/* jshint esversion: 6, asi: true, strict: true*/ /* global require, setTimeout, process, console*/ 'use strict' const electron = require('electron') const { Menu, MenuItem, ipcMain, BrowserWindow, app } = electron const fs = require('fs') const os = require('os') const { createLogger, format, transports } = require('winston') const { combine, timestamp, label, printf, colorize, prettyPrint, simple } = format const moment = require('moment') const uuid = require('uuid') const events = require('events') const path = require('path') const ee = new events.EventEmitter() const settings = require('settings') const system = require('system') const Server = require('server') const Intval = require('intval') const delay = require('delay') //Objects const mcopy = {} const log = {} const dev = {} let SYSTEM; let mainWindow; let mscript; let arduino; let server; let menu; let display; let ffmpeg; let ffprobe; let cam; let proj; let light; let dig; mcopy.cfg = require('./data/cfg.json') mcopy.settings = {} /** * * * **/ dev.init = function () { dev.listen() } dev.listen = function () { ipcMain.on('profile', (event, arg) => { log.info(`Saving profile ${arg.profile}`, 'SETTINGS', false, false) settings.update('profile', arg.profile) settings.save() }) } dev.enumerate = async function () { let devices try{ devices = await arduino.enumerate() } catch (err) { log.info(err, 'SERIAL', false, true) await delay(1000) return dev.all([]) } log.info(`Found ${devices.length} USB devices`, 'SERIAL', true, true) devices = dev.favor(devices) return await dev.all(devices) } dev.favor = function (devices) { const past = mcopy.settings.devices.filter(device => { if (device.arduino) { return device } }).map(device => { return device.arduino }) if (past.length === 0) { return devices } devices.sort((a, b) => { if (past.indexOf(a) !== -1 && past.indexOf(b) === -1) { return 1 } else if (past.indexOf(a) === -1 && past.indexOf(b) !== -1) { return -1 } return 0 }) return devices } dev.distinguish = async function (device) { let connectSuccess let verifySuccess let type try { connectSuccess = await arduino.connect('connect', device, true) } catch (err) { console.error(err) return null } await delay(2000) try { verifySuccess = await arduino.verify() } catch (err) { console.error(err) return null } log.info(`Verified ${device} as mcopy device`, 'SERIAL', true, true) await delay(1000) try { type = await arduino.distinguish() } catch (err) { console.error(err) return null } dev.remember('arduino', device, type) log.info(`Determined ${device} to be ${type}`, 'SERIAL', true, true) return type } dev.fakeProjector = async function () { dev.connected.projector = '/dev/fake' try { await arduino.fakeConnect('projector') } catch (err) { console.error(err) log.error(`Error connecting to fake PRONECTOR device`, 'SERIAL', true, true) return false } log.info('Connected to fake PROJECTOR device', 'SERIAL', true, true) return true } dev.fakeCamera = async function () { dev.connected.camera = '/dev/fake' try { await arduino.fakeConnect('camera') } catch (err) { console.error(err) log.error(`Error connecting to fake CAMERA device`, 'SERIAL', true, true) return false } log.info('Connected to fake CAMERA device', 'SERIAL', true, true) return true } dev.fakeLight = async function () { dev.connected.light = '/dev/fake' try { await arduino.fakeConnect('light') } catch (err) { console.error(err) log.error(`Error connecting to fake LIGHT device`, 'SERIAL', true, true) return false } log.info('Connected to fake LIGHT device', 'SERIAL', true, true) return true } dev.connectDevice = async function (device, type) { let closeSuccess let connectSuccess try { closeSuccess = await arduino.close() } catch (err) { console.error(err) return false } if (type === 'projector') { dev.connected.projector = device try { connectSuccess = await arduino.connect('projector', device, false) } catch (err) { console.error(err) return false } log.info(`Connected to ${device} as PROJECTOR`, 'SERIAL', true, true) } else if (type === 'camera') { dev.connected.camera = device try { connectSuccess = await arduino.connect('camera', device, false) } catch (err) { console.error(err) return false } log.info(`Connected to ${device} as CAMERA`, 'SERIAL', true, true) } else if (type === 'light') { dev.connected.light = device try { connectSuccess = await arduino.connect('light', device, false) } catch (err) { console.error(err) return false } log.info(`Connected to ${device} as LIGHT`, 'SERIAL', true, true) } else if (type === 'projector,light') { dev.connected.projector = device dev.connected.light = device arduino.aliasSerial('light', device) try{ connectSuccess = await arduino.connect('projector', device, false) } catch (err) { console.error(err) return false } log.info(`Connected to ${device} as PROJECTOR + LIGHT`, 'SERIAL', true, true) } else if (type === 'projector,camera,light') { dev.connected.projector = device dev.connected.camera = device dev.connected.light = device arduino.aliasSerial('camera', device) arduino.aliasSerial('light', device) try { connectSuccess = await arduino.connect('projector', device, false) } catch (err) { console.error(err) return false } log.info(`Connected to ${device} as PROJECTOR + CAMERA + LIGHT`, 'SERIAL', true, true) } else if (type === 'projector,camera') { dev.connected.projector = device dev.connected.camera = device arduino.aliasSerial('camera', device) try { connectSuccess = await arduino.connect('projector', device, false) } catch (err) { console.error(err) return false } log.info(`Connected to ${device} as PROJECTOR`, 'SERIAL', true, true) } else if (type === 'projector_second') { dev.connected.projector_second = device arduino.aliasSerial('projector_second', device) try { connectSuccess = await arduino.connect('projector_second', device, false) } catch (err) { console.error(err) return false } } return connectSuccess } //Cases for 1 or 2 arduinos connected dev.all = async function (devices) { let c = {} let p = {} let l = {} let type let d let s = {} dev.connected = { projector : false, camera : false, light : false, projector_second : false } let checklist = [] for (let device of devices) { try { type = await dev.distinguish(device) } catch (err) { console.error(err) return reject(err) } try { await dev.connectDevice(device, type) } catch (err) { console.error(err) return reject(err) } } //done checking devices if (!dev.connected.projector) { await dev.fakeProjector() } p.arduino = dev.connected.projector if (!dev.connected.camera) { await dev.fakeCamera() } c.arduino = dev.connected.camera if (mcopy.settings.camera.intval) { c.intval = mcopy.settings.camera.intval await delay(1000) await cam.connectIntval(null, { connect : true, url : c.intval }) } if (!dev.connected.light) { await dev.fakeLight() } l.arduino = dev.connected.light if (dev.connected.projector_second) { s = dev.connected.projector_second } return dev.ready(p, c, l, s) } dev.remember = function (which, device, type) { let deviceEntry const match = mcopy.settings.devices.filter(dev => { if (dev[which] && dev[which] === device) { return dev } }) if (match.length === 0) { deviceEntry = { type : type } deviceEntry[which] = device mcopy.settings.devices.push(deviceEntry) settings.update('devices', mcopy.settings.devices) settings.save() } }; dev.ready = function (projector, camera, light, projector_second) { let args = { camera, projector, light, profile: mcopy.settings.profile } if (projector_second && projector_second.arduino) { args.projector_second = projector_second } mainWindow.webContents.send('ready', args) settings.update('camera', camera) settings.update('projector', projector) settings.update('light', light) if (projector_second && projector_second.arduino) { settings.update('projector_second', projector_second) mainWindow.setSize(800, 800) } settings.save() return true }; var createMenu = function () { const template = require('./data/menu.json') menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate(template) Menu.setApplicationMenu(menu) } var createWindow = function () { mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({ width: 800, height: 600, minWidth : 800, minHeight : 600, icon: path.join(__dirname, 'assets/icons/icon.png') }) mainWindow.loadURL('file://' + __dirname + '/index.html') if (process.argv.indexOf('-d') !== -1 || process.argv.indexOf('--dev') !== -1) { mainWindow.webContents.openDevTools() } mainWindow.on('closed', () => { mainWindow = null }) } const seq = {}; seq.init = function () { seq.listen(); } seq.listen = function () { ipcMain.on('seq', async (evt, arg) => { if (arg.action === 'stop' && proj.digital) { display.end() } }) } log.file = function () { let logPath = path.join(os.homedir(), `/.config/mcopy/`) if (process.platform === 'darwin') { logPath = path.join(os.homedir(), `/Library/Logs/mcopy/`) } else if (process.platform === 'win32') { logPath = path.join(os.homedir(), `/AppData/Roaming/mcopy/`) } if (!fs.existsSync(logPath)) { fs.mkdirSync(logPath) } return path.join(logPath, 'mcopy.log') } log.time = 'MM/DD/YY-HH:mm:ss' log.formatter = (options) => { console.dir(options) return options.timestamp() +' ['+ options.level.toUpperCase() +'] '+ (undefined !== options.message ? options.message : '') + (options.meta && Object.keys(options.meta).length ? '\n\t'+ JSON.stringify(options.meta) : '' ); } log.transport = createLogger({ transports: [ new (transports.Console)({ level: 'info', json : false, format : combine( timestamp(), colorize(), simple() ) }), new (transports.File)({ filename: log.file() }) ] }) log.init = function () { log.listen() } log.display = function (obj) { mainWindow.webContents.send('log', obj) } log.listen = function () { ipcMain.on('log', (event, arg) => { log.transport.info(`[renderer] action=${arg.action} service=${arg.service} status=${arg.status}`) event.returnValue = true }) } log.info = function (action, service, status, display) { var obj = { action : action, service : service, status : status } log.transport.info(`[main] action=${action} service=${service} status=${status}`) if (display) { log.display(obj) } } var init = async function () { try { SYSTEM = await system() } catch (err) { console.error(err) } createWindow() createMenu() await settings.restore() mcopy.settings = await settings.all() log.init() dev.init() seq.init() display = require('display')(SYSTEM) ffmpeg = require('ffmpeg')(SYSTEM) ffprobe = require('ffprobe')(SYSTEM) arduino = require('arduino')(mcopy.cfg, ee) mscript = require('mscript') dig = require('digital')(display, ffmpeg, ffprobe) cam = require('cam')(arduino, mcopy.cfg, mainWindow.webContents, dig) proj = require('proj')(arduino, mcopy.cfg, mainWindow.webContents, dig) light = require('light')(arduino, mcopy.cfg, mainWindow.webContents) await delay(2000) try { await dev.enumerate() } catch (err) { console.error(err) } } app.on('ready', init) app.on('window-all-closed', () => { //if (process.platform !== 'darwin') { app.quit(); //} }); app.on('activate', () => { if (mainWindow === null) { createWindow(); } }); mcopy.relaunch = function () { app.relaunch({args: process.argv.slice(1).concat(['--relaunch'])}) app.exit(0) }