/** class representing the Projector features **/ import Log = require('log'); class Projector { private state : any = { pos : 0, dir : true }; private arduino : Arduino = null; private log : any; private cfg : any; private ui : any; private ipc : any; private filmout : any; private id : string = 'projector'; /** * **/ constructor (arduino : Arduino, cfg : any, ui : any, filmout : any, second : boolean = false) { this.arduino = arduino; this.cfg = cfg; this.ui = ui; this.filmout = filmout; if (second) this.id += '_second'; this.init(); } /** * **/ private async init () { this.log = await Log({ label : this.id }) this.ipc = require('electron').ipcMain; this.listen(); } /** * **/ private listen () { this.ipc.on(this.id, this.listener.bind(this)); } /** * **/ public async set (dir : boolean, id : string) { let cmd : string; let ms : number; if (dir) { cmd = this.cfg.arduino.cmd[`${this.id}_forward`] } else { cmd = this.cfg.arduino.cmd[`${this.id}_backward`] } this.state.dir = dir if (this.filmout.state.enabled) { this.filmout.set(dir) } else { try { ms = await this.arduino.send(this.id, cmd) } catch (err) { this.log.error(`Error setting ${this.id} direction`, err) } } console.dir(ms) return await this.end(cmd, id, ms) } /** * **/ public async move (frame : any, id : string) { const cmd : string = this.cfg.arduino.cmd[this.id]; let ms : number; if (this.filmout.state.enabled) { try { ms = await this.filmout.move() } catch (err) { this.log.error(err) } } else { try { ms = await this.arduino.send(this.id, cmd) } catch (err) { this.log.error(`Error moving ${this.id}`, err) } } //this.log.info('Projector move time', { ms }); return await this.end(cmd, id, ms) } public async both (frame : any, id : string) { const cmd : string = this.cfg.arduino.cmd[this.id + 's']; let ms : number; try { ms = await this.arduino.send(this.id, cmd) } catch (err) { this.log.error(`Error moving ${this.id}`, err) } //this.log.info('Projectors move time', { ms }); return await this.end(cmd, id, ms) } /** * **/ private async listener (event : any, arg : any){ if (typeof arg.dir !== 'undefined') { try { await this.set(arg.dir, arg.id) } catch (err) { this.log.error(err) } } else if (typeof arg.frame !== 'undefined') { try { await this.move(arg.frame, arg.id) } catch (err) { this.log.error(err) } } else if (typeof arg.val !== 'undefined') { this.state.pos = arg.val; this.filmout.state.frame = arg.val } event.returnValue = true } /** * **/ async end (cmd : string, id : string, ms : number) { let message : string = '' if (cmd === this.cfg.arduino.cmd.projector_forward) { message = 'Projector set to FORWARD' } else if (cmd === this.cfg.arduino.cmd.projector_backward) { message = 'Projector set to BACKWARD' } else if (cmd === this.cfg.arduino.cmd.projector_second_forward) { message = 'Projector second set to FORWARD' } else if (cmd === this.cfg.arduino.cmd.projector_second_backward) { message = 'Projector second set to BACKWARD' } else if (cmd === this.cfg.arduino.cmd.projector) { message = 'Projector ' if (this.state.dir) { message += 'ADVANCED' } else { message += 'REWOUND' } message += ' 1 frame' } else if (cmd === this.cfg.arduino.cmd.projector_second) { message = 'Projector second ' if (this.state.dir) { message += 'ADVANCED' } else { message += 'REWOUND' } message += ' 1 frame' } else if (cmd === this.cfg.arduino.cmd.projectors) { message += 'Projectors both MOVED 1 frame each' } message += ` ${ms}ms` this.log.info(message, 'PROJECTOR') return await this.ui.send(this.id, { cmd, id, ms }) } } module.exports = function (arduino : Arduino, cfg : any, ui : any, filmout : any, second : boolean) { return new Projector(arduino, cfg, ui, filmout, second) }