'use strict'; /** * @module display * Provides features for displaying a full screen display of images for the digital module. **/ import spawn = require('spawn'); import { join as pathJoin } from 'path'; import { delay } from 'delay'; import { exec } from 'exec'; const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron'); function padded_frame (i : number) { let len = (i + '').length; let str = i + ''; for (let x = 0; x < 5 - len; x++) { str = '0' + str; } return str; } class WebView { private digitalWindow : any; public opened : boolean = false; public showing : boolean = false; constructor() { this.digitalWindow = new BrowserWindow({ webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true, allowRunningInsecureContent: false }, width: 800, height: 600, minWidth : 800, minHeight : 600//, //icon: path.join(__dirname, '../../assets/icons/icon.png') }); this.digitalWindow.loadURL('file://' + __dirname + '../../../display.html'); if (process.argv.indexOf('-d') !== -1 || process.argv.indexOf('--dev') !== -1) { this.digitalWindow.webContents.openDevTools(); } this.digitalWindow.on('closed', () => { this.digitalWindow = null; this.close(); }); this.digitalWindow.hide(); } async open () { this.digitalWindow.show(); this.showing = true; this.opened = true; await this.digitalWindow.setFullScreen(true); await delay(300); } async show (src : string) { if (!this.digitalWindow) { console.warn(`Cannot show "${src}" because window does not exist`); return false; } try { this.digitalWindow.webContents.send('display', { src }); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } this.showing = true; await delay(100); return true; } async focus () { if (!this.digitalWindow) { console.warn(`Cannot show focus screen because window does not exist`); return false; } try { this.digitalWindow.webContents.send('focus', { focus : true }); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } } async field () { if (!this.digitalWindow) { console.warn(`Cannot show field guide because window does not exist`); return false; } //aspect ratio try { this.digitalWindow.webContents.send('field', { field : true }); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } } async meter () { if (!this.digitalWindow) { console.warn(`Cannot show meter screen because window does not exist`); return false; } try { this.digitalWindow.webContents.send('meter', { meter : true }); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } } hide () { if (this.digitalWindow) { this.digitalWindow.hide(); } this.showing = false; return true; } close () { this.hide(); if (this.digitalWindow) { this.digitalWindow.close(); this.digitalWindow = null; } this.opened = false; this.showing = false; return true } } class EOG { private cp : any; constructor () { } public open () { this.hide(); } public async show (src : string) { //timeout 3 eog --fullscreen ${src} this.cp = spawn('eog', ['--fullscreen', src]); await delay(200) return true } public hide () { if (this.cp) { this.cp.kill(); this.cp = null; } } public close () { this.hide(); } } class Display { private platform : string; private tmpdir : string; private wv : WebView; private eog : EOG; constructor (sys : any) { this.platform = sys.platform; this.tmpdir = pathJoin(sys.tmp, 'mcopy_digital'); } public async open () { //if (this.platform !== 'nix') { if (!this.wv || !this.wv.opened) { this.wv = new WebView(); await this.wv.open() } //} else { // if (!this.eog) { // this.eog = new EOG() // } //} } public async show (frame : number) { let padded : string = padded_frame(frame); let ext : string = 'tif'; let tmppath : string; //if (this.platform !== 'nix') { ext = 'png'; //} tmppath = pathJoin(this.tmpdir, `export-${padded}.${ext}`); //if (this.platform !== 'nix') { await this.wv.show(tmppath); //} else { //await this.eog.show(tmppath); //} } public async showPath (pathStr : string) { return await this.wv.show(pathStr); } public hide () { //if (this.platform !== 'nix') { //don't hide between frames //this.wv.hide(); //} else { //this.eog.hide(); //} } public close () { //if (this.platform !== 'nix') { this.wv.close() //} else { //this.eog.close() //} } public async focus () { return await this.wv.focus(); } public async field () { return await this.wv.field(); } public async meter () { return await this.wv.meter(); } } module.exports = function (sys : any) { return new Display(sys) }