const seq = {}; = 'sequence'; seq.grid = []; seq.gridLoops = 1; seq.arr = []; seq.loops = 1; seq.size = 24; seq.time = 0; seq.running = false; /****** Sequence Object *******/ seq.init = function () { seq.listen(); } seq.listen = function () { ipcRenderer.on(, seq.listener); } seq.listener = function (event, arg) { //console.log(JSON.stringify(arg)) if (arg.start) { if (typeof arg.loop !== 'undefined' && typeof arg.step !== 'undefined') { seq.activeStep(arg.step);`Step ${arg.step + 1}/${seq.arr.length}, Loop ${arg.loop + 1}/${seq.loops}`, 'SERIAL', true); } else if (typeof arg.loop !== 'undefined') { $('#loop_current').text(gui.fmtZero(arg.loop + 1, 6)); } else { seq.progress(0, 0); } } else if (arg.stop) { if (typeof arg.loop !== 'undefined' && typeof arg.step !== 'undefined') { //console.log(JSON.stringify(arg)) seq.progress(arg.step + 1, arg.loop); seq.inactiveAll(); } else if (typeof arg.loop !== 'undefined') { $('#loop_current').text(''); } else { gui.overlay(false); gui.spinner(false);'Sequence stopped', 'SERIAL', true); } } return event.returnValue = true; } seq.progress = function (step, loop) { const elem = $('.progress-bar'); const len = seq.arr.length; const total = len * seq.loops; let pos = (loop * len) + step; let progress = 0; if (pos > 0 && total > 0) { progress = (pos / total) * 100; } //console.log(`${progress}%`) elem.attr('aria-valuenow', progress); elem.css('width', `${progress}%`); } seq.activeStep = function (x) { seq.inactiveAll(); //console.log(`.row input[x=${x + ''}]`) $(`.row input[x=${x + ''}]`).addClass('h'); $(`#numbers div[x=${x + ''}]`).addClass('h'); } seq.inactiveAll = function () { $('.row input').removeClass('h'); $('#numbers div').removeClass('h'); } seq.stop = function (s) { 'use strict'; ipcRenderer.send(, { stop : true }); $('#loop_current').text(''); }; //start the sequencer from the grid seq.start = function () { 'use strict'; seq.time = +new Date(); seq.arr = seq.grid; seq.loops = seq.gridLoops; ipcRenderer.send(, { start : true }); }; //start a pre-set sequence, not using the gui seq.exec = function (arr, loops) { 'use strict'; seq.time = +new Date(); seq.arr = arr; seq.loops = loops; ipcRenderer.send(, { start : true, arr, loops }); }; seq.set = function (x, cmd) { 'use strict'; let increase = 0; if (x >= seq.grid.length + 1) { increase = x - seq.grid.length; for (let i = 0; i < increase; i++) { seq.grid.push({}); } } if (!seq.grid[x]) seq.grid[x] = {}; seq.grid[x].x = x; seq.grid[x].cmd = cmd; if (cmd.indexOf('C') !== -1) { seq.grid[x].light = light.color; } else { if (seq.grid[x].light) { delete seq.grid[x].light; } } //set ipcRenderer.send(, { set : [ seq.grid[x] ] }); //update grid? } seq.unsetAll = function () { const len = seq.grid.length; const steps = []; for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (typeof seq.grid[i] !== 'undefined') { steps.push(i); } } ipcRenderer.send(, { unset : steps }); seq.grid = []; } seq.unset = function (x) { 'use strict'; seq.grid[x] = undefined ipcRenderer.send(, { unset : [ x ]}); } /** * Set the light value at a specific step and then update * GUI grid via .state() * * @param {integer} x Step in sequence * @param {array} rgb Light value in RGB **/ seq.setLight = function (x, rgb) { 'use strict'; let color = rgb.join(','); seq.grid[x].light = color; ipcRenderer.send(, { x, cmd : seq.grid[x].cmd, light : color }); }; /** * Function bound to the change event on the loop counter * input element * * @param {integer} count Integer to set loops to */ seq.setLoops = function (count) { 'use strict'; seq.gridLoops = count; seq.stats(); ipcRenderer.send(, { loops : seq.gridLoops }) }; seq.stats = function () { 'use strict'; let ms = 0; let c = ''; let cam_total = 0; let proj_total = 0; let real_total = seq.grid.filter(function (elem) { if (elem === undefined) { return false; } return true; }); //timing for (let step of seq.grid) { c = seq.cmd; if (c === cfg.cmd.camera_forward || c === cfg.cmd.camera_backward){ ms +=; ms +=; ms += cfg.arduino.serialDelay; } if (c === cfg.cmd.projector_forward || c === cfg.cmd.projector_backward){ ms += cfg.arduino.proj.time; ms += cfg.arduino.proj.delay; ms += cfg.arduino.serialDelay; } if (c === cfg.cmd.black_forward || c === cfg.cmd.black_backward){ ms +=; ms +=; ms +=; ms +=; ms += cfg.arduino.serialDelay; } ms += cfg.arduino.sequenceDelay; if (c === cfg.cmd.camera_forward || c === cfg.cmd.black_forward) { cam_total++; } if (c === cfg.cmd.camera_backward || c === cfg.cmd.black_backward) { cam_total--; } if (c === cfg.cmd.projector_forward) { proj_total++; } if (c === cfg.cmd.projector_backward) { proj_total--; } } //timing ms = ms * seq.gridLoops; if (ms < 2000) { $('#seq_stats .timing span').text(ms + 'ms'); } else { $('#seq_stats .timing span').text(humanizeDuration(ms)); } //ending frames cam_total = cam_total * seq.gridLoops; proj_total = proj_total * seq.gridLoops; $('#seq_stats .cam_end span').text(gui.fmtZero(cam.pos + cam_total, 6)); $('#seq_stats .proj_end span').text(gui.fmtZero(proj.pos + proj_total, 6)); //count $('#seq_stats .seq_count span').text(real_total.length * seq.gridLoops); return ms; }; seq.clear = function () { 'use strict'; seq.size = 24; seq.unsetAll(); seq.progress(0, 0); }; seq.cancel = function () { gui.spinner(true, `Cancelling sequence...`); seq.running = false; seq.stop(); } module.exports = seq;