/** class representing the Projector features **/ class Projector { /** * **/ constructor(arduino, cfg, ui, dig) { this.state = { dir: true, digital: false }; this.arduino = null; this.arduino = arduino; this.cfg = cfg; this.ui = ui; this.dig = dig; this.init(); } /** * **/ async init() { this.log = await require('log')({}); this.ipc = require('electron').ipcMain; this.listen(); } /** * **/ listen() { this.ipc.on('proj', this.listener.bind(this)); this.ipc.on('digital', this.connectDigital.bind(this)); } /** * **/ async set(dir, id) { let cmd; let ms; if (dir) { cmd = this.cfg.arduino.cmd.proj_forward; } else { cmd = this.cfg.arduino.cmd.proj_backward; } this.state.dir = dir; if (this.state.digital) { //this.dig.set(dir) } else { try { ms = await this.arduino.send('projector', cmd); } catch (err) { this.log.error('Error setting projector direction', err); } } return await this.end(cmd, id, ms); } /** * **/ async move(frame, id) { const cmd = this.cfg.arduino.cmd.projector; let ms; if (this.state.digital) { try { //ms = await this.dig.move() } catch (err) { this.log.error(err); } } else { try { ms = await this.arduino.send('projector', cmd); } catch (err) { this.log.error('Error moving projector', err); } } this.log.info('Projector move time', { ms }); return await this.end(this.cfg.arduino.cmd.projector, id, ms); } /** * **/ async listener(event, arg) { if (typeof arg.dir !== 'undefined') { try { await this.set(arg.dir, arg.id); } catch (err) { this.log.error(err); } } else if (typeof arg.frame !== 'undefined') { try { await this.move(arg.frame, arg.id); } catch (err) { this.log.error(err); } } else if (typeof arg.val !== 'undefined') { this.dig.state.frame = arg.val; } event.returnValue = true; } /** * **/ async end(cmd, id, ms) { let message = ''; if (cmd === this.cfg.arduino.cmd.proj_forward) { message = 'Projector set to FORWARD'; } else if (cmd === this.cfg.arduino.cmd.proj_backward) { message = 'Projector set to BACKWARD'; } else if (cmd === this.cfg.arduino.cmd.projector) { message = 'Projector '; if (this.state.dir) { message += 'ADVANCED'; } else { message += 'REWOUND'; } message += ' 1 frame'; } this.log.info(message, 'PROJECTOR'); return await this.ui.send('proj', { cmd: cmd, id: id, ms: ms }); } /** * Use a file as the "digital" source on "projector" * **/ async connectDigital(evt, arg) { let info; let frames = 0; try { info = await this.dig.ffprobe.info(arg.path); } catch (err) { this.log.error(err, 'DIGITAL', true, true); this.state.digital = false; await this.ui.send('digital', { valid: false }); return false; } try { frames = await this.dig.ffprobe.frames(arg.path); } catch (err) { this.log.error(err, 'DIGITAL', true, true); this.state.digital = false; await this.ui.send('digital', { valid: false }); return false; } this.dig.state.frame = 0; this.dig.state.path = arg.path; this.dig.state.fileName = arg.fileName; this.dig.state.frames = frames; this.dig.state.info = info; this.log.info(`Opened ${this.dig.state.fileName}`, 'DIGITAL', true, true); this.log.info(`Frames : ${frames}`, 'DIGITAL', true, true); this.state.digital = true; return await this.ui.send('digital', { valid: true, state: JSON.stringify(this.dig.state) }); } } module.exports = function (arduino, cfg, ui, dig) { return new Projector(arduino, cfg, ui, dig); }; //# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map