'use strict'; /** @module lib/mscript */ const BLACK = '0,0,0'; const WHITE = '255,255,255'; const CMD = [ 'CF', 'PF', 'BF', 'CB', 'PB', 'BB' ]; const ALTS = { 'CF' : ['CAMERA FORWARD', 'CAM FORWARD'], 'PF' : ['PROJECTOR FORWARD', 'PROJ FORWARD'], 'BF' : ['BLACK FORWARD', 'BLACK', 'BLANK FORWARD', 'BLANK'], 'CB' : ['CAMERA BACKWARD', 'CAM BACKWARD', 'CAMERA BACK', 'CAM BACK'], 'PB' : ['PROJECTOR FORWARD', 'PROJ FORWARD', 'PROJECTOR BACK', 'PROJ BACK'], 'BB' : ['BLACK BACKWARD', 'BLACK BACK', 'BLANK BACK'], 'L ' : ['LIGHT', 'COLOR', 'LAMP'], 'F ' : ['FADE'] }; class Mscript { constructor () { this.output = {}; } /** * Clear the state of the script */ clear () { this.cam = 0; this.proj = 0; this.color = ''; this.loops = []; this.rec = -1; this.two = ''; this.arr = []; this.light = []; this.target = 0; //move to target using CAM # or PROJ # this.dist = 0; this.output = {}; } /** * Main function, accepts multi-line string, parses into lines * and interprets the instructions from the text. Returns an array * of steps to be fed into the mcopy. */ interpret (text, callback) { this.clear() if (typeof text === 'undefined') { return this.fail('No input'); } //split string into lines, each containing a command let lines = text.split('\n'); for (let line of lines) { line = line.replace(/\t+/g, ""); //strip tabs line = line.trim(); //remove excess whitespace before and after command line = line.toUpperCase(); this.two = line.substring(0, 2); if (CMD.indexOf(this.two) !== -1) { this.basic_cmd(line); } else if (line.substring(0, 4) === 'LOOP') { this.new_loop(line); } else if (line.substring(0, 2) === 'L ') { this.light_state(line); } else if (line.substring(0, 2) === 'F ') { this.new_loop(line, true); } else if (line.substring(0, 3) === 'END') { this.end_loop(line); } else if (line.substring(0, 3) === 'CAM') { //directly go to that frame (black?) this.move_cam(line); } else if (line.substring(0, 4) === 'PROJ') { //directly go to that frame this.move_proj(line); } else if (line.substring(0, 3) === 'SET') { //set that state this.set_state(line); } else if (line.substring(0, 1) === '#' || line.substring(0, 2) === '//') { //comments //ignore while parsing } } this.output.success = true; this.output.arr = this.arr; //all instructions this.output.light = this.light; //all light instructions this.output.cam = this.cam; this.output.proj = this.proj; if (typeof callback !== 'undefined') { //should only be invoked by running mscript.tests() callback(this.output); } } /** * Apply a basic two character command */ basic_cmd (line) { if (this.rec !== -1) { //hold generated arr in state loop array this.loops[this.rec].arr .push.apply(this.loops[this.rec].arr, this.str_to_arr(line, this.two)); this.loops[this.rec].light .push.apply(this.loops[this.rec].light, this.light_to_arr(line, this.two)); } else { this.arr.push.apply(this.arr, this.str_to_arr(line, this.two)); this.light.push.apply(this.light, this.light_to_arr(line, this.two)) } } /** * Start a new loop */ new_loop (line, fade) { this.rec++; this.loops[this.rec] = { arr : [], light : [], cam : 0, proj : 0, cmd : line + '' }; if (fade) { this.fade(line); } } /** * Close the most recent loop */ end_loop (line) { let light_arr; let start; let end; let len; for (let x = 0; x < this.loop_count(this.loops[this.rec].cmd); x++) { light_arr = this.loops[this.rec].light; if (this.loops[this.rec].fade) { start = this.loops[this.rec].start; end = this.loops[this.rec].end; len = this.loops[this.rec].fade_len; light_arr = light_arr.map(l => { return this.fade_rgb(start, end, len, x); }) } if (this.rec === 0) { this.arr.push.apply(this.arr, this.loops[this.rec].arr); this.light.push.apply(this.light, light_arr); } else if (this.rec >= 1) { this.loops[this.rec - 1].arr .push.apply(this.loops[this.rec - 1].arr, this.loops[this.rec].arr); this.loops[this.rec - 1].light .push.apply(this.loops[this.rec - 1].light, light_arr); } } this.update('END', this.loop_count(this.loops[this.rec].cmd)); delete this.loops[this.rec]; this.rec--; } /** * Move camera to explicitly-defined frame */ move_cam (line) { this.target = parseInt(line.split('CAM ')[1]); if (this.rec !== -1) { if (this.target > this.cam) { this.dist = this.target - this.cam; for (let x = 0; x < this.dist; x++) { this.loops[this.rec].arr.push('BF'); this.loops[this.rec].light.push(BLACK); this.update('BF'); } } else { this.dist = this.cam - this.target; for (let x = 0; x < this.dist; x++) { this.loops[this.rec].arr.push('BB'); this.loops[this.rec].light.push(BLACK); this.update('BB'); } } } else { if (target > this.cam) { this.dist = this.target - this.cam; for (let x = 0; x < this.dist; x++) { this.arr.push('BF'); this.light.push(BLACK); this.update('BF'); } } else { this.dist = this.cam - this.target; for (let x = 0; x < this.dist; x++) { this.arr.push('BB'); this.light.push(BLACK); this.update('BB'); } } } } /** * Move projector to explicitly-defined frame */ move_proj (line) { this.target = parseInt(line.split('PROJ ')[1]); if (this.rec !== -1) { if (this.target > this.proj) { this.dist = this.target - this.proj; for (let x = 0; x < this.dist; x++) { this.loops[this.rec].arr.push('PF'); this.loops[this.rec].light.push(''); this.update('PF'); } } else { this.dist = this.proj - this.target; for (let x = 0; x < this.dist; x++) { this.loops[this.rec].arr.push('PB'); this.loops[this.rec].light.push(''); this.update('PB'); } } } else { if (this.target > this.proj) { this.dist = this.target - this.proj; for (let x = 0; x < this.dist; x++) { this.arr.push('PF'); this.light.push(''); this.update('PF'); } } else { this.dist = this.proj - this.target; for (let x = 0; x < this.dist; x++) { this.arr.push('PB'); this.light.push(''); this.update('PB'); } } } } /** * Set the state of either the cam or projector */ set_state (line) { if (line.substring(0, 7) === 'SET CAM') { this.cam = parseInt(line.split('SET CAM')[1]); } else if (line.substring(0, 8) === 'SET PROJ') { this.proj = parseInt(line.split('SET PROJ')[1]); } } /** * Return the last loop */ last_loop () { return this.loops[this.loops.length - 1]; } /** * Return the second-last loop */ parent_loop () { return this.loops[this.loops.length - 2]; } /** * Extract the loop count integer from a LOOP cmd */ loop_count (str) { return parseInt(str.split(' ')[1]); } /** * Execute a fade of frame length, from color to another color */ fade (line) { let len = this.fade_count(line); let start = this.fade_start(line); let end = this.fade_end(line); this.loops[this.rec].start = start; this.loops[this.rec].end = end; this.loops[this.rec].fade = true; this.loops[this.rec].fade_count = 0; this.loops[this.rec].fade_len = len; } /** * Extract the fade length integer from a FADE cmd */ fade_count (str) { return parseInt(str.split(' ')[1]); } /** * Extract the start color from a string */ fade_start (str) { let color = str.split(' ')[2]; return this.rgb(color.trim()) } /** * Extract the end color from a string */ fade_end (str) { let color = str.split(' ')[3]; return this.rgb(color.trim()) } fade_rgb (start, end, len, x) { let cur = []; let diff; for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (x === len - 1) { cur[i] = end[i]; } else if (start[i] >= end[i]) { diff = start[i] - end[i]; cur[i] = start[i] - Math.round((diff / (len - 1)) * x); } else { diff = end[i] - start[i]; cur[i] = start[i] + Math.round((diff / (len - 1)) * x); } } return this.rgb_str(cur); } rgb (str) { let rgb = str.split(','); return rgb.map( char => { return parseInt(char); }) } rgb_str (arr) { return arr.join(','); } /** * Increase the state of a specific object, such as the camera/projector, * by the value defined in val */ update (cmd, val = 1) { if (cmd === 'END') { //I don't understand this loop for (let i = 0; i < val; i++) { if (this.rec === 0) { this.cam += this.loops[this.rec].cam; this.proj += this.loops[this.rec].proj; } else if (this.rec >= 1) { this.loops[this.rec - 1].cam += this.loops[this.rec].cam; this.loops[this.rec - 1].proj += this.loops[this.rec].proj; } } } else if (cmd === 'CF') { if (this.rec === -1) { this.cam += val; } else { this.loops[this.rec].cam += val; } } else if (cmd === 'CB') { if (this.rec === -1) { this.cam -= val; } else { this.loops[this.rec].cam--; } } else if (cmd === 'PF') { if (this.rec === -1) { this.proj += val; } else { this.loops[this.rec].proj += val; } } else if (cmd === 'PB') { if (this.rec === -1) { this.proj -= val; } else { this.loops[this.rec].proj--; } } else if (cmd === 'BF') { if (this.rec === -1) { this.cam += val; } else { this.loops[this.rec].cam += val; } } else if (cmd === 'BB') { if (this.rec === -1) { this.cam -= val; } else { this.loops[this.rec].cam -= val; } } else if (cmd === 'L ') { } } /** * Split string on command, extract any integers from string */ str_to_arr (str, cmd) { const cnt = str.split(cmd); let c = parseInt(cnt[1]); let arr = []; if (cnt[1] === '') { c = 1; } else { c = parseInt(cnt[1]); } arr = new Array(c).fill(cmd); this.update(cmd, c); return arr; } /** * Split a string on a command to extract data for light array */ light_to_arr (str, cmd) { const cnt = str.split(cmd); let c = parseInt(cnt[1]); let arr = []; if (cnt[1] === '') { c = 1; } else { c = parseInt(cnt[1]); } for (var i = 0; i < c; i++) { if (cmd === 'CF' || cmd === 'CB') { arr.push(this.color); } else if (cmd === 'BF' || cmd === 'BB') { arr.push(BLACK); } else { arr.push(''); } } return arr; } /** * Split a string to extract an rgb color value */ light_state (str) { //add parsers for other color spaces const color = str.replace('L ', '').trim(); this.color = color; } /** * Throw an error with specific message */ fail (msg) { throw new Error(msg); } } module.exports = Mscript; /* CAM # - go to camera frame # PROJ # - go to projector frame # SET CAM # - sets camera count to # SET PROJ # - sets projector count to # LOOP # - begin loop, can nest recursively, # times END LOOP - (or END) closes loop L #RGB - sets light to rgb value FADE CF - Camera forwards PF - Projector forwards BF - Black forwards CB - Camera backwards PB - Projector backwards BB - Black backwards */