'use strict'; var mobile = {}; mobile.ble = { BLENO_DEVICE_NAME : 'intval3', DEVICE_ID : 'intval3', SERVICE_ID : '149582bd-d49d-4b5c-acd1-1ae503d09e7a', CHAR_ID : '47bf69fb-f62f-4ef8-9be8-eb727a54fae4', //general data WIFI_ID : '3fe7d9cf-7bd2-4ff0-97c5-ebe87288c2cc', //wifi only devices : [], device : {}, connected : false, active : false }; mobile.ble.scan = function () { spinnerShow(); ble.scan([], 5, mobile.ble.onDiscover, mobile.ble.onError); mobile.ble.devices = []; setTimeout(() => { if (!mobile.ble.connected) { spinnerHide(); alert('No INTVAL devices found.'); settingsPage(); } }, 5000) }; mobile.ble.onDiscover = function (device) { if (device && device.name && device.name.indexOf('intval3') !== -1) { console.log('BLE - Discovered INTVAL'); console.dir(device); mobile.ble.devices.push(device); if (!mobile.ble.connected) { mobile.ble.connect(device); } } else { //console.log(`BLE - Discovered Other ${device.id}`); } } mobile.ble.connect = function (device) { console.log(`BLE - Connecting to ${device.id}`) ble.connect(device.id, (peripheral) => { mobile.ble.onConnect(peripheral, device); }, mobile.ble.onError); }; mobile.ble.onConnect = function (peripheral, device) { const elem = document.getElementById('bluetooth') const option = document.createElement('option') const disconnect = document.getElementById('disconnect'); const scan = document.getElementById('scan'); spinnerHide(); console.log(`BLE - Connected to ${device.id}`); console.log(peripheral); console.dir(device); mobile.ble.device = device; mobile.ble.connected = true; elem.innerHTML = ''; option.text = device.name; option.value = device.id; elem.add(option); disconnect.classList.add('active'); scan.classList.remove('active'); getState(); }; mobile.ble.disconnect = function () { const elem = document.getElementById('bluetooth'); const option = document.createElement('option'); const disconnect = document.getElementById('disconnect'); const scan = document.getElementById('scan'); let device; if (!mobile.ble.connected) { console.warn('Not connected to any device') return false } device = mobile.ble.device console.log(`BLE - Disconnecting from ${device.id}`) ble.disconnect(device.id, mobile.ble.onDisconnect, mobile.ble.onDisconnect); elem.innerHTML = ''; option.text = 'N/A'; elem.add(option); disconnect.classList.remove('active'); scan.classList.add('active'); }; mobile.ble.onDisconnect = function (res) { console.log(`BLE - Disconnected from ${res}`); mobile.ble.connected = false; mobile.ble.device = {}; }; mobile.ble.onError = function (err) { alert(JSON.stringify(err)); }; mobile.init = function () { const bleInputs = document.querySelectorAll('.ble') window.frame = mobile.frame; window.getState = mobile.getState; window.setDir = mobile.setDir; window.setExposure = mobile.setExposure; window.setDelay = mobile.setDelay; window.setCounter = mobile.setCounter; window.sequence = mobile.sequence; //show ble-specific fields in settings for (let i of bleInputs) { i.classList.add('active'); } spinnerInit(); mobile.ble.scan(); }; mobile.getState = function () { if (!mobile.ble.connected) { // } ble.read(mobile.ble.device.id, mobile.ble.SERVICE_ID, mobile.ble.CHAR_ID, mobile.stateSuccess, mobile.ble.onError); }; mobile.stateSuccess = function (data) { let str = bytesToString(data); let res = JSON.parse(str); setState(res) }; mobile.frame = function () { const opts = { type : 'frame' }; if (!mobile.ble.connected) { return alert('Not connected to an INTVAL device.'); } if (mobile.ble.active) { return false; } ble.write(mobile.ble.device.id, mobile.ble.SERVICE_ID, mobile.ble.CHAR_ID, stringToBytes(JSON.stringify(opts)), //check length? mobile.frameSuccess, mobile.ble.onError); document.getElementById('frame').classList.add('focus'); mobile.ble.active = true; }; mobile.frameSuccess = function () { console.log('Frame finished, getting state.'); mobile.ble.active = false; document.getElementById('frame').classList.remove('focus'); mobile.getState(); } mobile.setDir = function () { const opts = { type : 'dir', dir : !document.getElementById('dir').checked }; ble.write(mobile.ble.device.id, mobile.ble.SERVICE_ID, mobile.ble.CHAR_ID, stringToBytes(JSON.stringify(opts)), //check length? mobile.dirSuccess, mobile.ble.onError); }; mobile.dirSuccess = function () { console.log('Set direction'); mobile.getState(); setTimeout(() => { setDirLabel(STATE.dir); }, 50); }; mobile.setExposure = function () { let exposure = document.getElementById('exposure').value; let scaledExposure; let opts = { type : 'exposure' }; if (exposure === '' || exposure === null) { exposure = 0; } scaledExposure = scaleTime(exposure, STATE.scale); opts.exposure = scaledExposure; ble.write(mobile.ble.device.id, mobile.ble.SERVICE_ID, mobile.ble.CHAR_ID, stringToBytes(JSON.stringify(opts)), //check length? mobile.exposureSuccess, mobile.ble.onError); }; mobile.exposureSuccess = function () { console.log('Set exposure'); mobile.getState(); }; mobile.setDelay = function () { const delay = document.getElementById('delay').value; const scaledDelay = scaleTime(delay, STATE.delayScale) let opts = { type : 'delay', delay : scaledDelay }; ble.write(mobile.ble.device.id, mobile.ble.SERVICE_ID, mobile.ble.CHAR_ID, stringToBytes(JSON.stringify(opts)), //check length? mobile.delaySuccess, mobile.ble.onError); } mobile.delaySuccess = function () { console.log('Set delay') mobile.getState(); }; mobile.setCounter = function () { const counter = document.getElementById('counter').value; const change = prompt(`Change counter value?`, counter); if (change === null || !isNumeric(change)) return false; let opts = { type : 'counter', counter : change }; ble.write(mobile.ble.device.id, mobile.ble.SERVICE_ID, mobile.ble.CHAR_ID, stringToBytes(JSON.stringify(opts)), //check length? mobile.counterSuccess, mobile.ble.onError); }; mobile.counterSuccess = function () { console.log('Set counter'); mobile.getState(); }; mobile.sequence = function () { const opts = { type : 'sequence' }; if (!mobile.ble.connected) { return alert('Not connected to an INTVAL device.'); } ble.write(mobile.ble.device.id, mobile.ble.SERVICE_ID, mobile.ble.CHAR_ID, stringToBytes(JSON.stringify(opts)), //check length? mobile.frameSuccess, mobile.ble.onError); document.getElementById('seq').classList.add('focus'); mobile.ble.active = true; }; mobile.sequenceSuccess = function () { console.log('Sequence state changed'); mobile.getState(); setTimeout(() => { if (STATE.sequence) { mobile.ble.active = true; } else { mobile.ble.active = false; } }, 20); } function bytesToString (buffer) { return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(buffer)); }; function stringToBytes(string) { var array = new Uint8Array(string.length); for (var i = 0, l = string.length; i < l; i++) { array[i] = string.charCodeAt(i); } return array.buffer; };