/* * Sketch containing firmware for the JKMM99 * A collaboration between MONO NO AWARE and mcopy. * Compatible with JK106 hardware. * * Uses an Arduino Uno compatible board and a * protoshield. * Relay module for the cam : * Solid state relay module for proj : Wiring CAMERA + CAMERA_DIR Camera controller is a modified intval2 model with a 60RPM motor. PINS FOR CAM WIRE (# = Connector #) Arduino # Wire In case Device ========================================= PIN2 3 - Green = White = L298N 1 PIN3 1 - Yellow = Grey = L298N 2 PIN4 2 - Red = Purple = MICRO GND 4 - Black = Black = GND PROJECTOR + PROJECTOR_DIR Wire to corresponding pins Arduino 9 10 5V GND Relay 1 2 VCC GND For controling JK Projectors 106 models Solid state relays connect to: 2uf run capacitory 400 Ohm Resistor (50W) PINS FOR PROJ WIRE # 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - Relay 1 corresponds to FWD Relay 2 corresponse to BWD */ boolean debug_state = false; //unsigned long now; //to be compared to stored values every loop //CAMERA CONSTANTS const int CAMERA_FORWARD = 2; const int CAMERA_BACKWARD = 3; const int CAMERA_MICROSWITCH = 4; const int CAMERA_MOMENT = 240; const int CAMERA_FRAME = 600; //PROJECTOR CONSTANTS const int PROJECTOR_MICROSWITCH = 8; const int PROJECTOR_FWD = 9; // const int PROJECTOR_BWD = 10; // const int PROJECTOR_ON = 11; const int PROJECTOR_MOMENT = 240; const int PROJECTOR_FRAME = 600; const int PROJECTOR_MICROSWITCH_CLOSED = 0; const int PROJECTOR_MICROSWITCH_OPENED = 1; const int PROJECTOR_HALF_TIME = 450; //CAMERA VARIABLES boolean cam_dir = true; boolean cam_running = false; boolean cam_primed = false; volatile int cam_micro_state = 0; volatile long cam_time = 0; //PROJECTOR VARIABLES boolean proj_dir = true; boolean proj_running = false; boolean proj_primed = false; volatile int proj_micro_state = 0; volatile long proj_time = 0; //CAMERA COMMANDS const char cmd_camera = 'c'; const char cmd_cam_forward = 'e'; const char cmd_cam_backward = 'f'; //PROJECTOR COMMANDS const char cmd_projector = 'p'; const char cmd_proj_forward = 'g'; const char cmd_proj_backward = 'h'; const char cmd_debug = 'd'; const char cmd_connect = 'i'; volatile char cmd_char = 'z'; const char cmd_mcopy_identifier = 'm'; const char cmd_proj_cam_identifier = 's'; const int serialDelay = 5; volatile long now = 0; void setup () { Serial.begin(57600); Serial.flush(); Serial.setTimeout(serialDelay); pins(); } void loop () { now = millis(); if (!proj_running && Serial.available()) { /* read the most recent byte */ cmd_char = (char)Serial.read(); } if (proj_running) { proj_microswitch(); } else if (cam_running) { cam_microswitch(); } else if (cmd_char != 'z') { cmd(cmd_char); cmd_char = 'z'; } } void pins () { //CAMERA RELAYS pinMode(CAMERA_FORWARD, OUTPUT); pinMode(CAMERA_BACKWARD, OUTPUT); pinMode(CAMERA_MICROSWITCH, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(PROJECTOR_MICROSWITCH, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(PROJECTOR_FWD, OUTPUT); pinMode(PROJECTOR_BWD, OUTPUT); pinMode(PROJECTOR_ON, OUTPUT); //SET LOW digitalWrite(CAMERA_FORWARD, LOW); digitalWrite(CAMERA_BACKWARD, LOW); digitalWrite(PROJECTOR_FWD, LOW); digitalWrite(PROJECTOR_BWD, LOW); digitalWrite(PROJECTOR_ON, LOW); } void cmd (char val) { if (val == cmd_debug) { debug(); } else if (val == cmd_connect) { connect(); } else if (val == cmd_mcopy_identifier) { identify(); } else if (val == cmd_cam_forward) { cam_direction(true); //explicit } else if (val == cmd_cam_backward) { cam_direction(false); } else if (val == cmd_camera) { cam_start(); } else if (val == cmd_proj_forward) { proj_direction(true); //explicit } else if (val == cmd_proj_backward) { proj_direction(false); } else if (val == cmd_projector) { proj_start(); } } void debug () { debug_state = true; Serial.println(cmd_debug); log("debugging enabled"); } void connect () { Serial.println(cmd_connect); log("connect()"); } void identify () { Serial.println(cmd_proj_cam_identifier); log("identify()"); } void cam_start () { cam_time = millis(); if (cam_dir) { digitalWrite(CAMERA_FORWARD, HIGH); digitalWrite(CAMERA_BACKWARD, LOW); } else { digitalWrite(CAMERA_BACKWARD, HIGH); digitalWrite(CAMERA_FORWARD, LOW); } cam_running = true; cam_primed = false; } void cam_stop () { delay(10); digitalWrite(CAMERA_BACKWARD, LOW); digitalWrite(CAMERA_FORWARD, LOW); cam_running = false; cam_primed = false; Serial.println(cmd_camera); log("camera()"); if (debug_state) { Serial.println(millis() - cam_time); } } /* ------------------------------------------------ * Determines whether or not the motor has turned * far enough to start reading the micoswitch state. * This prevents the switch from checking too early, * while it is not yet pressed. * ------------------------------------------------*/ boolean cam_delay () { if (now - cam_time >= 600) { return true; } return false; } /* ------------------------------------------------ * Reads the state of the microswitch after the * Read_delay() period. If the micoswitch is pressed, * set the micro_primed flag to true. If primed and * microswitch gets opened, Stop() the frame. * ------------------------------------------------*/ void cam_microswitch () { if (cam_delay()) { cam_micro_state = digitalRead(CAMERA_MICROSWITCH); if (cam_micro_state == LOW && cam_primed == false) { cam_primed = true; log("cam_primed => true"); } else if (cam_micro_state == HIGH && cam_primed == true) { cam_stop(); } delay(2);//smooths out signal- } } void cam_direction (boolean state) { cam_dir = state; if (state) { Serial.println(cmd_cam_forward); log("cam_direction -> true"); } else { Serial.println(cmd_cam_backward); log("cam_direction -> false"); } } void proj_start () { if (debug_state) { proj_time = millis(); } digitalWrite(PROJECTOR_ON, HIGH); if (proj_dir) { digitalWrite(PROJECTOR_FWD, HIGH); } else { digitalWrite(PROJECTOR_BWD, HIGH); } proj_running = true; } void proj_stop () { //stop both directions delay(10); digitalWrite(PROJECTOR_ON, LOW); digitalWrite(PROJECTOR_FWD, LOW); digitalWrite(PROJECTOR_BWD, LOW); Serial.println(cmd_projector); log("projector()"); proj_running = false; if (debug_state) { Serial.println(millis() - proj_time); } } void proj_direction (boolean state) { proj_dir = state; if (state) { Serial.println(cmd_proj_forward); log("proj_direction -> true"); } else { Serial.println(cmd_proj_backward); log("proj_direction -> false"); } } //LOW=0=CLOSED //HIGH=1=OPEN void proj_microswitch () { int val = digitalRead(PROJECTOR_MICROSWITCH); long now = millis(); if (!proj_primed // if not primed && val != proj_micro_state // AND if state changes && val == PROJECTOR_MICROSWITCH_OPENED // AND state changes to open && now - proj_time > PROJECTOR_HALF_TIME) { //prime log("proj_primed => true"); proj_micro_state = val; proj_primed = true; } else if (proj_primed //if primed && val != proj_micro_state //AND if state changes && val == PROJECTOR_MICROSWITCH_CLOSED //AND state changes to open && now - proj_time > PROJECTOR_HALF_TIME) { //AND total elapsed time is greater than half frame time //stop proj_primed = false; proj_micro_state = val; //unneeded? proj_stop(); } else { //delay(2); //some smothing value } } void log (String msg) { if (debug_state) { Serial.println(msg); } }