#include boolean debug_state = false; /* ---------------------------------------------------- Servo - Arduino - Red - 5V Black - GND Yellow - PWM Pin (9 in example) Optical Endstop - Red - 5V Black - GND Yellow - Pin 10 ---------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------------------ * pins * ------------------------------------------------*/ //Arduino Duemilanove const int PIN_SERVO = 9; const int PIN_ENDSTOP = 10; volatile boolean running = false; volatile boolean cap_state = false; volatile boolean endstop_state = false; volatile int angle = 0; const int cap_on_angle = 0; const int cap_off_angle = 60; volatile long timer = 0; const char cmd_cap_on = 'A'; const char cmd_cap_off = 'B'; const char cmd_debug = 'd'; const char cmd_connect = 'i'; volatile char cmd_char = 'z'; const char cmd_mcopy_identifier = 'm'; const char cmd_capper_identifier = 'C'; const int serialDelay = 5; Servo servo; //SG-5010 speed 0.18s / 60 degree //converted to milliseconds/angle const float servoSpeed = 180.0 / 60.0; void setup() { Serial.begin(57600); Serial.flush(); Serial.setTimeout(serialDelay); Pins_init(); Servo_init(); } void loop() { if (Serial.available()) { /* read the most recent byte */ cmd_char = (char)Serial.read(); } if (cmd_char != 'z') { cmd(cmd_char); cmd_char = 'z'; } timer = millis(); } void cmd (char val) { if (val == cmd_debug) { debug(); } else if (val == cmd_connect) { connect(); } else if (val == cmd_mcopy_identifier) { identify(); } else if (val == cmd_cap_on) { Cap_on(false); } else if (val == cmd_cap_off) { Cap_off(false); } } void debug () { debug_state = true; Serial.println(cmd_debug); log("debugging enabled"); } void connect () { Serial.println(cmd_connect); log("connect()"); } void identify () { Serial.println(cmd_capper_identifier); log("identify()"); } void Pins_init () { pinMode(PIN_ENDSTOP, INPUT_PULLUP); } void Servo_init () { servo.attach(PIN_SERVO); delay(100); servo.write(180); delay(500); servo.write(0); delay(500); if (!Read_endstop()) { Cap_off(true); } } boolean Read_endstop () { return digitalRead(PIN_ENDSTOP) != LOW; } void Servo_angle (int newAngle) { servo.write(newAngle); delay(Servo_delay(newAngle, angle)); angle = newAngle; } int Servo_delay (int angleA, int angleB) { int angle = abs(angleA - angleB); return (int) ceil((float) angle * servoSpeed); } void Cap_off (boolean suppress) { if (cap_state) { Servo_angle(cap_off_angle); cap_state = false; } else { log("Cap already off"); } log("Cap_off()"); if (!suppress) { Serial.println(cmd_cap_off); } } void Cap_on (boolean suppress) { if (!cap_state) { Servo_angle(cap_on_angle); cap_state = true; } else { log("Cap already on"); } log("Cap_on()"); if (!suppress) { Serial.println(cmd_cap_on); } } void log (String msg) { if (debug_state) { Serial.println(msg); } }