'use strict' const electron = require('electron') const { Menu, MenuItem, ipcMain, BrowserWindow, app } = electron const fs = require('fs') const os = require('os') const winston = require('winston') const moment = require('moment') const uuid = require('uuid') const events = require('events') const async = require('async') const path = require('path') const ee = new events.EventEmitter() const capture = require('./lib/capture')(ee) const settings = require('./lib/settings') const Server = require('./lib/server') const Intval = require('./lib/intval') const mcopy = {} let mainWindow let mscript let arduino let intval let projector let camera let server let menu let log = {} //console.log(process.version) //cfg is now hardcoded, should only be modified by developers //settings is now the source of user editable variables mcopy.cfg = require('./data/cfg.json') var enumerateDevices = function (err, devices) { if (err) { log.info(err, 'SERIAL', false, true) setTimeout(() =>{ distinguishDevices([]) }, 1000) } else { log.info('Found ' + devices.length + ' USB devices', 'SERIAL', true, true) distinguishDevices(devices) } } var distinguishDevice = function (device, callback) { var connectCb = function (err, device) { if (err) { return console.error(err) } setTimeout(function () { arduino.verify(verifyCb) }, 2000); }, verifyCb = function (err, success) { if (err) { return console.error(err) } log.info(`Verified ${device} as mcopy device`, 'SERIAL', true, true) setTimeout(function () { arduino.distinguish(distinguishCb); }, 1000); }, distinguishCb = function (err, type) { if (err) { return console.error(err) } log.info(`Determined ${device} to be ${type}`, 'SERIAL', true, true) if (callback) { callback(err, type); } } arduino.connect('connect', device, true, connectCb) }; //Cases for 1 or 2 arduinos connected var distinguishDevices = function (devices) { const connected = { projector : false, camera : false, light : false } let checklist = [] var fakeProjector = function () { connected.projector = '/dev/fake' arduino.fakeConnect('projector', () => { log.info('Connected to fake PROJECTOR device', 'SERIAL', true, true) }) } var fakeCamera = function () { connected.camera = '/dev/fake' arduino.fakeConnect('camera', () => { log.info('Connected to fake CAMERA device', 'SERIAL', true, true) }) } var fakeLight = function () { connected.light = '/dev/fake' arduino.fakeConnect('light', () => { log.info('Connected to fake LIGHT device', 'SERIAL', true, true) }) } var distinguishCb = function (device, type, cb) { arduino.close(() => { if (type === 'projector') { connected.projector = device arduino.connect('projector', device, false, () => { log.info(`Connected to ${device} as PROJECTOR`, 'SERIAL', true, true) cb() }) } else if (type === 'camera') { connected.camera = device arduino.connect('camera', device, false, () => { log.info(`Connected to ${device} as CAMERA`, 'SERIAL', true, true) cb() }) } else if (type === 'light') { connected.light = device arduino.connect('light', device, false, () => { log.info(`Connected to ${device} as LIGHT`, 'SERIAL', true, true) cb() }) } else if (type === 'projector,light') { connected.projector = device connected.light = device arduino.connect('projector', device, false, () => { log.info(`Connected to ${device} as PROJECTOR + LIGHT`, 'SERIAL', true, true) cb() }) arduino.alias('light', device) } else if (type === 'projector,camera,light') { connected.projector = device connected.camera = device connected.light = device arduino.connect('projector', device, false, () => { log.info(`Connected to ${device} as PROJECTOR + CAMERA + LIGHT`, 'SERIAL', true, true) cb() }) arduino.alias('camera', device) arduino.alias('light', device) } else if (type === 'projector,camera') { connected.projector = device connected.camera = device arduino.connect('projector', device, false, () => { log.info(`Connected to ${device} as PROJECTOR`, 'SERIAL', true, true) cb() }) arduino.alias('camera', device) } else { cb() } }) } checklist = devices.map(device => { return next => { distinguishDevice(device, (err, type) => { if (err) { console.error(err) return next() } distinguishCb(device, type, next) }) } }) async.series(checklist, () => { //done checking devices if (!connected.projector) { fakeProjector() } if (!connected.camera) { fakeCamera() } if (!connected.light) { fakeLight() } devicesReady(connected.projector, connected.camera, connected.light) }) }; var devicesReady = function (projector, camera, light) { mainWindow.webContents.send('ready', {camera: camera, projector: projector, light: light }) settings.update('camera', { arduino : camera }) settings.update('projector', { arduino : projector }) settings.update('light', { arduino : light }) settings.save() }; var createMenu = function () { const template = require('./data/menu.json') menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate(template) Menu.setApplicationMenu(menu) } var createWindow = function () { mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({ width: 800, height: 600, minWidth : 800, minHeight : 600 }) mainWindow.loadURL('file://' + __dirname + '/index.html') //mainWindow.webContents.openDevTools() mainWindow.on('closed', () => { mainWindow = null }) } var light = {} light.init = function () { light.listen() }; light.listen = function () { ipcMain.on('light', (event, arg) => { light.set(arg.rgb, arg.id) event.returnValue = true }) }; light.set = function (rgb, id) { var str = rgb.join(','); arduino.send('light', mcopy.cfg.arduino.cmd.light, (ms) => { light.end(rgb, id, ms) }) arduino.string('light', str) }; light.end = function (rgb, id, ms) { log.info('Light set to ' + rgb.join(','), 'LIGHT', true, true) mainWindow.webContents.send('light', {rgb: rgb, id : id, ms: ms}) }; var proj = {} proj.state = { dir : true //default dir }; proj.init = function () { proj.listen() } proj.set = function (dir, id) { var cmd if (dir) { cmd = mcopy.cfg.arduino.cmd.proj_forward } else { cmd = mcopy.cfg.arduino.cmd.proj_backward } proj.state.dir = dir arduino.send('projector', cmd, (ms) => { proj.end(cmd, id, ms) }) } proj.move = function (frame, id) { arduino.send('projector', mcopy.cfg.arduino.cmd.projector, (ms) => { proj.end(mcopy.cfg.arduino.cmd.projector, id, ms) }) } proj.listen = function () { ipcMain.on('proj', (event, arg) => { if (typeof arg.dir !== 'undefined') { proj.set(arg.dir, arg.id) } else if (typeof arg.frame !== 'undefined') { proj.move(arg.frame, arg.id) } event.returnValue = true }) } proj.end = function (cmd, id, ms) { var message = '' if (cmd === mcopy.cfg.arduino.cmd.proj_forward) { message = 'Projector set to FORWARD' } else if (cmd === mcopy.cfg.arduino.cmd.proj_backward) { message = 'Projector set to BACKWARD' } else if (cmd === mcopy.cfg.arduino.cmd.projector) { message = 'Projector ' if (proj.state.dir) { message += 'ADVANCED' } else { message += 'REWOUND' } message += ' 1 frame' } log.info(message, 'PROJECTOR', true, true) mainWindow.webContents.send('proj', {cmd: cmd, id : id, ms: ms}) } var cam = {} cam.state = { dir : true //default dir } cam.init = function () { cam.listen() } cam.set = function (dir, id) { let cmd if (dir) { cmd = mcopy.cfg.arduino.cmd.cam_forward } else { cmd = mcopy.cfg.arduino.cmd.cam_backward } cam.state.dir = dir arduino.send('camera', cmd, (ms) => { cam.end(cmd, id, ms) }) /* intval.setDir('camera', dir, (ms) => { cam.end(cmd, id, ms) }) */ } cam.move = function (frame, id) { let cmd = mcopy.cfg.arduino.cmd.camera arduino.send('camera', cmd, (ms) => { cam.end(cmd, id, ms) }) /* intval.move('camera', (ms) => { cam.end(cmd, id, ms) }) */ } cam.exposure = function (exposure, id) { intval.setDir('camera', exposure, (ms) => { cam.end(cmd, id, ms) }) } cam.listen = function () { ipcMain.on('cam', (event, arg) => { if (typeof arg.dir !== 'undefined') { cam.set(arg.dir, arg.id) } else if (typeof arg.frame !== 'undefined') { cam.move(arg.frame, arg.id) } event.returnValue = true }); }; cam.end = function (cmd, id, ms) { var message = '' if (cmd === mcopy.cfg.arduino.cmd.cam_forward) { message = 'Camera set to FORWARD' } else if (cmd === mcopy.cfg.arduino.cmd.cam_backward) { message = 'Camera set to BACKWARD' } else if (cmd === mcopy.cfg.arduino.cmd.camera) { message = 'Camera ' if (cam.state.dir) { message += 'ADVANCED' } else { message += 'REWOUND' } message += ' 1 frame' } log.info(message, 'CAMERA', true, true) mainWindow.webContents.send('cam', {cmd: cmd, id : id, ms: ms}) }; log.file = function () { let logPath = path.join(os.homedir(), `/.config/mcopy/`) if (process.platform === 'darwin') { logPath = path.join(os.homedir(), `/Library/Logs/mcopy/`) } else if (process.platform === 'win32') { logPath = path.join(os.homedir(), `/AppData/Roaming/mcopy/`) } if (!fs.existsSync(logPath)) { fs.mkdirSync(logPath) } return path.join(logPath, 'mcopy.log') } log.time = 'MM/DD/YY-HH:mm:ss' log.transport = new (winston.Logger)({ transports: [ new (winston.transports.Console)(), new (winston.transports.File)({ filename: log.file() }) ] }) log.init = function () { log.listen() } log.display = function (obj) { mainWindow.webContents.send('log', obj) } log.listen = function () { ipcMain.on('log', (event, arg) => { log.transport.info('renderer', arg) event.returnValue = true }) } log.info = function (action, service, status, display) { var obj = { time : moment().format(log.time), action : action, service : service, status : status } log.transport.info('main', obj) if (display) { log.display(obj) } } var transfer = {} transfer.init = function () { transfer.listen() }; transfer.listen = function () { ipcMain.on('transfer', (event, arg) => { var res = ''; //also turn on and off if (arg.action === 'enable') { capture.active = true res = capture.active } else if (arg.action === 'disable') { capture.active = false res = capture.active } else if (arg.action === 'start') { capture.start() } else if (arg.action === 'end') { res = capture.end() } event.returnValue = res }) } var init = function () { settings.restore() createWindow() //createMenu() log.init() light.init() proj.init() cam.init() //transfer.init() //capture.init() arduino = require('./lib/arduino')(mcopy.cfg, ee) mscript = require('./lib/mscript') setTimeout( () => { arduino.enumerate(enumerateDevices) }, 1000) } app.on('ready', init) app.on('window-all-closed', () => { //if (process.platform !== 'darwin') { app.quit(); //} }); app.on('activate', () => { if (mainWindow === null) { createWindow(); } });