"use strict"; var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) { return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod }; }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.FD = void 0; const net_1 = __importDefault(require("net")); const log_1 = require("../log"); const shell_1 = require("../shell"); const delay_1 = require("../delay"); var Action; (function (Action) { Action[Action["NONE"] = 0] = "NONE"; Action[Action["LOAD"] = 1] = "LOAD"; Action[Action["DISPLAY"] = 2] = "DISPLAY"; Action[Action["STOP"] = 3] = "STOP"; })(Action || (Action = {})); var Mode; (function (Mode) { Mode[Mode["RGB"] = 0] = "RGB"; Mode[Mode["BW"] = 1] = "BW"; Mode[Mode["INVERT"] = 2] = "INVERT"; Mode[Mode["BW_INVERT"] = 3] = "BW_INVERT"; Mode[Mode["RGB_CHANNELS"] = 4] = "RGB_CHANNELS"; Mode[Mode["INVERT_CHANNELS"] = 5] = "INVERT_CHANNELS"; })(Mode || (Mode = {})); class FD { constructor(bin, width, height, host, port, display = null, mock = false) { this.env = null; this.shell = null; this.client = null; this.socketAvailable = false; this.socketConnected = false; this.waiting = null; this.mock = false; this.bin = bin; this.width = width; this.height = height; this.host = host; this.port = port; this.mock = mock; this.log = (0, log_1.createLog)('fd'); if (!this.mock) { if (display !== null) { this.env = { DISPLAY: display }; this.log.info(`Using DISPLAY=${display} for fd`); } this.shell = new shell_1.Shell([ this.bin, '--width', `${this.width}`, '--height', `${this.height}`, '--port', `${this.port}` ], this.env, this.logstd.bind(this), this.logsterr.bind(this), null, true); } this.startDisplay(); this.startClient(); //this.test(); } async startDisplay() { this.log.info(`Launching fd binary ${this.bin}`); if (!this.mock) this.shell.execute(); } async startClient() { if (this.mock) { return false; } this.client = new net_1.default.Socket(); this.log.info(`Waiting for TCP socket server on ${this.host}:${this.port}...`); while (!this.socketAvailable) { await (0, delay_1.delay)(10); } this.log.info(`TCP socket server on ${this.host}:${this.port} is available`); this.client.connect(this.port, this.host, async function () { this.socketConnected = true; this.log.info(`TCP socket client connected to ${this.host}:${this.port}`); }.bind(this)); this.client.on('data', function (data) { this.receive(data); }.bind(this)); this.client.on('close', () => { this.log.info('Closing connection'); this.socketConnected = false; }); this.client.on('error', (err) => { this.log.error('Error in socket client', err); this.socketConnected = false; if (!this.mock) this.shell.kill(); }); } logstd(data) { let parsed = null; try { parsed = JSON.parse(data); } catch (err) { this.log.error(`Error parsing line ${data}`, err); } if (parsed !== null) { this.log.info(`[shell] ${data}`); if (typeof parsed['listening'] !== 'undefined' && parsed['listening'] === true && typeof parsed['port'] !== 'undefined' && parsed['port'] === this.port) { this.socketAvailable = true; } } } logsterr(data) { this.log.error(`[shell] ${data}`); } send(msg) { const json = JSON.stringify(msg); this.log.info(json); if (!this.mock && this.client !== null) this.client.write(json); } receive(json) { const msg = JSON.parse(json); this.log.info(msg); if (this.waiting != null) { this.waiting(msg); this.waiting = null; } } async load(image, x, y, w, h) { const msg = { action: Action.LOAD, image, position: { x, y, w, h } }; const startTime = Date.now(); if (this.mock) { return { action: Action.LOAD, image, reported: (Date.now()) - startTime, elapsed: (Date.now()) - startTime }; } const promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { this.waiting = function (msg) { if (msg.action == Action.LOAD && msg.success) { return resolve({ action: Action.LOAD, image, reported: msg.data, elapsed: (Date.now()) - startTime }); } else if (typeof msg.error !== 'undefined') { return reject(new Error(msg.error)); } return reject(new Error(`Error loading ${image}`)); }; }.bind(this)); this.send(msg); return await promise; } async display(image, exposure = []) { const msg = { action: Action.DISPLAY, image, exposure }; const startTime = Date.now(); if (this.mock) { for (let exp of exposure) { await (0, delay_1.delay)(exp); } return { action: Action.DISPLAY, image, reported: (Date.now()) - startTime, elapsed: (Date.now()) - startTime }; } const promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { this.waiting = function (msg) { if (msg.action == Action.DISPLAY && msg.success) { return resolve({ action: Action.DISPLAY, image, reported: msg.data, elapsed: (Date.now()) - startTime }); } else if (typeof msg.error !== 'undefined') { return reject(new Error(msg.error)); } return reject(new Error(`Error displaying ${image}`)); }; }.bind(this)); this.send(msg); return await promise; } async stop(image) { const msg = { action: Action.STOP, image }; const startTime = Date.now(); if (this.mock) { return { action: Action.STOP, image, reported: (Date.now()) - startTime, elapsed: (Date.now()) - startTime }; } const promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { this.waiting = function (msg) { if (msg.action == Action.STOP && msg.success) { this.log.info(msg.data); return resolve({ action: Action.STOP, image, reported: msg.data, elapsed: (Date.now()) - startTime }); } else if (typeof msg.error !== 'undefined') { return reject(new Error(msg.error)); } return reject(new Error(`Error loading ${image}`)); }; }.bind(this)); this.send(msg); return await promise; } isConnected() { return this.socketConnected; } async test() { const img = '/Users/matthewmcwilliams9/src/filmout_display/img/4kSnake.png'; await (0, delay_1.delay)(2000); await this.load(img, 100, 200, 640, 640); await (0, delay_1.delay)(2000); await this.display(img, [4000]); await (0, delay_1.delay)(8000); await this.load(img, 100, 200, 640, 640); await (0, delay_1.delay)(1000); await this.display(img); await (0, delay_1.delay)(2000); await this.stop(img); this.log.warn('QUITTING!!!!'); process.exit(); } async exit() { if (this.client !== null) this.client.end(); if (this.shell !== null) this.shell.kill(); } } exports.FD = FD; module.exports = { FD }; //# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map