var remote = require('remote'), dialog = require('electron').remote.dialog, fs = require('fs'), uuid = require('node-uuid'), moment = require('moment'), humanizeDuration = require('humanize-duration') ipcRenderer = require('electron').ipcRenderer, mcopy = {}, light = {}, nav = {}, seq = {}, gui = {}, log = {}; //console.log(ipcRenderer.sendSync('light', { 'fuck' : true }) ); mcopy.cfg = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./data/cfg.json'), 'utf8'); /****** State shared by ALL interfaces *******/ mcopy.state = { version : '2.0.0', //use for file compatibility check camera : { pos : 0, direction: true }, projector : { pos : 0, direction: true }, sequence : { size : 24, arr : ['CF', 'PF'], light : ['255,255,255', ''], cmd : { camera:, projector: mcopy.cfg.arduino.cmd.projector, cam_direction: mcopy.cfg.arduino.cmd.cam_direction, cam_direction: mcopy.cfg.arduino.cmd.proj_direction }, pads: { cam_forward: 'CF', proj_forward : 'PF', black_forward : 'BF', cam_backward: 'CB', proj_backward : 'PB', black_backward : 'BB', light_set : 'L' } } }; log.time = 'MM/DD/YY-HH:mm:ss'; log.count = 0; log.init = function () { 'use strict'; $('#log').w2grid({ name : 'log', columns: [ { field: 'time', caption: 'Time', size: '22%' }, { field: 'action', caption: 'Action', size: '58%' }, { field: 'service', caption: 'Service', size: '20%' }, { field: 'status', caption: 'Status', size: '10%' }, ], records: [] }); //{ recid: 1, time: moment().format(log.time), action: 'Started app', service: 'MAIN', status: true }'Started app', 'MAIN', true); log.listen(); }; log.listen = function () { 'use strict'; ipcRenderer.on('log', function (event, arg) { log.display(arg.action, arg.service, arg.status, arg.time); return event.returnValue = true; }); }; log.display = function (action, service, status, time) { 'use strict'; var obj = { recid : log.count++, time : time, action : action, service : service, status : status } if (typeof time === 'undefined') { obj.time = moment().format(log.time); } w2ui['log'].add(obj); setTimeout(function () { $('#grid_log_table').animate({ scrollTop: $('#grid_log_table').prop('scrollHeight') }, 100); }, 100); return obj; }; = function (obj) { 'use strict'; ipcRenderer.sendSync('log', obj); }; = function (action, service, status, time) { 'use strict'; var obj = log.display(action, service, status, time);; console.log(obj); }; /****** Sequence Object *******/ seq.i = 0; mcopy.loop = 1; mcopy.loopCount = 0; mcopy.seq_time = 0; seq.stopState = false; = function () { var cmd = mcopy.state.sequence.arr[seq.i], action = function () { setTimeout(function () { seq.i++;; }, mcopy.cfg.arduino.sequenceDelay); }, timeEnd = 0; if (seq.stop()) { $('.row input').removeClass('h'); console.log('Sequence stepped'); return false; } if (seq.i <= mcopy.state.sequence.arr.length && cmd !== undefined) { console.log('Sequence step ' + seq.i + ' command ' + cmd + '...'); //gui action $('.row input').removeClass('h'); $('.row input[x=' + seq.i + ']').addClass('h'); $('#numbers div[x=' + seq.i + ']').addClass('h'); /*if (cmd === 'CF'){ mcopy.cmd.cam_forward(action); } else if (cmd === 'CB') { mcopy.cmd.cam_backward(action); } else if (cmd === 'PF') { mcopy.cmd.proj_forward(action); } else if (cmd === 'PB') { mcopy.cmd.proj_backward(action); } else if (cmd === 'BF') { mcopy.cmd.black_forward(action); } else if (cmd === 'BB') { mcopy.cmd.black_backward(action); }*/ } else { mcopy.loopCount++; if (mcopy.loopCount < mcopy.loop) { console.log('Loop ' + mcopy.loopCount + ' completed!'); $('.row input').removeClass('h'); seq.i = 0;; } else { console.log('Sequence completed!'); timeEnd = +new Date(); timeEnd = timeEnd - mcopy.seq_time; setTimeout(function () { if (timeEnd < 2000) { console.log('Sequence took ' + timeEnd + 'ms'); } else { console.log('Sequence took ' + humanizeDuration(timeEnd)); } }, 500); //clear gui $('.row input').removeClass('h'); $('#numbers div').removeClass('h'); seq.stats(); } } }; seq.stop = function (state) { if (typeof state === 'undefined') { return seq.stopState; } else { seq.stopState = state; } }; seq.init = function (start) { if (typeof start === 'undefined') { start = 0; mcopy.loopCount = 0; mcopy.seq_time = +new Date(); } seq.stop(false); seq.i = start;; }; seq.stats = function () { var ms = 0, cmd = '', cam_total = 0, proj_total = 0, real_total = mcopy.state.sequence.arr.filter(function (elem) { if (elem === undefined) { return false; } return true; }); //timing for (var i = 0; i < mcopy.state.sequence.arr.length; i++) { cmd = mcopy.state.sequence.arr[i]; if (cmd === 'CF' || cmd === 'CB'){ ms +=; ms +=; ms += mcopy.cfg.arduino.serialDelay; } if (cmd === 'PF' || cmd === 'PB'){ ms += mcopy.cfg.arduino.proj.time; ms += mcopy.cfg.arduino.proj.delay; ms += mcopy.cfg.arduino.serialDelay; } if (cmd === 'BF' || cmd === 'BB'){ ms +=; ms +=; ms +=; ms +=; ms += mcopy.cfg.arduino.serialDelay; } ms += mcopy.cfg.arduino.sequenceDelay; if (cmd === 'CF' || cmd === 'BF') { cam_total++; } if (cmd === 'CB' || cmd === 'BB') { cam_total--; } if (cmd === 'PF') { proj_total++; } if (cmd === 'PB') { proj_total--; } } //timing ms = ms * mcopy.loop; if (ms < 2000) { $('#seq_stats .timing span').text(ms + 'ms'); } else { $('#seq_stats .timing span').text(humanizeDuration(ms)); } //ending frames cam_total = cam_total * mcopy.loop; proj_total = proj_total * mcopy.loop; $('#seq_stats .cam_end span').text(gui.fmtZero( + cam_total, 6)); $('#seq_stats .proj_end span').text(gui.fmtZero(mcopy.state.projector.pos + proj_total, 6)); //count $('#seq_stats .seq_count span').text(real_total.length * mcopy.loop); return ms; }; seq.clear = function () { mcopy.state.sequence.size = 24; mcopy.state.sequence.arr = []; }; //GUI gui.fmtZero = function (val, len) { var raw = val, str = val + '', output = '' if (raw < 0) { output = '-' + Array(len - (str.length - 1)).join('0') + str.replace('-', ''); } else { if (str.length < len) { output = Array(len - str.length).join('0') + str; } else if (str.length >= len) { str = parseInt(str) + ''; output = Array(len - str.length).join('0') + str; } } return output; }; gui.counterFormat = function (t, normal, prevent) { var raw = t.value; t.value = gui.fmtZero(raw, 6); if (typeof normal !== 'undefined' && parseInt(raw) !== normal) { $(t).addClass('changed'); } else { $(t).removeClass('changed'); } if (typeof prevent === 'undefined') { prevent = false; } if (!prevent) { gui.shootGoto(t); } }; gui.shootGoto = function (t) { var elem = $(t), id = elem.attr('id').split('_'), val = 0, comp = 0, other = {}; if (id[1] === 'cam') { comp =; } else if (id[1] === 'proj') { comp = mcopy.state.projector.pos; } if (id[0] === 'shoot') { other = $('#goto_' + id[1]); val = parseInt(elem.val()) + comp; other.val(val); gui.counterFormat(other[0], comp, true); //other.trigger('change'); } else if (id[0] === 'goto'){ other = $('#shoot_' + id[1]); val = parseInt(elem.val()) - comp; other.val(val); gui.counterFormat(other[0], undefined, true); } else { //ALLOW TO EXECUTE WITH NO RESULTS //console.log('You screwed up the markup.'); } }; gui.updateCam = function (t) { var val = t.value, change; if (parseInt(val) === { return false; } change = confirm('Are you sure you want to set camera counter to ' + val + '?'); if (change) { = parseInt(val); gui.updateState(); } else { t.value =; gui.counterFormat(t); } }; gui.updateProj = function (t) { var val = t.value, change; if (parseInt(val) === mcopy.state.projector.pos) { return false; } change = confirm('Are you sure you want to set projector counter to ' + val + '?'); if (change) { mcopy.state.projector.pos = parseInt(val); gui.updateState(); } else { t.value = mcopy.state.projector.pos; gui.counterFormat(t); } }; gui.updateState = function () { var cpos =, ppos = mcopy.state.projector.pos; $('#trad_cam_count').val(cpos).change(); $('#trad_proj_count').val(ppos).change(); $('#seq_cam_count').val(cpos).change(); $('#seq_proj_count').val(ppos).change(); $('#goto_cam').val(cpos).change(); $('#goto_proj').val(ppos).change(); }; = function (title, message) { 'use strict'; var config = { type : 'info', buttons : ['Ok'], title: title, message : message }; dialog.showMessageBox(config); /* type String - Can be "none", "info", "error", "question" or "warning". On Windows, "question" displays the same icon as "info", unless you set an icon using the "icon" option. buttons Array - Array of texts for buttons. defaultId Integer - Index of the button in the buttons array which will be selected by default when the message box opens. title String - Title of the message box, some platforms will not show it. message String - Content of the message box. detail String - Extra information of the message. icon NativeImage cancelId Integer - The value will be returned when user cancels the dialog instead of clicking the buttons of the dialog. By default it is the index of the buttons that have "cancel" or "no" as label, or 0 if there is no such buttons. On OS X and Windows the index of "Cancel" button will always be used as cancelId, not matter whether it is already specified. noLink Boolean - On Windows Electron will try to figure out which one of the buttons are common buttons (like "Cancel" or "Yes"), and show the others as command links in the dialog. This can make the dialog appear in the style of modern Windows apps. If you don't like this behavior, you can set noLink to true. */ }; gui.confirm = function () {}; gui.warn = function (title, message) { 'use strict'; var config = { type : 'warning', buttons : ['Ok'], title: title, message : message }; dialog.showMessageBox(config); }; gui.error = function () {}; /****** Sequencer grid *******/ gui.grid = {}; gui.grid.swatchesElem = {}; gui.grid.init = function () { 'use strict'; gui.grid.refresh(); seq.stats();; }; gui.grid.state = function (i) { 'use strict'; var elem = $('input[x=' + i + ']'), lightElem = $('.L' + '[x=' + i + ']'); if (typeof mcopy.state.sequence.arr[i] !== 'undefined') { elem.prop('checked', false); $('.' + mcopy.state.sequence.arr[i] + '[x=' + i + ']').prop('checked', true); if (mcopy.state.sequence.arr[i] === 'CF' || mcopy.state.sequence.arr[i] === 'CB') { lightElem.css('background', 'rgb(' + mcopy.state.sequence.light[i] + ')') .addClass('a') .prop('title', 'rgb(' + mcopy.state.sequence.light[i] + ')'); } else { lightElem.css('background', 'transparent') .removeClass('a') .prop('title', ''); } } else { lightElem.css('background', 'transparent') .removeClass('a') .prop('title', ''); } }; gui.grid.refresh = function () { 'use strict'; var cmds = ['cam_forward', 'proj_forward', 'cam_backward', 'proj_backward', 'light_set', 'numbers'], check = '', div = '
', elem, width = 970 - 34 + ((940 / 24) * Math.abs(24 - mcopy.state.sequence.size)); $('#sequence').width(width + 'px'); for (var i = 0; i < cmds.length; i++) { $('#' + cmds[i]).empty(); for (var x = 0; x < mcopy.state.sequence.size; x++) { if (i === cmds.length - 1) { elem = div.replace('xxxx', x); $('#' + cmds[i]).append($(elem).text(x)); } else if (i === cmds.length - 2) { elem = div.replace('xxxx', x); $('#' + cmds[i]).append($(elem).addClass(mcopy.state.sequence.pads[cmds[i]])); } else { elem = check.replace('xxxx', x); $('#' + cmds[i]).append($(elem).addClass(mcopy.state.sequence.pads[cmds[i]])); } gui.grid.state(x); } } }; = function (t) { 'use strict'; var i = parseInt($(t).attr('x')), cmd; if ($(t).prop('checked')) { cmd = $(t).attr('class').replace('.', ''); mcopy.state.sequence.arr[i] = cmd; if (cmd === 'CF' || cmd === 'CB') { mcopy.state.sequence.light[i] = light.color.join(','); } else { mcopy.state.sequence.light[i] = ''; } } else { mcopy.state.sequence.arr[i] = undefined; delete mcopy.state.sequence.arr[i]; } gui.grid.state(i); seq.stats(); }; gui.grid.clear = function () { 'use strict'; var doit = confirm('Are you sure you want to clear this sequence?'); if (doit) { seq.clear(); gui.grid.refresh(); seq.stats(); console.log('Sequencer cleared'); } }; gui.grid.loopChange = function (t) { 'use strict'; var count = parseInt(t.value); mcopy.loop = count; console.log('Loop count set to ' + mcopy.loop); seq.stats(); }; gui.grid.plus_24 = function () { 'use strict'; mcopy.state.sequence.size += 24; gui.grid.refresh(); console.log('Sequencer expanded to ' + mcopy.state.sequence.size + ' steps'); }; gui.grid.setLight = function (x, rgb) { 'use strict'; mcopy.state.sequence.light[x] = rgb.join(','); gui.grid.state(x); }; gui.grid.blackout = function (t) { var elem = $(t), i = elem.attr('x'); if (typeof mcopy.state.sequence.light[i] === 'undefined') { return false; } if (mcopy.state.sequence.light[i] === '0,0,0') { gui.grid.setLight(i, light.color); } else { gui.grid.setLight(i, [0, 0, 0]); } }; gui.grid.changeAll = function (rgb) { 'use strict'; var i; for (i = 0; i < mcopy.state.sequence.arr.length; i++) { if (mcopy.state.sequence.arr[i] === 'CF' || mcopy.state.sequence.arr[i] === 'CB') { gui.grid.setLight(i, rgb); } } }; gui.grid.swatches = function (x) { 'use strict'; var current = mcopy.state.sequence.light[x]; gui.grid.swatchesElem ={ title : 'Select Color', body : $('#light-swatches').html(), buttons : ' ', onClose : function () { } }); $('.w2ui-msg-body .swatch').removeClass('default set'); $('.w2ui-msg-body .swatch[color="' + current + '"').eq(0).addClass('default set'); $('#sequencer-cancel').on('click', function () { gui.grid.swatchesElem.close(); }); $('#sequencer-changeall').on('click', function () { var doit = confirm('You sure you want to change all light settings?'), elem = $('.w2ui-msg-body .default'), rgb; if (doit && elem.length > 0) { rgb = elem.attr('color').split(','); gui.grid.changeAll(rgb); gui.grid.swatchesElem.close(); } else if (doit && elem.length === 0) { gui.warn('Select Color', 'Please select a color to proceed.'); } }); $('#sequencer-ok').on('click', function () { var elem = $('.w2ui-msg-body .default'), rgb; if (elem.length > 0) { rgb = elem.attr('color').split(','); gui.grid.setLight(x, rgb); light.color = rgb; gui.grid.swatchesElem.close(); } else { gui.warn('Select Color', 'Please select a color to proceed.'); } }); }; gui.grid.scrollTo = function (i) { 'use strict'; var w = 35 + 3; //width of pad + margin $('#seq_scroll').scrollLeft(i * w); }; = function () { 'use strict'; $(document.body).on('click', '#sequencer input[type=checkbox]', function () {; }); //$(document.body).on('click', '.L', function () { //alert('click'); //console.log('please dont happen'); //}); $(document.body).on('dblclick', '.L', function () { gui.grid.blackout(this); }); $(document.body).on('contextmenu', '.L', function (e) { var x =; setTimeout(function () { gui.grid.swatches(x); }, 300); e.preventDefault(); return false; }); $('#seq_scroll').on('scroll', function () { var i = Math.ceil($('#seq_scroll').scrollLeft() / (35 + 3)); $('#seq_scroll_state').val(gui.fmtZero(i, 6)); }); $('#seq_scroll_state').on('change', function () { var i = parseInt($(this).val()); $(this).val(gui.fmtZero(i, 6)); gui.grid.scrollTo(i); }); $(document.body).on('click', '.w2ui-msg-body .swatch', function () { var color = $(this).attr('color'), title = $(this).attr('title'); if (typeof color !== 'undefined') { color = color.split(','); $('.w2ui-msg-body .swatch').removeClass('default set'); $('#light-swatches .swatch').removeClass('default set'); $(this).addClass('default set'); $('#light-swatches .swatch[title="' + title + '"]').eq(0).addClass('default set'); light.color = color; } }); }; //LIGHT light.preview_state = false; //light is on/off for preview viewing light.color = [255, 255, 255]; //default color light.current = [0, 0, 0]; //last sent light.rgb_on = false; light.icon = {}; light.swatches = [ { rgb : [0, 0, 0], name : 'off' }, { rgb : [255, 255, 255], name : 'white (LED)' }, { rgb : chroma.kelvin(2500).rgb(), name : '2500 kelvin' }, { rgb : chroma.kelvin(5600).rgb(), name : '5600 kelvin' }, { rgb : light.color, set : true, default : true } ]; light.queue = {}; light.lock = false; light.init = function () { 'use strict'; light.listen(); //create dynamic style for displaying light across screens light.icon = document.createElement('style'); light.icon.innerHTML = 'span.mcopy-light{background-color: #000;}'; document.body.appendChild(light.icon); light.colorPickers();; light.display(light.current); $('#preview').on('change', function () { light.preview_state = $(this).prop('checked'); if (light.preview_state) { light.display(light.color); light.set(light.color); } else { light.display([0,0,0]); light.set([0,0,0]); } }); }; light.colorPickers = function () { 'use strict'; $('#colors-tabs').w2tabs({ name: 'colors', active: 'rgb', tabs: [ { id: 'kelvin', caption: 'Kelvin'}, { id: 'cmy', caption: 'CMY'}, { id: 'rgb', caption: 'RGB' } ], onClick: function (event) { //$('#colors-content').html('Tab: ' +; } }); /*var myColorPicker = new ColorPicker({ color: '', // see Colors... mode: 'rgb-b', // initial mode the color picker is starting with fps: 60, // the framerate colorPicker refreshes the display if no 'requestAnimationFrame' delayOffset: 8, // pixels offset when shifting mouse up/down inside input fields before it starts acting as slider CSSPrefix: 'cp-', // the standard prefix for (almost) all class declarations (HTML, CSS) size: 0, // one of the 4 sizes: 0 = L (large), 1 = S, 2 = XS, 3 = XXS; resize to see what happens... allMixDetails: true, // see Colors... alphaBG: 'w', // initial 3rd layer bgColor (w = white, c = custom (customBG), b = black); customBG: '#808080', // see Colors... noAlpha: true, // disable alpha input (all sliders are gone and current alpha therefore locked) cmyOnly: false, // display CMY instead of CMYK memoryColors: [], // array of colors in memory section opacityPositionRelative: undefined, // render opacity slider arrows in px or % customCSS: undefined, // if external stylesheet, internal will be ignored... appendTo: document.body, // the HTMLElement the colorPicker will be appended to on initialization noRangeBackground: false, // performance option: doesn't render backgrounds in input fields if set to false textRight: false, // not supported yet. Make numbers appear aligned right noHexButton: false, // button next to HEX input could be used for some trigger... noResize: false, // enable / disable resizing of colorPicker noRGBr: false, // active / passive button right to RGB-R display. Disables rendering of 'real' color possibilities... noRGBg: false, // same as above noRGBb: false, // same as above CSSStrength: 'div.', // not in use devPicker: false, // uses existing HTML instead of internal template for developing renderCallback: function(colors, mode){ }, // callback on after rendering (for further rendering outside colorPicker) actionCallback: function(e, action){ }, // callback on any action within colorPicker (buttons, sliders, ...) convertCallback: function(colors, type){ var a = colors.RND.rgb; light.display([a.r, a.g, a.b]); }, // see Colors... });*/ var colors = jsColorPicker('#rgb', { customBG: '#222', readOnly: true, size: 3, appendTo : document.getElementById('rgb-page'), // patch: false, init: function(elm, colors) { // colors is a different instance (not connected to colorPicker) = elm.value; = colors.rgbaMixCustom.luminance > 0.22 ? '#222' : '#ddd'; }, convertCallback: function(colors, type){ //console.dir(type); var a = colors.RND.rgb, rgb = [a.r, a.g, a.b]; light.preview(rgb); } }); }; light.set = function (rgb, callback) { //rgb = [0,0,0] 'use strict'; var obj; if (light.lock) { //potential for logging overlapping commands return false; } obj = { rgb : rgb, id : uuid.v4() }; ipcRenderer.sendSync('light', obj); if (typeof callback !== 'undefined') { obj.callback = callback; } light.queue[] = obj; light.current = rgb; light.lock = true; }; light.end = function (id) { 'use strict'; if (typeof light.queue[id] !== 'undefined') { if (typeof light.queue[id].callback !== 'undefined') { light.queue[id].callback(); } delete light.queue[id]; light.lock = false; } } light.listen = function () { 'use strict'; ipcRenderer.on('light', function (event, arg) { light.end(; return event.returnValue = true; }); }; light.preview = function (rgb) { 'use strict'; var rgbStr = 'rgb(' + rgb.join(',') + ')'; light.color = rgb; $('#light-swatches .swatch.set').css('background', rgbStr) .attr('color', rgb.join(',')) .prop('title', rgbStr); if (light.preview_state) { light.display(rgb); light.set(rgb); } }; light.display = function (rgb) { //display light active state 'use strict'; var str, i; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { rgb[i] = Math.floor(rgb[i]); $('#light-status form input').eq(i).val(rgb[i]); } str = 'rgb(' + rgb.join(',') + ')'; $('#color').css('background-color', str); light.icon = document.styleSheets[document.styleSheets.length - 1]; light.icon.deleteRule(0); light.icon.insertRule('span.mcopy-light{background-color: ' + str + ';}', 0) }; light.color_init = function () { 'use strict'; if (!light.rgb_on) { $('#rgb').focus(); light.rgb_on = true; } }; = {}; = function () { 'use strict'; var number = 12, add, elem, rgb, i, x; for (i = 0; i < light.swatches.length; i++) { for (x = 0; x < 3; x++) { light.swatches[i].rgb[x] = Math.floor(light.swatches[i].rgb[x]); } rgb = 'rgb(' + light.swatches[i].rgb.join(',') + ')'; elem = $('
'); elem.css('background', rgb); elem.attr('color', light.swatches[i].rgb.join(',')); if (typeof light.swatches[i].name !== 'undefined') { elem.prop('title', light.swatches[i].name); } else { elem.prop('title', rgb); } if (light.swatches[i].default) { elem.addClass('default'); } if (light.swatches[i].set) { elem.addClass('set'); } $('#new-swatch').before(elem); } $('#new-swatch').on('click',; $(document.body).on('click', '#light-swatches .swatch', function () { var rgb = $(this).attr('color'); if (typeof color !== 'undefined') { rgb = rgb.split(','); $('#light-swatches .swatch').removeClass('default set'); $(this).addClass('default set'); light.preview(rgb); } }); $(document.body).on('dblclick', '.swatch', function () { }); }; = function () { 'use strict'; var swatch = $('
'); $('#light-swatches .swatch').removeClass('default set'); $('#new-swatch').before(swatch); light.preview(light.color); }; nav.init = function () { 'use strict'; $('#toolbar').w2toolbar({ name: 'toolbar', items: [ { type: 'radio', id: 'sequencer', group: '1', caption: 'Sequencer', icon: 'fa fa-th', checked: true }, { type: 'radio', id: 'script', group: '1', caption: 'Script', icon: 'fa fa-code' }, { type: 'radio', id: 'controls', group: '1', caption: 'Controls', icon: 'fa fa-tasks' }, { type: 'radio', id: 'light', group: '1', caption: 'Light', icon: 'mcopy-light' }, { type: 'spacer' }, { type: 'button', id: 'settings', group: '1', caption: 'Settings', icon: 'fa fa-cogs' } ], onClick : function (event) { nav.change(; } }); }; nav.change = function (id) { 'use strict'; $('.screen').hide(); $('#' + id).show(); if (id === 'light') { light.color_init(); } else if (id === 'controls') { w2ui['log'].resize(); } }; var init = function () { 'use strict'; nav.init(); log.init(); gui.grid.init(); light.init(); };