'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const winston_1 = require("winston"); const path_1 = require("path"); const fs_extra_1 = require("fs-extra"); const os_1 = require("os"); const logTime = 'MM/DD/YY-HH:mm:ss'; let transport; /** * Determine the location of the log file based on the operating system * and return as an absolute string from os.homedir() * * @returns {string} Path to log file **/ async function logFile() { const homeDir = os_1.homedir(); const linuxDir = `/.mcopy/`; const macDir = `/Library/Logs/mcopy/`; const winDir = `/AppData/Roaming/mcopy/`; let logPath = path_1.normalize(path_1.join(homeDir, linuxDir)); let dirExists; if (process.platform === 'darwin') { logPath = path_1.normalize(path_1.join(homeDir, macDir)); } else if (process.platform === 'win32') { logPath = path_1.normalize(path_1.join(homeDir, winDir)); } console.log(logPath); dirExists = await fs_extra_1.exists(logPath); if (!dirExists) { try { await fs_extra_1.mkdir(logPath); } catch (err) { console.error(`Error creating directory for mcopy log file, ${logPath}`); } } return path_1.join(logPath, 'mcopy.log'); } /** * Create and return the logger transport based on settings determined in * arguments object * * @param {object} arg Arguments from process * * @returns {object} Logger transport **/ module.exports = async function (arg) { let consoleFormat = { colorize: true }; let fileFormat = { filename: await logFile(), json: true }; if (arg && arg.quiet) { transport = { info: function () { return false; }, warn: function () { return false; }, error: function () { return false; } }; } else { if (arg && arg.label) { consoleFormat.label = arg.label; fileFormat.label = arg.label; } transport = winston_1.createLogger({ format: winston_1.format.combine(winston_1.format.label({ label: arg.label || 'mcopy' }), winston_1.format.timestamp({ format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss' }), winston_1.format.printf((info) => `${info.timestamp} [${info.label}] ${info.level}: ${info.message}` + (info.splat !== undefined ? `${info.splat}` : " "))), transports: [ new (winston_1.transports.Console)(consoleFormat), new (winston_1.transports.File)(fileFormat) ] }); } return transport; }; //# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map