'use strict'; /// let devices : Devices; class Devices { private id : string = 'devices'; constructor () { } init () { this.listen(); this.profiles(); gui.overlay(true); gui.spinner(true, 'Checking for connected devices...'); } listen () { ipcRenderer.on('ready', this.ready.bind(this)); ipcRenderer.on('intval', this.intvalCb.bind(this)); ipcRenderer.on('processing', this.processingCb.bind(this)); ipcRenderer.on('error_state', this.errorState.bind(this)); } async ready (event : any, arg : any) { //console.dir(arg) let opt : any; let devs : any[] = []; let notify : string = 'Connected to '; let p : any; //@ts-ignore await delay(1000); try { gui.spinner(false); gui.overlay(false); } catch (err) { log.error(err); } for (let i in arg) { devs.push(arg[i].arduino); if (arg[i].arduino && arg[i].arduino !== '/dev/fake') { if (notify === 'Connected to ') { notify += arg[i].arduino + ' ' } else { notify += `& ${arg[i].arduino}` } } opt = $('