const mse = {}; /****** Mscript GUI *******/ mse.mscript = {}; mse.mscript.editor = {}; = {}; mse.mscript.raw = ''; mse.mscript.init = function () { 'use strict'; $('#editor').val('CF 1\nPF 1'); mse.mscript.editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById('editor'), { lineNumbers: true, mode: 'python', matchBrackets: true, theme: 'monokai' }); mse.mscript.editor.setSize(null, $(window).height() - $('footer').eq(0).height() - 30); mse.mscript.editor.on('change', function (e) { // }); $(document).on('resize', function (e) { mse.mscript.editor.setSize(null, $(window).height() - $('footer').eq(0).height() - 30); }); }; = function () { 'use strict'; mse.mscript.editor.setSize(null, $(window).height() - $('footer').eq(0).height() - 30); mse.mscript.editor.refresh(); }; mse.mscript.fromSequence = function () { //ehhhhh 'use strict'; let str; let tmp = []; let cont; let cmd; //str = => { return step.cmd }).join('\n'); //quick hack //console.dir(seq.grid); for (let step of seq.grid) { if (!step || !step.cmd) continue; cmd = step.cmd; if (tmp.length > 0 && tmp[tmp.length - 1].cmd === cmd) { tmp[tmp.length - 1].num++; continue; } tmp.push({ cmd : cmd, num : 1 }); } tmp = => { return `${line.cmd} ${line.num}` }) //console.dir(tmp) if (seq.gridLoops > 1) { => { return ` ${line}`; }) tmp.reverse(); tmp.push(`LOOP ${seq.gridLoops}`); tmp.reverse(); tmp.push('END'); } str = tmp.join('\n'); nav.change('script'); cont = confirm(`Are you sure you want to over-write the current sequence?`); if (cont) { mse.mscript.editor.getDoc().setValue(str); } }; mse.mscript.toGUI = function () { 'use strict'; let c; let step; for (let x = 0; x <; x++) { c =[x]; seq.set(x, c); if (c === 'CF' || c === 'CB') { if (typeof[x] !== 'undefined' &&[x] !== '') { seq.setLight(x,[x]); } else { seq.setLight(x, light.color); } } else { //unset light? } grid.state(x); } }; mse.mscript.toSequence = function () { 'use strict'; const data = mse.mscript.editor.getValue(); let cont; if (data !== mse.mscript.raw) { cont = confirm(`Current script has not been compiled. Compile first?`); if (cont) { return mse.mscript.compile(() => { mse.console.print(`Sending compiled script to GUI sequencer...`); seq.clear(); mse.mscript.toGUI(); grid.refresh(); seq.stats(); return nav.change('sequencer'); }) } } mse.console.print(`Sending compiled script to GUI sequencer...`); seq.clear(); mse.mscript.toGUI(); grid.refresh(); seq.stats(); return nav.change('sequencer'); } mse.mscript.compile = function (cb) { 'use strict'; const data = mse.mscript.editor.getValue(); let mscript = new Mscript(); let output; mse.mscript.raw = data; mscript.interpret(data, (output) => { let len = output.arr.length; = output; //mse.console.print(JSON.stringify(output, null, '\t') + '\n') mse.console.print(`Sequence contains ${len} step${(len === 1 ? '' : 's')}, CAM: ${}, PROJ: ${output.proj}`); if (cb) cb(); }); }; mse.mscript.prepare = function () { 'use strict'; const arr = []; let obj; for (let i = 0; i <; i++) { obj = { cmd :[i] }; if (typeof[i] !== 'undefined' &&[i] !== '') { obj.light =[i]; } else { obj.light = light.color.join(','); } arr.push(obj); } return arr; }; = function () { 'use strict'; const data = mse.mscript.editor.getValue(); let arr; let cont; if (data !== mse.mscript.raw) { cont = confirm(`Current script has not been compiled. Compile first?`); if (cont) { return mse.mscript.compile(() => { mse.console.print(`Started running compiled sequence...`); arr = mse.mscript.prepare(); gui.overlay(true); gui.spinner(true, `Running mscript sequence...`, true, true); return seq.exec(arr, 1); }) } } arr = mse.mscript.prepare(); mse.console.print(`Started running compiled sequence...`); gui.overlay(true); gui.spinner(true, `Running mscript sequence...`, true, true); return seq.exec(arr, 1); }; /******* * gui console *******/ mse.console = {}; mse.console.elem = {}; mse.console.init = function () { 'use script'; mse.console.elem = $('#console textarea'); mse.console.elem.on('keyup', function (e) { var code = e.keyCode || e.which; if (code === 13) { mse.console.exec(); e.preventDefault(); return false; } }); }; mse.console.lines = []; mse.console.parse = function () { 'use strict'; const lines = mse.console.elem.val().split('\n'); const line = lines[lines.length - 2].replace('>', '').trim(); mse.console.lines.push(line); }; mse.console.exec = function () { 'use strict'; let command; mse.console.parse(); command = mse.console.lines[mse.console.lines.length - 1].replace('>', '').trim(); console.log(command); mse.console.newLine(); if (mscript.cmd.indexOf(command) !== -1) { if (command === 'CF') { cmd.camera_forward(light.color); } else if (cmd === 'CB') { cmd.camera_backward(light.color); } } if (command === 'compile') { mse.mscript.compile(); } else if (command === 'run') {; } }; mse.console.newLine = function () { 'use strict'; let current = mse.console.elem.val(); let height; current += '> '; mse.console.elem.val(current); height = mse.console.elem[0].scrollHeight; mse.console.elem.animate({ scrollTop : height },'normal'); }; mse.console.print = function (str) { 'use strict' let current = mse.console.elem.val(); let height; current += str; current += '\n> '; mse.console.elem.val(current); mse.console.elem.focus(); height = mse.console.elem[0].scrollHeight; mse.console.elem.animate({ scrollTop : height },'normal'); }; module.exports = mse;