const cam = {}; cam.queue = {}; cam.lock = false; = 'camera'; cam.pos = 0; cam.dir = true; cam.init = function () { 'use strict'; cam.listen(); }; cam.set = function (dir, callback) { 'use strict'; var obj; if (cam.lock) { return false; } obj = { dir : dir, id : uuid() }; ipcRenderer.sendSync(, obj); if (typeof callback !== 'undefined') { obj.callback = callback; } cam.queue[] = obj; cam.lock = true; }; cam.setValue = function (val) { 'use strict'; var obj = { val: val, id : uuid() }; ipcRenderer.sendSync(, obj); }; cam.move = function (callback) { 'use strict'; var obj; if (cam.lock) { return false; } obj = { frame : true, id : uuid() }; ipcRenderer.sendSync(, obj); if (typeof callback !== 'undefined') { obj.callback = callback; } cam.queue[] = obj; cam.lock = true; }; cam.end = function (c, id, ms) { 'use strict'; if (c === cfg.arduino.cmd.camera_forward) { cam.dir = true; } else if (c === cfg.arduino.cmd.camera_backward) { cam.dir = false; } else if (c === { if (cam.dir) { cam.pos += 1; } else { cam.pos -= 1; } } else if (c === cfg.arduino.cmd.cameras) { if (cam.dir) { cam.pos += 1; } else { cam.pos -= 1; } if (cam.second.dir) { cam.second.pos += 1; } else { cam.second.pos -= 1; } gui.counterUpdate('cam2', cam.second.pos); } timing.update(c, ms); gui.counterUpdate('cam', cam.pos); if (typeof cam.queue[id] !== 'undefined') { if (typeof cam.queue[id].callback !== 'undefined') { cam.queue[id].callback(ms); } delete cam.queue[id]; cam.lock = false; } }; cam.exposure = async function (exposure) { var obj = { id : uuid(), exposure }; var change = false; try { change = await gui.confirm(`Are you sure you want to set camera exposure to ${exposure}ms?`); } catch (err) { log.error(err); } if (change) {`Setting exposure: ${exposure}`); ipcRenderer.sendSync(, obj); } else { timing.updateUI('#cam_time',['cam']); } } cam.listen = function () { 'use strict'; ipcRenderer.on(, function (event, arg) { cam.end(arg.cmd,,; return event.returnValue = true; }); }; cam.second = {}; cam.second.enabled = false; cam.second.queue = {}; cam.second.lock = false; = 'camera_second'; cam.second.pos = 0; cam.second.dir = true; cam.second.enable = function () { cam.second.enabled = true; //ui actions $('.cam2').addClass('on'); $('#counters').addClass('cameras'); cam.second.init(); } cam.second.disable = function () { cam.second.enabled = false; //ui actions $('.cam2').removeClass('on'); $('#counters').removeClass('cameras'); } cam.second.init = function () { 'use strict'; cam.second.listen(); }; cam.second.set = function (dir, callback) { 'use strict'; var obj; if (cam.second.lock) { return false; } obj = { dir : dir, id : uuid() }; ipcRenderer.sendSync(, obj); if (typeof callback !== 'undefined') { obj.callback = callback; } cam.second.queue[] = obj; cam.second.lock = true; }; cam.second.setValue = function (val) { 'use strict'; var obj = { val: val, id : uuid() }; ipcRenderer.sendSync(, obj); }; cam.second.move = function (callback) { 'use strict'; var obj; if (cam.second.lock) { return false; } obj = { frame : true, id : uuid() }; ipcRenderer.sendSync(, obj); if (typeof callback !== 'undefined') { obj.callback = callback; } cam.second.queue[] = obj; cam.second.lock = true; }; cam.second.end = function (c, id, ms) { 'use strict'; if (c === cfg.arduino.cmd.camera_second_forward) { cam.second.dir = true; } else if (c === cfg.arduino.cmd.camera_second_backward) { cam.second.dir = false; } else if (c === cfg.arduino.cmd.camera_second) { if (cam.second.dir) { cam.second.pos += 1; } else { cam.second.pos -= 1; } } timing.update(c, ms); gui.counterUpdate('cam2', cam.second.pos) if (typeof cam.second.queue[id] !== 'undefined') { if (typeof cam.queue[id].callback !== 'undefined') { cam.second.queue[id].callback(ms); } delete cam.second.queue[id]; cam.second.lock = false; } }; cam.second.listen = function () { 'use strict'; ipcRenderer.on(, function (event, arg) { cam.second.end(arg.cmd,,; return event.returnValue = true; }); }; module.exports = cam;