First draft of base

This commit is contained in:
Matt McWilliams 2023-01-07 18:43:59 -05:00
parent 597137670d
commit c181e003a3
1 changed files with 7 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -222,16 +222,18 @@ module lensAssemblyBaseZ () {
difference () {
rounded_cube([150, 22, 22], d = 8, $fn = 30, center = true);
translate([ZOffset/2, 0, 5]) linearMotionRod(22 + 1, 0.2);
translate([-ZOffset/2, 0, 0]) threadedRod(50, 0.2);
translate([ZOffset/2+10, 0, 0]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) m4Bolt(20);
module lensAssemblyThreadedCollar (H = 8) {
module lensAssemblyThreadedCollar (H = 8, pad = 0) {
difference () {
union () {
cylinder(r = R(26), h = H, center = true, $fn = 80);
threadedRod(H*2, 0.1);
threadedRod(H*2, 0.1 + pad);
translate([8.5, 0, 0]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) m3BoltNut(10, -1);
@ -278,7 +280,7 @@ module debug () {
translate([0, BackOffset, -70]) lensAssemblyBaseZ();
PART = "lens_assembly_threaded_z";
PART = "lens_assembly_base_z";
if (PART == "lens_assembly_bellows_board") {
@ -291,7 +293,7 @@ if (PART == "lens_assembly_bellows_board") {
} else if (PART == "lens_assembly_threaded_knob") {
} else if (PART == "lens_assembly_threaded_collar") {
lensAssemblyThreadedCollar(6, 0.2);
} else {