// // JK lens assembly // include <./common/common.scad>; include <./bellows.scad>; include <./knurledFinishLib_v2.scad>; use <2020_profile.scad>; use <./mcopy_rails.scad>; LinearBearingOuterDiameter = 15; LinearBearingHeight = 24; LinearBearingBoreDiameter = 8; ThreadDiameter = 8; LinearMotionDiameter = 8; TNutDiameter1 = 22; TNutDiameter2 = 10.2; TNutInnerDiameter = 8; TNutHeight1 = 3.5; TNutHeight2 = 15; TNutOffset = 1.5; RodLength = 150; ZOffset = 120; XOffset = 38; XWidth = 50; FrontOffset = 0; BackOffset = 15; LinearMotionX = 22; LinearMotionY = 20; LinearMotionZ = 14; XPosition = 0; ZPosition = 0; RailSpacingX = 60; RailEndX = RailSpacingX + 72; LensFrameSpacingX = (RailEndX / 2) - (40 / 2); JKBoltSpacing = 78.5; echo(LensFrameSpacingX, "mm"); module rail_debug (H = 175) { color("lime") linear_extrude(height=H) { 2020_profile(); } } module linearBearing (padD = 0, padH = 0) { difference () { cylinder(r = R(LinearBearingOuterDiameter + padD), h = LinearBearingHeight + padH, center = true, $fn = 100); cylinder(r = R(LinearBearingBoreDiameter), h = LinearBearingHeight + padH + 1, center = true, $fn = 60); } } module threadedRod (H = 40, pad = 0) { color("green") cylinder(r = R(ThreadDiameter + pad), h = H, center = true, $fn = 60); } module linearMotionRod (H = 40, pad = 0) { color("blue") cylinder(r = R(LinearMotionDiameter + pad), h = H, center = true, $fn = 60); } module TNut (padD = 0, padH = 0) { color("red") difference () { union () { translate([0, 0, -(TNutHeight2 / 2) + (TNutHeight1 / 2) + TNutOffset]) cylinder(r = R(TNutDiameter1 + padD), h = TNutHeight1, center = true, $fn = 100); cylinder(r = R(TNutDiameter2), h = TNutHeight2 + padH, center = true, $fn = 80); } cylinder(r = R(TNutInnerDiameter), h = TNutHeight2 + 1, center = true, $fn = 60); } } module m3Bolt (bolt = 20) { cylinder(r = 3.1 / 2, h = bolt, center = true, $fn = 40); } module m4Bolt (bolt = 10) { cylinder(r = R(4.25), h = bolt, center = true, $fn = 40); } module m3BoltNut (bolt = 20, nut = 3.5) { m3Bolt(bolt); translate([0, 0, nut]) color("red") { cylinder(r = 8 / 2, h = 2.5, center = true, $fn = 6); translate([-4, 0, 0]) cube([8, 6.9, 2.5], center = true); } } module m4BoltNut (bolt = 10, nut = 3.5) { m4Bolt(bolt); translate([0, 0, nut]) color("red") { m4_nut(); translate([-10, 0, 0]) cube([20, 6.9, 3.5], center = true); } } module lensAssembyBellowBoardLinearBearingMount (X = 0) { difference () { translate([X, XOffset, FrontOffset]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(r = R(25), h = 24, center = true, $fn = 80); rotate([-90, 0, 0]) { translate([X, -FrontOffset, XOffset]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) linearBearing(0.25); } translate([X, XOffset, -10.5]) cube([24 + 1,30, 15], center = true); rotate([-90, 0, 0]) translate([X, -FrontOffset, XOffset]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) linearMotionRod(RodLength); } } module lensAssemblyBellowsBoard (magnets = false) { //bottom difference () { union () { rotate([0, 0, 90]) bellows_camera_board(magnets = magnets); translate([0, -XOffset, FrontOffset]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(r = R(22), h = XWidth, center = true, $fn = 80); } rotate([-90, 0, 0]) { translate([-(XWidth/2) + 2.5, -FrontOffset, -XOffset]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) TNut(0.3, 0.3); //m3s // -centered translate([-(XWidth/2) + 2.5 + 5, -FrontOffset - 8, -XOffset]) rotate([0, -90, 0]) rotate([0, 0, 90]) m3BoltNut(); // -top no nut translate([-(XWidth/2) + 2.5 + 5, -FrontOffset, -XOffset + 8]) rotate([0, -90, 0]) m3Bolt(); // -bottom no nut translate([-(XWidth/2) + 2.5 + 5, -FrontOffset, -XOffset - 8]) rotate([0, -90, 0]) m3Bolt(); translate([(XWidth/2) - 2.5, -FrontOffset, -XOffset]) rotate([0, -90, 0]) TNut(0.3, 0.3); //m3s // -center translate([(XWidth/2) - 2.5 - 5, -FrontOffset - 8, -XOffset]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) rotate([0, 0, 90]) m3BoltNut(); // -top no nut translate([(XWidth/2) - 2.5 - 5, -FrontOffset, -XOffset + 8]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) m3Bolt(); // -bottom no nut translate([(XWidth/2) - 2.5 - 5, -FrontOffset, -XOffset - 8]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) m3Bolt(); } rotate([-90, 0, 0]) translate([0, -FrontOffset, -XOffset]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) threadedRod(RodLength, 0.5); translate([0, -XOffset, -10.5]) cube([100,30, 15], center = true); } //top lensAssembyBellowBoardLinearBearingMount(12); lensAssembyBellowBoardLinearBearingMount(-12); } module topLinearAttachmentBlock () { cube([LinearMotionX, LinearMotionY + 2, LinearMotionZ], center = true); } module lensAssemblyThreadedZ () { Z = 90; difference () { union () { //main cylinder rounded_cube([22, 22, Z], d = 8, $fn = 30, center = true); //top linear motion rod attachment block translate([0, -BackOffset, (Z/2) - (LinearMotionZ/2)]) topLinearAttachmentBlock(); //bottom threaded rod block translate([0, -BackOffset, -XOffset]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(r = R(22), h = 22, center = true, $fn = 80); } //------ //threaded rod void threadedRod(Z + 20, 0.5); //board nut void translate([0, -10, 0]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(r = R(12), h = 30, center = true, $fn = 40); //T nuts //top translate([0, 0, (Z / 2) - 4]) rotate([180, 0, 0]) TNut(0.3, 0.3); //bottom translate([0, 0, -(Z / 2) + 4]) TNut(0.3, 0.3); //---- //T nut M3 bolts //top translate([0, 0, (Z / 2) - 4]) { translate([-8, 0, 0]) rotate([180, 0, 0]) m3BoltNut(); translate([8, 0, 0]) rotate([0, 0, 180]) rotate([180, 0, 0]) m3BoltNut(); translate([0, 8, 0]) rotate([0, 0, -90]) rotate([180, 0, 0]) m3BoltNut(); } //bottom translate([0, 0, -(Z / 2) + 4]) { translate([-8, 0, 0]) m3BoltNut(); translate([8, 0, 0]) rotate([0, 0, 180]) m3BoltNut(); translate([0, 8, 0]) rotate([0, 0, -90]) m3BoltNut(); } //------ //top linear motion rod voids //top gap to close translate([0, -(LinearMotionY/2) - 9, (Z/2) - (LinearMotionZ/2)]) cube([LinearMotionX + 1, LinearMotionY, 2], center = true); //rod translate([0, -BackOffset, (Z/2) - (LinearMotionZ/2)]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(r = R(LinearMotionDiameter)+.2, h = LinearMotionX + 1, center = true, $fn = 60); //m4 bolt top translate([0, -BackOffset - 8 + 2, (Z/2) - (LinearMotionZ/2)]) m4Bolt(LinearMotionZ + 1); //m4 nut top translate([0, -BackOffset - 8 + 2, (Z/2) - (LinearMotionZ/2) - 6]) m4_nut(); //------ //bottom threaded rod void translate([0, -BackOffset, -XOffset]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) threadedRod(22 + 1, 0.5); //flatten bottom translate([0, -BackOffset, -(Z / 2) - 11]) cube([23, 22, 22], center = true); } } module lensAssemblyLinearZ () { Z = 90; difference () { union () { //main cylinder rounded_cube([22, 22, Z], d = 8, $fn = 30, center = true); //top translate([0, -BackOffset, (Z / 2) - (LinearMotionZ/2)]) topLinearAttachmentBlock(); //bottom translate([0, -BackOffset, -XOffset]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(r = R(22), h = 22, center = true, $fn = 80); } //x linear motion rod void translate([9, -BackOffset, (Z / 2) - (LinearMotionZ/2)]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) linearMotionRod(50, 0.3); //z linear motion rod linearMotionRod(250, 0.6); //top gap to close translate([0, -(LinearMotionY/2) - 9, (Z/2) - (LinearMotionZ/2)]) cube([LinearMotionX + 1, LinearMotionY, 2], center = true); //m4 bolt top translate([0, -BackOffset - 8 + 2, (Z/2) - (LinearMotionZ/2)]) m4Bolt(LinearMotionZ + 1); //m4 nut top translate([0, -BackOffset - 8 + 2, (Z/2) - (LinearMotionZ/2) - 6]) m4_nut(); //flatten bottom translate([0, -BackOffset, -(Z / 2) - 11]) cube([23, 22, 22], center = true); //z linear bearing translate([0, 0, -(Z / 2) + (LinearBearingHeight / 2) - 2 ]) { linearBearing(0.25, 0.3); } //z linear bearing translate([0, 0, (Z / 2) - (LinearBearingHeight / 2) + 2]) { linearBearing(0.25, 0.3); } //x threaded rod translate([0, -BackOffset, -XOffset]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) threadedRod(50, 0.5); } } module m5_nut_bolt () { cylinder(r = R(4.95), h = 30, center = true, $fn = 30); translate([0, 0, 20/2]) rotate([0, 0, 30]) m5_nut(); } module lensAssemblyBaseZ () { H = 22 + 12 + 12; TOP_X = 74; BOTTOM_X = 88; Z_OFFSET = (12/2)+(22/2); RAILS = 160; RAIL_D = 30; //with clearance BOTTOM_CORNER_ADJUST_X = 4; translate([0, 0, Z_OFFSET]) difference () { translate([0, 6, -(24 / 2)]) cube([150, 45 + 12, H], center = true); translate([ZOffset/2, 0, 5]) linearMotionRod(22 + 1, 0.2); translate([-ZOffset/2, 0, 0]) threadedRod(50, 0.5); translate([ZOffset/2+10, 0, 3]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) m4BoltNut(20, -1); //shelf void translate([0, 12, -17]) cube([160 + 1, 45 + 0.1, 12], center = true); //top corner voids translate([(150 / 2) + (TOP_X / 2), 6 + (45 + 12) - 20, -(24 / 2) + 12]) cube([150, 45 + 12, H], center = true); translate([-(150 / 2) - (TOP_X / 2), 6 + (45 + 12) - 20, -(24 / 2) + 12]) cube([150, 45 + 12, H], center = true); //bottom corner voids translate([(150 / 2) + (BOTTOM_X / 2), 6, -(24 / 2) - 22 - 12]) cube([150, 45 + 12 + 1, H], center = true); translate([-(150 / 2) - (BOTTOM_X / 2), 6, -(24 / 2) - 22 - 12]) cube([150, 45 + 12 + 1, H], center = true); //additional corner off right side translate([-(150 / 2) - (BOTTOM_X / 2) + BOTTOM_CORNER_ADJUST_X, 6, -(24 / 2) - 22 - 12]) cube([150, 45 + 12 + 1, H], center = true); //bottom bolts translate([25, 25, -18 - Z_OFFSET]) m5_nut_bolt(); translate([-25, 25, -18 - Z_OFFSET]) m5_nut_bolt(); translate([25, -5, -18 - Z_OFFSET]) m5_nut_bolt(); translate([-25, -5, -18 - Z_OFFSET]) m5_nut_bolt(); //top bolts translate([25, 25, 17.5 - Z_OFFSET]) { rotate([180, 0, 0]) m5_nut_bolt(); translate([0, 0, 10]) rotate([0, 0, 30]) cylinder(r = R(20), h = 20, center = true, $fn = 6); } translate([-25, 25, 17.5 - Z_OFFSET]) { rotate([180, 0, 0]) m5_nut_bolt(); translate([0, 0, 10]) rotate([0, 0, 30]) cylinder(r = R(20), h = 20, center = true, $fn = 6); } translate([25, -5, 17.5 - Z_OFFSET]) { rotate([180, 0, 0]) m5_nut_bolt(); translate([0, 0, 10]) rotate([0, 0, 30]) cylinder(r = R(20), h = 20, center = true, $fn = 6); } translate([-25, -5, 17.5 - Z_OFFSET]) { rotate([180, 0, 0]) m5_nut_bolt(); translate([0, 0, 10]) rotate([0, 0, 30]) cylinder(r = R(20), h = 20, center = true, $fn = 6); } //rails void translate([RAILS / 2, 0, -Z_OFFSET -6.5-5.75]) rotate([90, 0, 0]) cylinder(r = R(RAIL_D), h = 100, center = true, $fn = 80); translate([-RAILS / 2, 0, -Z_OFFSET -6.5-5.75]) rotate([90, 0, 0]) cylinder(r = R(RAIL_D), h = 100, center = true, $fn = 80); } //debug //translate([0, 12, 0]) color("green") cube([160, 45, 12], center = true); //translate([RAILS / 2, 0, -6.5-5.75]) rotate([90, 0, 0]) cylinder(r = R(RAIL_D), h = 100, center = true, $fn = 80); //translate([-RAILS / 2, 0, -6.5-5.75]) rotate([90, 0, 0]) cylinder(r = R(RAIL_D), h = 100, center = true, $fn = 80); } module lensAssemblyTopZ () { difference () { rounded_cube([150, 22, 15], d = 8, $fn = 30, center = true); translate([ZOffset/2, 0, 0]) linearMotionRod(22 + 1, 0.2); translate([-ZOffset/2, 0, 0]) threadedRod(50, 0.5); translate([ZOffset/2+10, 0, 0]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) m4BoltNut(20, -1); } } module lensAssemblyThreadedCollar (H = 8, pad = 0) { difference () { union () { cylinder(r = R(26), h = H, center = true, $fn = 80); } threadedRod(H*2, 0.1 + pad); translate([8.5, 0, 0]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) m3BoltNut(10, -1); } } module lensAssemblyThreadedKnob () { H = 8; D1 = 38.7; difference () { union () { translate([0, 0, -H/2]) knurled_cyl(H, D1, 2, 2, .3, 0, 0); translate([0, 0, H]) lensAssemblyThreadedCollar(H); } translate([0, 0, H]) threadedRod(H*2, 0.1); } } module jkLensDebug () { PostsSpacingX = 130; BoltSpacingX = 78.5 + 5.3; BoltD = 4.25; difference () { translate([-45, 0, 0]) cube([22.9, 20.2, 8], center = true); translate([-BoltSpacingX / 2, 0, 0]) cylinder( r = BoltD / 2, h = 20, center = true, $fn = 30); } difference () { translate([53, 0, 0]) union () { cube([41.25, 20.2, 8], center = true); translate([(41.25 / 2) - (8 / 2), 0, 12]) cube([8, 20.2, 18], center = true); } translate([BoltSpacingX / 2, 0, 0]) cylinder( r = BoltD / 2, h = 20, center = true, $fn = 30); } translate([-14, 0, 0]) { translate([PostsSpacingX / 2, 0, 20]) cube([20.2, 20.2, 20], center = true); translate([-PostsSpacingX / 2, 0, 20]) cube([20.2, 20.2, 20], center = true); } } module jkLens2020Brace (pos = [0, 0, 0]) { W = 20.3; translate(pos) { difference () { cube([26.5, 26.5, 20], center = true); translate([0, 0, 4]) cube([W, W, 20], center = true); m3_bolt_void (pos = [12, 0, 4], rot = [0, 90, 0], BoltH = 6, CapH = 3); m3_bolt_void (pos = [-12, 0, 4], rot = [0, -90, 0], BoltH = 6, CapH = 3); m3_bolt_void (pos = [0, 12, 4], rot = [-90, 0, 0], BoltH = 6, CapH = 3); m3_bolt_void (pos = [0, -12, 4], rot = [90, 0, 0], BoltH = 6, CapH = 3); } end_2020([0, 0, -4]); } } module jkLensLinearRodTerminalBlock (pos = [0, 0, 0]) { translate(pos) difference() { cube([26.5, 20, 15], center = true); cylinder(r = 8.1 / 2, h = 15 + 1, center = true, $fn = 50); translate([12, 0, 0]) rotate([0, 90, 180]) m4BoltNut(20); } } module jkLensMount () { BoltSpacingX = 78.5 + 5.3; BoltD = 4.25; RailsY = -32; difference () { union() { cube([140, 15.5, 3], center = true); translate([0, 0, 3]) cube([140, 20.5, 3], center = true); translate([(140 / 2) - (32 / 2), (20.5 / 2) + (6 / 2) - 0.01, -5.5]) cube([32, 6, 20], center = true); translate([(-140 / 2) + (32 / 2), (20.5 / 2) + (6 / 2) - 0.01, -5.5]) cube([32, 6, 20], center = true); translate([8.25, 0, 0]) { jkLens2020Brace([130 / 2, 3, 11.5]); jkLens2020Brace([-130 / 2, 3, 11.5]); //shelves translate([130 / 2, -25, 4]) cube([26.5, 40, 5], center = true); translate([-130 / 2, -25, 4]) cube([26.5, 40, 5], center = true); //linear rod terminal block jkLensLinearRodTerminalBlock([130 / 2, -32, 14]); //threaded rod bearing block translate([-130 / 2, -32, 12]) cylinder(r = 22.5 / 2, h = 20, center = true, $fn = 90); } } translate([BoltSpacingX / 2, 0, 0]) cylinder( r = BoltD / 2, h = 20, center = true, $fn = 30); translate([-BoltSpacingX / 2, 0, 0]) cylinder( r = BoltD / 2, h = 20, center = true, $fn = 30); translate([-BoltSpacingX / 2, 0, 14.5]) cylinder( r = 8/ 2, h = 20, center = true, $fn = 30); translate([-(130 / 2) + 8.25, -32, 8]) { linear_bearing(padD = 0.2); cylinder(r = 9 / 2, h = 40, center = true, $fn = 40); } } //translate([(130 / 2) + 8.25, RailsY, XOffset]) rotate([0, 0, 0]) linearMotionRod(RodLength); //translate([(-130 / 2) + 8.25, RailsY, XOffset]) rotate([0, 0, 0]) linearMotionRod(RodLength); } module debug () { XSpacing = 130; translate([0, 0, ZPosition]) { translate([-XSpacing/2, BackOffset, 0]) lensAssemblyThreadedZ(); translate([XSpacing/2, BackOffset, 0]) lensAssemblyLinearZ(); translate([XSpacing/2, BackOffset, (90 / 2) - (LinearBearingHeight / 2) + 2]) color("green") linearBearing(); translate([XSpacing/2, BackOffset, -(90 / 2) + (LinearBearingHeight / 2) - 2]) color("green") linearBearing(); translate([-XSpacing/2, BackOffset, 40]) rotate([180, 0, 0]) TNut(); translate([-XSpacing/2, BackOffset, -40]) TNut(); //X axis translate([0, -FrontOffset, -XOffset]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) threadedRod(RodLength); //translate([-(ZOffset/2) - 24, -FrontOffset, -XOffset]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) lensAssemblyThreadedKnob(); translate([-(XSpacing/2) + 16, -FrontOffset, -XOffset]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) lensAssemblyThreadedCollar(); translate([0, -FrontOffset, XOffset]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) linearMotionRod(RodLength); translate([XPosition, 0, 0]) { rotate([90, 0, 0]) lensAssemblyBellowsBoard(); translate([12, 0, 38]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) color("green") linearBearing(); translate([-12, 0, 38]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) color("green") linearBearing(); translate([-22.5, 0, -XOffset]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) TNut(); translate([22.5, 0, -XOffset]) rotate([0, -90, 0]) TNut(); } } //Z axis translate([-XSpacing/2, BackOffset, 0]) threadedRod(RodLength + 20); //translate([-ZOffset/2, BackOffset, -((RodLength + 20)/2)-8]) lensAssemblyThreadedKnob(); translate([-XSpacing/2, BackOffset, -((RodLength + 20)/2)+31]) lensAssemblyThreadedCollar(); translate([XSpacing/2, BackOffset, 0]) linearMotionRod(RodLength); //translate([0, BackOffset, -70]) lensAssemblyBaseZ(); translate([0, 130, 0]) rotate([90, 0, 0]) bellows_camera_board(); translate([0, 130/2, 0]) color("blue") { difference () { cube([70, 130 - 10, 70], center = true); cube([40, 130 + 1, 40], center = true); } } translate([LensFrameSpacingX + 20, 45, -100]) rail_debug(200); translate([-LensFrameSpacingX - 20, 45, -100]) rail_debug(200); translate([-50, 45, 90]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) rail_debug(100); //from mcopy_rails lens_frame_top_gantry([0, 45, 90], [0, 0, 180]); } PART = "lens_assembly_jk_mount"; if (PART == "lens_assembly_camera_bellows_board") { bellows_camera_board(); } else if (PART == "lens_assembly_camera_bellows_board_magnetic") { bellows_camera_board(magnets = true); } else if (PART == "lens_assembly_bellows_board") { lensAssemblyBellowsBoard(); } else if (PART == "lens_assembly_bellows_board_magnetic") { lensAssemblyBellowsBoard(magnets = true); } else if (PART == "lens_assembly_threaded_z") { lensAssemblyThreadedZ(); } else if (PART == "lens_assembly_linear_z") { lensAssemblyLinearZ(); } else if (PART == "lens_assembly_base_z") { lensAssemblyBaseZ(); } else if (PART == "lens_assembly_top_z") { lensAssemblyTopZ(); } else if (PART == "lens_assembly_threaded_knob") { lensAssemblyThreadedKnob(); } else if (PART == "lens_assembly_threaded_collar") { lensAssemblyThreadedCollar(6, 0.2); } else if (PART == "lens_assembly_jk_mount") { jkLensMount(); } else { debug(); }