(mcopy.state.camera.pos + cam_total, 6)); $('#seq_stats .proj_end span').text(gui.fmtZero(mcopy.state.projector.pos + proj_total, 6)); //count $('#seq_stats .seq_count span').text(real_total.length * mcopy.loop); return ms; }; seq.clear = function () { 'use strict'; mcopy.state.sequence.size = 24; mcopy.state.sequence.arr = []; }; seq.exec = function (arr) { 'use strict'; seq.running = true; seq.state.len = arr.length; //setup queue seq.queue = arr; //console.dir(arr); gui.overlay(true); gui.spinner(true, `Running sequence of ${arr.length} frame${(arr.length === 1 ? '' : 's')}`, 0); log.info(`Sequence started`, 'SEQUENCE', true); seq.step(); }; seq.execStop = function (msg) { 'use strict'; gui.overlay(false); gui.spinner(false); log.info(`Sequence ${msg}`, 'SEQUENCE', true); return false; }; seq.step = function () { 'use strict'; let elem; let c; let rgb; let current; let max; if (!seq.running) { return seq.execStop('stopped'); } return setTimeout(() => { elem = seq.queue.shift(); if (typeof elem !== 'undefined') { c = elem.cmd; if (typeof elem.light !== 'undefined') { rgb = elem.light.split(','); } else { rgb = light.color; } } else { return seq.execStop('completed'); } if (typeof elem !== 'undefined') { current = seq.state.len - seq.queue.length; max = seq.state.len; gui.spinner(true, `Sequence: step ${c} ${current}/${max}`, (current / max) * 100); log.info(`Sequence: step ${c} ${current}/${max}`, 'SEQUENCE', true); if (c === 'CF'){ cmd.cam_forward(rgb, seq.step); } else if (c === 'CB') { cmd.cam_backward(rgb, seq.step); } else if (c === 'PF') { cmd.proj_forward(seq.step); } else if (c === 'PB') { cmd.proj_backward(seq.step); } else if (c === 'BF') { cmd.black_forward(seq.step); } else if (c === 'BB') { cmd.black_backward(seq.step); } } }, mcopy.cfg.arduino.sequenceDelay); }; // FROM SERVER SIDE */ class Sequence { constructor(cfg, cmd) { this.cfg = cfg; this.cmd = cmd; } //currently called by ui init() { } //new start() { } //new pause() { } /** * Stop the sequence **/ stop() { } exec() { } execStop() { } //private run() { } step() { } } module.exports = function (cfg, cmd, l) { log = l; seq = new Sequence(cfg, cmd); }; //# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map