import * as WebSocket from 'ws' import express, { Express, Request, Response, Application } from 'express' import { readFile } from 'fs/promises' import Log = require('log'); interface ServerData { [key: string]: string; PORT? : string; } interface ServerTemplate { name : string; path : string; data? : string } class Server { private id : string = 'server' public isActive : boolean = false private log : any private templates : ServerTemplate[] = [ { name :'index', path : 'server.html' }, { name : 'script', path : 'lib/client/index.js' } ] private http : Application private httpd : Server private port : number = 9900 private wsPort : number = 9901 constructor () { this.init() } async init () { this.log = await Log({ label : }); await this.load() await this.start() } async load () { this.http = express() for (let tmpl of this.templates) { = await readFile(tmpl.path, 'utf8') } this.http.get('/', this.index.bind(this)) this.http.get('/client.js', this.script.bind(this))"Server assets loaded") } template (name: string, data : ServerData) { let html : string = this.templates.find(el => === name).data for (let key of Object.keys(data)) { html = html.replace(`{{${key}}}`, data[key]) } return html } async start () { return new Promise(function (resolve : Function, reject : Function) { this.httpd = this.http.listen(this.port, function () { this.isActive = true`Server started!`)`URL [ http://localhost:${this.port} ]`) return resolve(true) }.bind(this)) }.bind(this)) } stop() { return new Promise(function (resolve : Function, reject : Function) { return this.httpd.close(function () { this.isActive = false`Server stopped :(`) }.bind(this)) }.bind(this)) } index (req : Request, res : Response, next : Function) { const html : string = this.template('index', { PORT : `${this.port}` })'GET /') return res.send(html) } script (req : Request, res : Response, next : Function) { const js : string = this.template('script', { PORT : `${this.wsPort}` }) res.contentType('text/javascript')'GET /script.js') return res.send(js) } } module.exports = function () { return new Server() }