/* jshint esversion:6, strict:true, browser:true*/ /* global console, alert */ 'use strict'; var mobile = {}; mobile.wble = { BLENO_DEVICE_NAME : 'intval3', DEVICE_ID : 'intval3', SERVICE_ID : '149582bd-d49d-4b5c-acd1-1ae503d09e7a', CHAR_ID : '47bf69fb-f62f-4ef8-9be8-eb727a54fae4', //general data WIFI_ID : '3fe7d9cf-7bd2-4ff0-97c5-ebe87288c2cc', //wifi only devices : [], device : {}, connected : false, active : false }; mobile.wifi = { current : 'null', available : [], ip : null }; async function delay (ms) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { return setTimeout(resolve, ms); }) } mobile.wble.scan = async function () { let device; UI.spinner.show('Scanning for INTVAL3...'); UI.overlay.show(); try { device = await navigator.bluetooth.requestDevice({ filters: [{ services: [ mobile.wble.SERVICE_ID ] }], //optionalServices: optionalServices }); mobile.wble.onDiscover(device); } catch (err) { mobile.wble.onError(err); } //ble.scan([], 5, mobile.wble.onDiscover, mobile.wble.onError); mobile.wble.devices = []; await delay(5000); UI.spinner.hide(); UI.overlay.hide(); if (!mobile.wble.connected) { mobile.alert('No devices found.') settingsPage(); } }; mobile.wble.onDiscover = function (device) { if (device && device.name && device.name.indexOf('intval3') !== -1) { console.log('BLE - Discovered INTVAL3'); console.dir(device); mobile.wble.devices.push(device); if (!mobile.wble.connected) { mobile.wble.connect(device); } } else { //console.log(`BLE - Discovered Other ${device.id}`); } }; mobile.wble.connect = async function (device) { console.log(`BLE - Connecting to ${device.id}`); try { await device.gatt.connect() } catch (err) { mobile.wble.onError(err); } ble.connect(device.id, (peripheral) => { mobile.wble.onConnect(peripheral, device); }, mobile.wble.onError); }; mobile.wble.onConnect = function (peripheral, device) { const elem = document.getElementById('bluetooth'); const option = document.createElement('option'); const disconnect = document.getElementById('disconnect'); const scan = document.getElementById('scan'); UI.spinner.hide(); UI.overlay.hide(); console.log(`BLE - Connected to ${device.id}`); console.log(peripheral); console.dir(device); mobile.wble.device = device; mobile.wble.connected = true; elem.innerHTML = ''; option.text = device.name; option.value = device.id; elem.add(option); disconnect.classList.add('active'); scan.classList.remove('active'); getState(); mobile.getWifi(); }; mobile.wble.disconnect = function () { const elem = document.getElementById('bluetooth'); const option = document.createElement('option'); const disconnect = document.getElementById('disconnect'); const scan = document.getElementById('scan'); let device; if (!mobile.wble.connected) { console.warn('Not connected to any device'); return false; } device = mobile.wble.device; console.log(`BLE - Disconnecting from ${device.id}`); //ble.disconnect(device.id, mobile.wble.onDisconnect, mobile.wble.onDisconnect); elem.innerHTML = ''; option.text = 'N/A'; elem.add(option); disconnect.classList.remove('active'); scan.classList.add('active'); UI.spinner.hide(); UI.overlay.hide(); }; mobile.wble.onDisconnect = function (res) { console.log(`BLE - Disconnected from ${res}`); mobile.wble.connected = false; mobile.wble.device = {}; }; mobile.wble.onError = function (err) { if (err.errorMessage && err.errorMessage === 'Peripheral Disconnected') { console.log('Device disconnected'); mobile.wble.disconnect() } else { mobile.alert(JSON.stringify(err)); } /* Object errorDescription: "The specified device has disconnected from us." errorMessage: "Peripheral Disconnected" id: "E8EF4B8B-0B5E-4E96-B337-E878DB1E3C4B" name: "intval3_b827ebc7461d" */ }; mobile.init = function () { const bleInputs = document.querySelectorAll('.ble'); const bolIso = document.querySelector('.iso'); const bolF = document.querySelector('.fstop'); document.querySelector('body').classList.add('mobile'); window.frame = mobile.frame; window.getState = mobile.getState; window.setDir = mobile.setDir; window.setExposure = mobile.setExposure; window.setDelay = mobile.setDelay; window.setCounter = mobile.setCounter; window.sequence = mobile.sequence; window.reset = mobile.reset; window.restart = mobile.restart; window.update = mobile.update; //show ble-specific fields in settings for (let i of bleInputs) { i.classList.add('active'); } UI.spinner.init() mobile.wble.scan(); mobile.cameraValues(); }; mobile.getState = function () { if (!mobile.wble.connected) { //returning here will prevent error alert } /*ble.read(mobile.wble.device.id, mobile.wble.SERVICE_ID, mobile.wble.CHAR_ID, mobile.stateSuccess, mobile.wble.onError);*/ }; mobile.stateSuccess = function (data) { let str = bytesToString(data); let res = JSON.parse(str); setState(res); }; mobile.frame = function () { const opts = { type : 'frame' }; if (!mobile.wble.connected) { return mobile.alert('Not connected to an INTVAL3 device.'); } if (mobile.wble.active) { return false; } /*ble.write(mobile.wble.device.id, mobile.wble.SERVICE_ID, mobile.wble.CHAR_ID, stringToBytes(JSON.stringify(opts)), //check length? mobile.frameSuccess, mobile.wble.onError);*/ document.getElementById('frame').classList.add('focus'); mobile.wble.active = true; }; mobile.frameSuccess = function () { if (STATE.exposure < 5000) { console.log('Frame finished, getting state.'); mobile.wble.active = false; document.getElementById('frame').classList.remove('focus'); mobile.getState(); } else { setTimeout(() => { console.log('Frame finished, getting state.'); mobile.wble.active = false; document.getElementById('frame').classList.remove('focus'); mobile.getState(); }, STATE.exposure + 500) } } mobile.setDir = function () { const opts = { type : 'dir', dir : !document.getElementById('dir').checked }; /*ble.write(mobile.wble.device.id, mobile.wble.SERVICE_ID, mobile.wble.CHAR_ID, stringToBytes(JSON.stringify(opts)), //check length? mobile.dirSuccess, mobile.wble.onError);*/ }; mobile.dirSuccess = function () { console.log('Set direction'); mobile.getState(); setTimeout(() => { setDirLabel(STATE.dir); }, 50); }; mobile.setExposure = function () { let exposure = document.getElementById('exposure').value; let scaledExposure; let opts = { type : 'exposure' }; if (exposure === '' || exposure === null) { exposure = 0; } scaledExposure = scaleTime(exposure, STATE.scale); opts.exposure = scaledExposure; /*ble.write(mobile.wble.device.id, mobile.wble.SERVICE_ID, mobile.wble.CHAR_ID, stringToBytes(JSON.stringify(opts)), //check length? mobile.exposureSuccess, mobile.wble.onError);*/ }; mobile.exposureSuccess = function () { console.log('Set exposure'); mobile.getState(); }; mobile.setDelay = function () { const delay = document.getElementById('delay').value; const scaledDelay = scaleTime(delay, STATE.delayScale); let opts = { type : 'delay', delay : scaledDelay }; /*ble.write(mobile.wble.device.id, mobile.wble.SERVICE_ID, mobile.wble.CHAR_ID, stringToBytes(JSON.stringify(opts)), //check length? mobile.delaySuccess, mobile.wble.onError);*/ } mobile.delaySuccess = function () { console.log('Set delay'); mobile.getState(); }; mobile.setCounter = function () { let opts = { type : 'counter', counter : null }; const counter = document.getElementById('counter').value; function counterPrompt (results) { let change = results.input1 if (results.buttonIndex === 1) { if (change === null || !isNumeric(change)) return false; opts.counter = change; /*ble.write(mobile.wble.device.id, mobile.wble.SERVICE_ID, mobile.wble.CHAR_ID, stringToBytes(JSON.stringify(opts)), //check length? mobile.counterSuccess, mobile.wble.onError);*/ } } navigator.notification.prompt( `Change counter value?`, counterPrompt, 'INTVAL3', ['Okay', 'Cancel'], counter); }; mobile.counterSuccess = function () { console.log('Set counter'); mobile.getState(); }; mobile.sequence = function () { const opts = { type : 'sequence' }; const elem = document.getElementById('seq'); if (!mobile.wble.connected) { return mobile.alert('Not connected to an INTVAL3 device.'); } /*ble.write(mobile.wble.device.id, mobile.wble.SERVICE_ID, mobile.wble.CHAR_ID, stringToBytes(JSON.stringify(opts)), //check length? mobile.sequenceSuccess, mobile.wble.onError);*/ if (!elem.classList.contains('focus')) { elem.classList.add('focus'); } mobile.wble.active = true; }; mobile.sequenceSuccess = function () { console.log('Sequence state changed'); mobile.getState(); setTimeout(() => { if (STATE.sequence) { mobile.wble.active = true; seqState(true); } else { mobile.wble.active = false; seqState(false); } }, 20); }; //retreive object with list of available Wifi APs, //and state of current connection, if available mobile.getWifi = function () { UI.spinner.show('Refreshing WIFI...'); UI.overlay.show(); /*ble.read(mobile.wble.device.id, mobile.wble.SERVICE_ID, mobile.wble.WIFI_ID, mobile.getWifiSuccess, mobile.wble.onError);*/ }; mobile.getWifiSuccess = function (data) { const elem = document.getElementById('available'); const wifi = document.getElementById('wifi'); const password = document.getElementById('password'); const ip = document.getElementById('ip'); let option = document.createElement('option'); let str = bytesToString(data); let res = JSON.parse(str); UI.spinner.hide(); UI.overlay.hide(); elem.innerHTML = '' if (!res.available || res.available.length === 0) { if (elem.classList.contains('active')) { elem.classList.remove('active'); } option.text = 'N/A' elem.add(option); elem.value = ''; } else { for (let ap of res.available) { option = document.createElement('option'); option.text = ap; option.value = ap; elem.add(option); } if (res.current && res.available.indexOf(res.current) !== -1) { elem.value = res.current if (!elem.classList.contains('active')) { elem.classList.add('active'); } if (wifi.classList.contains('active')) { wifi.classList.remove('active'); } if (password.classList.contains('active')) { password.classList.remove('active'); } } else { if (!wifi.classList.contains('active')) { wifi.classList.add('active'); } if (!password.classList.contains('active')) { password.classList.add('active'); } } } if (typeof res.ip !== 'undefined' && res.ip != null ) { ip.innerHTML = `Local IP: ${res.ip}` if (!ip.classList.contains('active')) { ip.classList.add('active'); } } else { ip.innerHTML = 'Local IP: null' if (ip.classList.contains('active')) { ip.classList.remove('active'); } } mobile.wifi.current = res.current; mobile.wifi.available = res.available; mobile.wifi.ip = res.ip; }; mobile.editWifi = function () { const available = document.getElementById('available'); const wifi = document.getElementById('wifi'); const password = document.getElementById('password'); if (!wifi.classList.contains('active')) { wifi.classList.add('active'); } if (!password.classList.contains('active')) { password.classList.add('active'); } password.focus(); if (available.value !== mobile.wifi.current && available.classList.contains('active')) { available.classList.remove('active'); } }; mobile.setWifi = function () { const ssid = document.getElementById('available').value; const pwd = document.getElementById('password').value; const opts = { ssid : ssid, pwd : pwd }; UI.spinner.show('Setting WIFI...'); UI.overlay.show(); if (ssid === '' || ssid === null || ssid === undefined) { return mobile.alert('Cannot set wireless credentials with a blank SSID'); } if (pwd === '' || pwd === null || pwd === undefined) { return mobile.alert('Cannot set wireless credentials with a blank passphrase'); } if (pwd.length < 8 || pwd.length > 63) { return mobile.alert('Passphrase must be 8..63 characters'); } /*ble.write(mobile.wble.device.id, mobile.wble.SERVICE_ID, mobile.wble.WIFI_ID, stringToBytes(JSON.stringify(opts)), mobile.setWifiSuccess, mobile.wble.onError);*/ }; mobile.setWifiSuccess = function () { UI.spinner.hide(); UI.overlay.hide(); console.log('Set new wifi credentials'); setTimeout(mobile.getWifi, 100); }; mobile.exif = {} mobile.getCamera = function () { const opts = { quality: 30, sourceType: Camera.PictureSourceType.CAMERA, destinationType: Camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI }; navigator.camera.getPicture(mobile.cameraSuccess, mobile.cameraError, opts); }; mobile.cameraSuccess = function (result) { const thisResult = JSON.parse(result); const metadata = JSON.parse(thisResult.json_metadata); mobile.cameraExposure(metadata.Exif); }; mobile.cameraError = function (err) { console.error(err); mobile.alert(JSON.stringify(err)); }; mobile.cameraExposure = function (exif) { const cam_exp = document.getElementById('cam_exp'); const cam_f = document.getElementById('cam_f'); const cam_iso = document.getElementById('cam_iso'); const bol_exp = document.getElementById('bol_exp'); const bol_f = document.getElementById('bol_f'); const bol_iso = document.getElementById('bol_iso'); const bol_f_diff = document.getElementById('bol_f_diff'); const bol_iso_diff = document.getElementById('bol_iso_diff'); const bol_exp_diff = document.getElementById('bol_exp_diff'); const fstop = BOLEX.fstop || 5.6; const iso = BOLEX.iso || 100; const prism = BOLEX.prism || 0.8; const cFstop = exif.ApertureValue || exif.FNumber; const cExposure = exif.ExposureTime * 1000; const cIso = exif.ISOSpeedRatings[0]; //convert fstop to "fnumber", an absolute scale where stops are scaled to 1.0 const f = fnumber(cFstop); const target = fnumber(fstop); //bolex let exposure = cExposure; let isoStops = 0; let fStops = 0; let expDiff; let scale_elem; let exposure_elem; let proceed; let e1; let e2; mobile.exif = exif; //Determine if fstop of phone camera "f" if (target !== f) { fStops = f - target; exposure = exposure / Math.pow(2, fStops); } if (cIso != iso) { isoStops = (Math.log(cIso) / Math.log(2)) - (Math.log(iso) / Math.log(2)); } //Double or halve exposure based on the differences in ISO stops exposure = exposure * Math.pow(2, isoStops); //Compensate for Bolex prism exposure = exposure * Math.pow(2, prism); exposure = Math.round(exposure) //round to nearest millisecond bol_f.value = fstop; bol_iso.value = iso; bol_exp.value = exposure; //Total difference in exposure from phone camera to Bolex expDiff = (Math.log(exposure) / Math.log(2)) - (Math.log(cExposure) / Math.log(2)); bol_exp_diff.innerHTML = floatDisplay(expDiff); bol_iso_diff.innerHTML = floatDisplay(isoStops); bol_f_diff.innerHTML = floatDisplay(-fStops); cam_exp.value = cExposure; cam_f.value = cFstop; cam_iso.value = cIso; function exposureConfirm (index) { if (index === 1) { e1 = new Event('change'); e2 = new Event('change'); scale_elem = document.getElementById('scale'); exposure_elem = document.getElementById('exposure'); scale_elem.value = 'ms'; scale_elem.dispatchEvent(e1); exposure_elem.value = exposure; exposure_elem.dispatchEvent(e2); } } if (exposure > 500) { navigator.notification.confirm( `Set camera exposure to ${exposure}ms to match photo?`, exposureConfirm, 'INTVAL3', ['Okay', 'Cancel'] ); } /* { "Exif": { "DateTimeOriginal": "2018:02:02 16:59:13", "ExposureBiasValue": 0, "SensingMethod": 2, "BrightnessValue": -0.9969016228800144, "LensMake": "Apple", "FNumber": 1.8, "FocalLength": 3.99, "ShutterSpeedValue": 2.049355412374274, "SceneType": 1, "ApertureValue": 1.6959938131099002, "SubjectArea": [ 2015, 1511, 2217, 1330 ], "ColorSpace": 65535, "LensSpecification": [ 3.99, 3.99, 1.8, 1.8 ], "PixelYDimension": 3024, "WhiteBalance": 0, "DateTimeDigitized": "2018:02:02 16:59:13", "ExposureMode": 0, "ISOSpeedRatings": [ 100 ], "PixelXDimension": 4032, "LensModel": "iPhone 8 back camera 3.99mm f/1.8", "ExposureTime": 0.25, "Flash": 24, "SubsecTimeDigitized": "209", "SubsecTimeOriginal": "209", "ExposureProgram": 2, "FocalLenIn35mmFilm": 28, "MeteringMode": 5 } } */ }; mobile.refreshExposure = function () { if (typeof mobile.exif.ExposureTime !== 'undefined') { mobile.cameraExposure(mobile.exif); } }; mobile.EV = function (fstop, shutter) { const sec = shutter / 1000; //shutter in ms => seconds const square = Math.pow(fstop, 2); return Math.log(square / sec); }; mobile.reset = function () { let opts = { type : 'reset' }; function resetConfirm (index) { if (index === 1) { /*ble.write(mobile.wble.device.id, mobile.wble.SERVICE_ID, mobile.wble.CHAR_ID, stringToBytes(JSON.stringify(opts)), mobile.resetSuccess, mobile.wble.onError);*/ } } navigator.notification.confirm( `Reset INTVAL3 to default settings and clear counter?`, resetConfirm, 'INTVAL3', ['Okay', 'Cancel'] ); }; mobile.resetSuccess = function () { console.log('Reset to default settings'); setTimeout(() => { mobile.getState(); }, 100) }; mobile.update = function () { let opts = { type : 'update' }; function updateConfirm (index) { if (index === 1) { UI.spinner.show('Updating INTVAL3...'); UI.overlay.show(); /*ble.write(mobile.wble.device.id, mobile.wble.SERVICE_ID, mobile.wble.CHAR_ID, stringToBytes(JSON.stringify(opts)), mobile.updateSuccess, mobile.wble.onError);*/ } } navigator.notification.confirm( `Check for updates? You will be disconnected from the INTVAL3 during this process.`, updateConfirm, 'INTVAL3', ['Okay', 'Cancel'] ); }; mobile.updateSuccess = function () { console.log('Finished updating firmware, restarting...'); }; mobile.restart = function () { let opts = { type : 'restart' }; function restartConfirm (index) { if (index === 1) { UI.spinner.show('Restarting INTVAL3...'); UI.overlay.show(); /*ble.write(mobile.wble.device.id, mobile.wble.SERVICE_ID, mobile.wble.CHAR_ID, stringToBytes(JSON.stringify(opts)), mobile.restartSuccess, mobile.wble.onError);*/ } } navigator.notification.confirm( `Restart the INTVAL3? You will be disconnected from it during this process.`, restartConfirm, 'INTVAL3', ['Okay', 'Cancel'] ); }; mobile.restartSuccess = function () { console.log('Restarting... '); } mobile.alert = function (msg) { if (navigator && navigator.notification) { navigator.notification.alert( msg, () => {}, 'INTVAL3', 'Okay' ); } else { alert(msg); } }; /** * Mobile helper functions */ function bytesToString (buffer) { return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(buffer)); } function stringToBytes(string) { var array = new Uint8Array(string.length); for (var i = 0, l = string.length; i < l; i++) { array[i] = string.charCodeAt(i); } return array.buffer; } function fnumber (fstop) { return Math.log(fstop) / Math.log(Math.sqrt(2)); } function floatDisplay (value) { let str = value + ''; const period = str.indexOf('.'); if (period === -1) { str = str + '.0'; } else { str = roundTenth(value) + ''; } if (value < 0) { str = `${(str + '')}`; } else if (value > 0) { str = `+${(str + '')}`; } return str; } function roundTenth (value) { return Math.round((value * 10) / 10) }