'use strict'; /** @module FFPROBE **/ import { exists } from 'fs-extra'; import { extname } from 'path'; import { exec } from 'exec'; import { Log } from 'log'; import type { Logger } from 'winston'; import type { System } from 'system'; export class FFPROBE { private bin : string; private log : Logger; constructor (sys : System) { this.bin = sys.deps.ffprobe; this.init(); } private async init () { this.log = await Log({ label : 'ffprobe' }); } /** * Parse the fps entry into a float representing the fps of a video **/ private parseFps (fpsStr : string) { let fps : number = 30.0; let parts : string[]; if (fpsStr.indexOf('/') !== -1) { parts = fpsStr.split('/'); fps = parseFloat(parts[0]) / parseFloat(parts[1]); } else { fps = parseFloat(fpsStr); } return fps } /** * Get info on a video in json format. Use for filmout. * * @param {string} video Path to video * * @returns {object} Video info in an object **/ public async info (video : string) { const cmd : string = `${this.bin} -v quiet -print_format json -show_format -show_streams "${video}"` let fileExists : boolean; let raw : any; let json : any; let vid : any; //whether video has stream with video data try { fileExists = await exists(video); } catch (err) { return exit(err, 5); } if (!fileExists) { //return exit(`File ${video} does not exist`, 6); this.log.error(new Error(`File ${video} does not exist`)); return false } try { this.log.info(cmd); raw = await exec(cmd); } catch (err) { //return exit(err, 7); this.log.error(err); return false } try { json = JSON.parse(raw.stdout); } catch (err) { this.log.error('Error parsing stdout', err); this.log.error(raw.stdout); return raw.stdout; } if (json.format && json.format.duration) { json.seconds = parseFloat(json.format.duration); } if (json && json.streams) { vid = json.streams.find((stream : any) => { if (stream.width && stream.height) return stream; }); } if (vid) { json.width = vid.width; json.height = vid.height; json.fps = this.parseFps(vid.r_frame_rate) } return json; } /** * Count the number of frames in the video using one of two methods. * The first uses -select_streams and is very fast. The second uses * -count_frames and is VERY slow. * * @param {string} video Path to video * * @returns {integer} Number of frames in video **/ public async frames (video : string) { const ext : string = extname(video.toLowerCase()); let cmd : string = `${this.bin} -v error -select_streams v:0 -show_entries stream=nb_frames -of default=nokey=1:noprint_wrappers=1 "${video}"`; let backup_cmd : string = `${this.bin} -v error -count_frames -select_streams v:0 -show_entries stream=nb_read_frames -of default=nokey=1:noprint_wrappers=1 "${video}"`; let gif_cmd : string = `identify -format "%n\n" "${video}" | head -1` let fileExists : boolean; let raw : any; let frames : number; try { fileExists = await exists(video); } catch (err) { //return exit(err, 5); this.log.error(err); return false } if (!fileExists) { //return exit(`File ${video} does not exist`, 6); console.error(new Error(`File ${video} does not exist`)); return false; } if (ext === '.mkv') { cmd = backup_cmd; } else if (ext === '.gif') { cmd = gif_cmd; } try { this.log.info(cmd); raw = await exec(cmd); } catch (err) { this.log.error(err); return false; } try { frames = parseInt(raw.stdout); } catch (err) { return raw.stdout; } return frames; } } /* function map (obj : any) { console.dir(obj); } */ module.exports = { FFPROBE };