var remote = require('remote'), ipcRenderer = require('electron').ipcRenderer, light = {}, nav = {}, log = {}; //console.log(ipcRenderer.sendSync('light', { 'fuck' : true }) ); log.time = 'MM/DD/YY-HH:mm:ss'; log.count = 0; log.init = function () { 'use strict'; $('#log').w2grid({ name : 'log', columns: [ { field: 'time', caption: 'Time', size: '22%' }, { field: 'action', caption: 'Action', size: '58%' }, { field: 'service', caption: 'Service', size: '20%' }, { field: 'status', caption: 'Status', size: '10%' }, ], records: [] }); //{ recid: 1, time: moment().format(log.time), action: 'Started app', service: 'MAIN', status: true }'Started app', 'MAIN', true); log.listen(); }; log.listen = function () { 'use strict'; ipcRenderer.on('log', function (event, arg) { log.display(arg.action, arg.service, arg.status, arg.time); return event.returnValue = true; }); }; log.display = function (action, service, status, time) { 'use strict'; var obj = { recid : log.count++, time : time, action : action, service : service, status : status } if (typeof time === 'undefined') { obj.time = moment().format(log.time); } w2ui['log'].add(obj); setTimeout(function () { $('#grid_log_table').animate({ scrollTop: $('#grid_log_table').prop('scrollHeight') }, 100); }, 100); return obj; }; = function (obj) { 'use strict'; ipcRenderer.sendSync('log', obj); }; = function (action, service, status, time) { 'use strict'; var obj = log.display(action, service, status, time);; console.log(obj); }; //LIGHT light.preview = false; light.color = [0, 0, 0]; //preview status light.current = [0, 0, 0]; //last sent light.icon = {}; light.init = function () { 'use strict'; light.icon = document.createElement('style'); light.icon.innerHTML = 'span.mcopy-light{background-color: #000;}'; document.body.appendChild(light.icon); $('#colors-tabs').w2tabs({ name: 'colors', active: 'rgb', tabs: [ { id: 'rgb', caption: 'RGB' }, { id: 'cmy', caption: 'CMY'}, { id: 'kelvin', caption: 'Kelvin'} ], onClick: function (event) { //$('#colors-content').html('Tab: ' +; } }); /*var myColorPicker = new ColorPicker({ color: '', // see Colors... mode: 'rgb-b', // initial mode the color picker is starting with fps: 60, // the framerate colorPicker refreshes the display if no 'requestAnimationFrame' delayOffset: 8, // pixels offset when shifting mouse up/down inside input fields before it starts acting as slider CSSPrefix: 'cp-', // the standard prefix for (almost) all class declarations (HTML, CSS) size: 0, // one of the 4 sizes: 0 = L (large), 1 = S, 2 = XS, 3 = XXS; resize to see what happens... allMixDetails: true, // see Colors... alphaBG: 'w', // initial 3rd layer bgColor (w = white, c = custom (customBG), b = black); customBG: '#808080', // see Colors... noAlpha: true, // disable alpha input (all sliders are gone and current alpha therefore locked) cmyOnly: false, // display CMY instead of CMYK memoryColors: [], // array of colors in memory section opacityPositionRelative: undefined, // render opacity slider arrows in px or % customCSS: undefined, // if external stylesheet, internal will be ignored... appendTo: document.body, // the HTMLElement the colorPicker will be appended to on initialization noRangeBackground: false, // performance option: doesn't render backgrounds in input fields if set to false textRight: false, // not supported yet. Make numbers appear aligned right noHexButton: false, // button next to HEX input could be used for some trigger... noResize: false, // enable / disable resizing of colorPicker noRGBr: false, // active / passive button right to RGB-R display. Disables rendering of 'real' color possibilities... noRGBg: false, // same as above noRGBb: false, // same as above CSSStrength: 'div.', // not in use devPicker: false, // uses existing HTML instead of internal template for developing renderCallback: function(colors, mode){ }, // callback on after rendering (for further rendering outside colorPicker) actionCallback: function(e, action){ }, // callback on any action within colorPicker (buttons, sliders, ...) convertCallback: function(colors, type){ var a = colors.RND.rgb; light.display([a.r, a.g, a.b]); }, // see Colors... });*/ var colors = jsColorPicker('#rgb', { customBG: '#222', readOnly: true, size: 3, appendTo : document.getElementById('rgb-page'), // patch: false, init: function(elm, colors) { // colors is a different instance (not connected to colorPicker) = elm.value; = colors.rgbaMixCustom.luminance > 0.22 ? '#222' : '#ddd'; }, convertCallback: function(colors, type){ var a = colors.RND.rgb, rgb = [a.r, a.g, a.b]; light.color = rgb; if (light.preview) { light.display(rgb); light.set(rgb); } } }); light.display([0, 0, 0]); $('#preview').on('change', function () { light.preview = $(this).prop('checked'); if (light.preview) { light.display(light.color); light.set(light.color); } else { light.display([0,0,0]); light.set([0,0,0]); } }); }; //color = [0,0,0] light.set = function (rgb) { 'use strict'; light.current = rgb; ipcRenderer.sendSync('light', rgb); }; light.display = function (rgb) { 'use strict'; var str, i; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { rgb[i] = Math.floor(rgb[i]); $('#light-status form input').eq(i).val(rgb[i]); } str = 'rgb(' + rgb.join(',') + ')'; $('#color').css('background-color', str); light.icon = document.styleSheets[document.styleSheets.length - 1]; light.icon.deleteRule(0); light.icon.insertRule('span.mcopy-light{background-color: ' + str + ';}', 0) }; light.color_on = false; light.color_init = function () { 'use strict'; if (!light.color_on) { $('#rgb').focus(); } }; nav.init = function () { 'use strict'; $('#toolbar').w2toolbar({ name: 'toolbar', items: [ { type: 'radio', id: 'sequence', group: '1', caption: 'Sequence', icon: 'fa-star', checked: true }, { type: 'radio', id: 'script', group: '1', caption: 'Script', icon: 'fa-star-empty' }, { type: 'radio', id: 'controls', group: '1', caption: 'Controls', icon: 'fa-star-empty' }, { type: 'radio', id: 'light', group: '1', caption: 'Light', icon: 'mcopy-light' }, { type: 'spacer' }, { type: 'button', id: 'settings', group: '1', caption: 'Settings', icon: 'fa-home' } ], onClick : function (event) { nav.change(; } }); }; nav.change = function (id) { 'use strict'; $('.screen').hide(); $('#' + id).show(); if (id === 'light') { light.color_init(); } else if (id === 'controls') { w2ui['log'].resize(); } }; var init = function () { 'use strict'; nav.init(); log.init(); light.init(); };