'use strict' const program = require('commander') const uuid = require('uuid') const moment = require('moment') const events = require('events') const ee = new events.EventEmitter() const cfg = require('../app/data/cfg.json') const pkg = require('./package.json') const delay = require('delay') const exit = require('exit') const intval = require('intval') const arduino = require('arduino')(cfg, ee) const Mscript = require('mscript') const mscript = new Mscript() const dev = require('device') let log let readline let devices async function command () { return new Promise ((resolve, reject) => { return readline.question(`Input:`, (str) => { log.info(str) console.dir(mscript.interpret(str)) //interpret string //readline.close() return resolve(true) }) }) } async function live () { readline = require('readline').createInterface({ input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout }) log.info('Starting live control mode') while (true) { try { await command() } catch (err) { log.error('Error executing command', err) } } } function parsePattern () { } async function main (arg) { log = require('log')(arg) log.info('mcopy-cli') try { devices = await arduino.enumerate() } catch (err) { log.error('Error enumerating devices') log.error(err) } if (!devices ||devices.length > 1) { return exit('No devices found', 1) } await dev.all(devices) if (arg.pattern) { } if (arg.live) { try { await live() } catch (err) { log.error('Error running in live control mode', err) } } } program .version(pkg.version) .option('-l, --live', 'Live control mode') .option('-f, --frames', 'Number of frames to capture with camera') .option('-p, --pattern', 'Pattern of sequence to be repeated') .option('-i, --intval', 'URL of intval3') .option('-m, --mscript', 'Execute an mscript file') .option('-q, --quiet', 'Suppresses all log messages') .parse(process.argv) main(program)