//Test lighting with NeoPixels instead of Pixies to prevent eye damage. //LIGHT HEADERS //#include "SoftwareSerial.h" //#include "Adafruit_Pixie.h" #include #define NUMPIXELS 1 // Number of Pixies in the strip //#define PIXIEPIN 6 // Pin number for SoftwareSerial output #define PIXELPIN 3 // Pin number for SoftwareSerial output //SoftwareSerial pixieSerial(-1, PIXIEPIN); //Adafruit_Pixie light = Adafruit_Pixie(NUMPIXELS, &pixieSerial); Adafruit_NeoPixel light = Adafruit_NeoPixel(1, PIXELPIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800); //PROJECTOR HEADERS String color = "000,000,000"; volatile int commaR = 0; volatile int commaG = 0; String strR = "000"; String strG = "000"; String strB = "000"; volatile int r = 0; volatile int g = 0; volatile int b = 0; boolean debug_state = false; //const int proj_pin = 5; //relay 4 //const int proj_time = {{proj.time}}; //const int proj_delay = {{proj.delay}}; //LIGHT VARIABLES //PROJECTOR VARIABLES boolean proj_dir = true; const char cmd_light = 'l'; const char cmd_projector = 'p'; const char cmd_proj_forward = 'g'; const char cmd_proj_backward = 'h'; const char cmd_mcopy_identifier = 'm'; const char cmd_proj_identifier = 'j'; const char cmd_debug = 'd'; const char cmd_connect = 'i'; volatile char cmd_char = 'z'; const int serialDelay = 5; void setup() { Serial.begin(57600); Serial.flush(); Serial.setTimeout(serialDelay); //pixieSerial.begin(115200); // Pixie REQUIRES this baud rate light.begin(); light.setPixelColor(0, 0, 0, 0); light.show(); } void loop() { if (Serial.available()) { /* read the most recent byte */ cmd_char = (char)Serial.read(); } if (cmd_char != 'z') { cmd(cmd_char); cmd_char = 'z'; } } void cmd (char val) { if (val == cmd_debug) { debug(); } else if (val == cmd_connect) { connect(); } else if (val == cmd_mcopy_identifier) { identify(); } else if (val == cmd_projector) { projector(); } else if (val == cmd_proj_forward) { proj_direction(true); } else if (val == cmd_proj_backward) { proj_direction(false); } else if (val == cmd_light) { colorString(); Serial.println(cmd_light);//confirm light change } } void debug () { debug_state = true; Serial.println(cmd_debug); log("debugging enabled"); } void connect () { Serial.println(cmd_connect); log("connect()"); } void identify () { Serial.println(cmd_proj_identifier); log("identify()"); } void colorString () { while (Serial.available() == 0) { //Wait for color string } color = Serial.readString(); //Serial.println(color); commaR = color.indexOf(','); //comma trailing R commaG = color.indexOf(',', commaR + 1); strR = color.substring(0, commaR); strG = color.substring(commaR + 1, commaG); strB = color.substring(commaG + 1); r = strR.toInt(); g = strG.toInt(); b = strB.toInt(); light.setPixelColor(0, r, g, b); light.show(); } void projector () { /* FROM INTVAL * WILL USE OPTICAL ENDSTOP * Time_start(); cam_dir = dir; if (cam_dir) { analogWrite(PIN_MOTOR_FORWARD, fwd_speed); analogWrite(PIN_MOTOR_BACKWARD, 0); } else { analogWrite(PIN_MOTOR_BACKWARD, bwd_speed); analogWrite(PIN_MOTOR_FORWARD, 0); } running = true; if (fwd_speed == 255) { delay(300); } else { delay(600); } micro_primed = false;*/ delay(1300); //TEMPORARY DELAY FOR TESTING TIMING Serial.println(cmd_projector); log("projector()"); } void proj_direction (boolean state) { proj_dir = state; if (state) { Serial.println(cmd_proj_forward); log("proj_direction -> true"); } else { Serial.println(cmd_proj_backward); log("proj_direction -> false"); } } void log (String msg) { if (debug_state) { Serial.println(msg); } }