#!/bin/bash if [[ "${1}" == "" ]]; then echo "Please include path to video file as first argument" exit 1 fi WITH_SOUND=false #change to false for a silent film #changes based on printer DPI, this is for 1440 #check the output of the calibration script AUDIO_RATE=10368 #Either use the script by passing in a path, ie: #sh export.sh /path/to/my/video.mov #or hardcode it by changing VIDEO=${1} to VIDEO=/path/to/my/video.mov VIDEO="${1}" if [ ! -f "${VIDEO}" ]; then echo "Video file ${VIDEO} does not exist, exiting script..." exit 2 fi # change these to directory where you will store your frames and audio FRAMES_DIR=./filmless_processing/data/frames/ AUDIO_DIR=./filmless_processing/data/audio/ mkdir -p "$FRAMES_DIR" mkdir -p "$AUDIO_DIR" echo "Exporting ${VIDEO}..." rm -f "${FRAMES_DIR}*.png" ffmpeg -y -i "${VIDEO}" -f image2 -r 24 -compression_algo raw -pix_fmt rgb24 -crf 0 "${FRAMES_DIR}image-%08d.png" if [ "$WITH_SOUND" == "true" ]; then echo "Exporting audio from ${VIDEO}..." ffmpeg -y -i "${VIDEO}" -y -acodec pcm_s16le -ac 1 -ar $AUDIO_RATE "${AUDIO_DIR}audio.wav" fi