'use strict'; var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) { return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod }; }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.FilmOut = void 0; const animated_gif_detector_1 = __importDefault(require("animated-gif-detector")); const path_1 = require("path"); const fs_extra_1 = require("fs-extra"); const delay_1 = require("delay"); const crypto_1 = require("crypto"); const frame_1 = __importDefault(require("frame")); const log_1 = require("log"); /** * @module FilmOut **/ class FilmOut { /** * @constructor * Builds FilmOut class with display, ffmpeg, ffprobe, ui and light as internal properties. * * @param {object} display Display object for showing frames * @param {object} ffmpeg FFMPEG wrapper * @param {object} ffprobe FFPROBE wrapper for file info * @param {object} ui Electron ui object * @param {object} light Light device object **/ constructor(display, server, ffmpeg, ffprobe, ui, light) { this.id = 'filmout'; this.videoExtensions = ['.mpg', '.mpeg', '.mov', '.mkv', '.avi', '.mp4']; this.stillExtensions = ['.tif', '.tiff', '.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.bmp']; this.sequenceExtensions = ['.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg']; this.gifExtension = '.gif'; this.state = { hash: null, frame: 0, frames: 0, fps: 24, seconds: 0, still: false, path: null, fileName: null, directory: false, info: {}, dir: true, enabled: false, files: [] }; this.display = display; this.server = server; this.ffmpeg = ffmpeg; this.ffprobe = ffprobe; this.ui = ui; this.light = light; this.init(); } /** * Async function for requiring log, ipcMain and bind events. **/ async init() { this.log = await (0, log_1.Log)({ label: this.id }); this.ipc = require('electron').ipcMain; this.listen(); } /** * **/ listen() { this.ipc.on(this.id, this.onConnect.bind(this)); this.ipc.on('focus', this.focus.bind(this)); this.ipc.on('field', this.field.bind(this)); this.ipc.on('meter', this.meter.bind(this)); this.ipc.on('filmout_close', this.close.bind(this)); this.ipc.on('preview', this.preview.bind(this)); this.ipc.on('preview_frame', this.previewFrame.bind(this)); this.ipc.on('display', this.onDisplay.bind(this)); this.ipc.on('pre_export', this.onPreExport.bind(this)); this.ffmpeg.onProgress = (obj) => { this.ui.send('pre_export_progress', { progress: obj }); }; } /** * Create a hash of a string. * * @param {string} data Data to produce hash of */ hash(data) { return (0, crypto_1.createHash)('sha1').update(data).digest('hex'); } /** * Sets filmout direction. * * @param {boolean} dir Direction of filmout **/ set(dir) { this.state.dir = dir; } /** * Moves filmout a frame at a time. * * @returns {number} Time since start **/ async move() { let start = +new Date(); if (this.state.still) { return -1; } if (this.state.dir) { this.state.frame++; } else { this.state.frame--; } if (this.state.frame < 1) { this.state.frame = 1; } return (+new Date()) - start; } /** * Begin the process of exporting single frames from the video for display. **/ async start() { let path; try { path = await this.ffmpeg.frame(this.state, this.light.state); } catch (err) { this.log.error(err, 'FILMOUT', true, true); throw err; } if (this.server.displayImage(path)) { await (0, delay_1.delay)(20); return; } await this.display.show(path); await (0, delay_1.delay)(20); } /** * Ends the filmout process and closes the display. **/ async end() { await (0, delay_1.delay)(20); this.display.hide(); } /** * Use a video file as a film out source on "projector" * * @param {object} evt Original connect event * @param {object} arg Arguments from ipc message * * @returns {boolean} Success state **/ async onConnect(evt, arg) { let frames = 0; let isAnimated = false; let info; let ext; let stats; let frameList; try { stats = await (0, fs_extra_1.lstat)(arg.path); } catch (err) { this.log.error(err, 'FILMOUT', true, true); return false; } ext = (0, path_1.extname)(arg.fileName.toLowerCase()); if (stats.isDirectory()) { this.state.directory = true; this.state.still = false; } else if (ext === this.gifExtension) { try { isAnimated = await this.isGifAnimated(arg.path); } catch (err) { this.log.error(err, 'FILMOUT', true, true); await this.ui.send(this.id, { valid: false }); return false; } this.state.still = !isAnimated; } else if (this.stillExtensions.indexOf(ext) !== -1) { this.state.still = true; this.state.directory = false; } else if (this.videoExtensions.indexOf(ext) !== -1) { this.state.still = false; this.state.directory = false; } else { this.log.error(`File is not of a valid file type`, 'FILMOUT', true, true); return false; } try { await this.ffmpeg.clearAll(); } catch (err) { this.log.error(err, 'FILMOUT', true, true); throw err; } if (this.state.directory) { try { frameList = await this.dirList(arg.path); } catch (err) { this.log.error(err, 'FILMOUT', true, true); this.state.enabled = false; await this.ui.send(this.id, { valid: false }); return false; } try { info = await this.dirInfo(frameList); } catch (err) { this.log.error(err, 'FILMOUT', true, true); this.state.enabled = false; await this.ui.send(this.id, { valid: false }); return false; } frames = frameList.length; this.state.files = frameList; } else if (this.state.still) { try { info = await this.stillInfo(arg.path); } catch (err) { this.log.error(err, 'FILMOUT', true, true); this.state.enabled = false; await this.ui.send(this.id, { valid: false }); return false; } frames = 1; } else { try { info = await this.ffprobe.info(arg.path); } catch (err) { this.log.error(err, 'FILMOUT', true, true); this.state.enabled = false; await this.ui.send(this.id, { valid: false }); return false; } try { frames = await this.ffprobe.frames(arg.path); } catch (err) { this.log.error(err, 'FILMOUT', true, true); this.state.enabled = false; await this.ui.send(this.id, { valid: false }); return false; } } this.state.frame = 0; this.state.path = arg.path; this.state.fileName = arg.fileName; this.state.frames = frames; this.state.info = info; this.state.hash = this.hash(arg.path); if (info.fps) { this.state.fps = info.fps; } else { this.state.fps = 24; //default } if (info.seconds) { this.state.seconds = info.seconds; } else if (info.fps && frames) { this.state.seconds = frames / info.fps; } else if (this.state.directory) { this.state.seconds = frames / 24; } this.log.info(`Opened ${this.state.fileName}`, 'FILMOUT', true, true); this.log.info(`Frames : ${frames}`, 'FILMOUT', true, true); this.state.enabled = true; await this.ui.send(this.id, { valid: true, state: JSON.stringify(this.state) }); return true; } /** * Pre-export all frames from video for display. * * @param {object} evt IPC event * @param {object} arg IPC args * * @returns {any} UI send call */ async onPreExport(evt, arg) { if (!this.state.path) { return await this.ui.send('pre_export', { complete: false, err: 'No file to pre export.' }); } try { await this.ffmpeg.frames(this.state); } catch (err) { return await this.ui.send('pre_export', { complete: false, err }); } return await this.ui.send('pre_export', { complete: true }); } /** * Return true if gif is animated, false if it is a still * * @param {string} pathStr Path to gif to check * * @returns {boolean} Whether or not gif is animated **/ async isGifAnimated(pathStr) { let gifBuffer; try { gifBuffer = await (0, fs_extra_1.readFile)(pathStr); } catch (err) { this.log.error(err, 'FILMOUT', true, true); return false; } return (0, animated_gif_detector_1.default)(gifBuffer); } /** * Return information on a still image using the Jimp module * * @param {string} pathStr Path to gif to check * * @returns {object} Info about still from sharp **/ async stillInfo(pathStr) { let info; try { info = await frame_1.default.info(pathStr); } catch (err) { this.log.error(err, 'FILMOUT', true, true); } return info; } /** * Return information on the first still image found in a * directory using the Jimp module. * * @param {array} images List of image paths * * @returns {object} Info about first image **/ async dirInfo(images) { let info; try { info = await this.stillInfo(images[0]); } catch (err) { this.log.error(err, 'FILMOUT', true, true); } return info; } /** * Returns a list of images within a directory, filtered * for supported types and sorted. * * @param {string} pathStr Path to directory * * @returns {array} Array of image paths **/ async dirList(pathStr) { let frameList = []; try { frameList = await (0, fs_extra_1.readdir)(pathStr); } catch (err) { this.log.error(err, 'FILMOUT', true, true); } frameList = frameList.filter((fileName) => { let ext = (0, path_1.extname)(fileName); if (this.sequenceExtensions.indexOf(ext) !== -1) { return true; } return false; }); frameList.sort(); frameList = frameList.map((fileName) => { return (0, path_1.join)(pathStr, fileName); }); return frameList; } /** * Preview a frame from the selected video. * * @param {object} evt Original event * @param {object} arg Arguments from message **/ async previewFrame(evt, arg) { const state = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.state)); let path; state.frame = arg.frame; try { path = await this.ffmpeg.frame(state, { color: [255, 255, 255] }); } catch (err) { this.log.error(err, 'FILMOUT', true, true); throw err; } this.ui.send('preview_frame', { path, frame: arg.frame }); } /** * Open a single frame in a display window to preview filmout. * * @param {object} evt Original event * @param {object} arg Arguments from message **/ async preview(evt, arg) { const state = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.state)); let path; state.frame = arg.frame; this.log.info(`Previewing frame ${state.frame} of ${state.fileName}`); try { path = await this.ffmpeg.frame(state, { color: [255, 255, 255] }); } catch (err) { this.log.error(err, 'FILMOUT', true, true); throw err; } try { if (await this.server.displayImage(path)) { return; } await this.display.open(); await this.display.show(path); } catch (err) { this.log.error(err, 'FILMOUT', true, true); } } /** * **/ async focus(evt, arg) { this.log.info(`Showing focus screen`); try { if (await this.server.cmdAll('focus')) { return; } await this.display.open(); await this.display.focus(); } catch (err) { this.log.error(err, 'FILMOUT', true, true); } } /** * **/ async field(evt, arg) { const ratio = arg.ratio; this.log.info(`Showing field guide screen`); try { if (await this.server.cmdAll('field', { ratio })) { return; } await this.display.open(); await this.display.field(ratio); } catch (err) { this.log.error(err, 'FILMOUT', true, true); } } /** * **/ async meter(evt, arg) { this.log.info(`Showing meter screen`); try { if (await this.server.cmdAll('meter')) { return; } await this.display.open(); await this.display.meter(); } catch (err) { this.log.error(err, 'FILMOUT', true, true); } } /** * **/ async close(evt, arg) { try { if (await this.server.cmdAll('blank')) { return; } await this.display.hide(); await this.display.close(); } catch (err) { this.log.error(err, 'FILMOUT', true, true); } } /** * **/ onDisplay(evt, arg) { this.display.change(arg.display); this.log.info(`Changing the display to ${arg.display}`); } } exports.FilmOut = FilmOut; module.exports = (display, server, ffmpeg, ffprobe, ui, light) => { return new FilmOut(display, server, ffmpeg, ffprobe, ui, light); }; //# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map