import processing.sound.*; import soundtrack.optical.*; // Export video to image sequence using ffmpeg // ffmpeg -i -f image2 -r 24 /tmp/image-%04d.png // ffmpeg -i -acodec pcm_s16le -ac 1 audio.wav //-ar 16000 sets rate /** * CHANGE THESE **/ //types: unilateral, variable area, dual variable area, maurer, variable density int DPI = 1440; //maximum printer DPI String SOUNDTRACK_TYPE = "unilateral"; String PITCH = "long"; // long, short //7.62, 7.605 String FORMAT = "16mm"; //16mm or super16 int PERFS = 1; //single (1) or double (2) perf film float PAGE_W = 8.5; //page width in inches float PAGE_H = 11.0; //page height in inches float SAFE_W = .25; //safe area on each side of the page float SAFE_H = .5; //safe area on top and bottom of page color BACKGROUND = color(0); //the color that will fill the entire frame where there's no image boolean NEGATIVE = false; //true to invert image data boolean SHOW_PERFS = true; //set to true to print perfs for cutting registration color PERFS_COLOR = color(255); int SOUND_OFFSET = 25; //Don't change unless necessary String SEP = System.getProperty("file.separator"); String SOURCE = "frames"; //path to directory containing frames String SOUND = "audio"; //leave empty string if silent //This is a magic number that is used to scale the vertical (H) or horizontal (W) resolution //because the printer sometimes lies to you. float MAGIC_H_CORRECTION = 1.0; float MAGIC_W_CORRECTION = 1.0; /** * CONSTANTS (DON'T CHANGE PLZ) **/ float IN = 25.4; float LONG_H = 7.62; float SHORT_H = 7.605; float STD16_W = 10.26; //0.413" float STD16_H = 7.49; //0.295" float SUPER16_W = 12.52; //0.492" float SUPER16_H = 7.41; //0.292" float PERF_W = 1.829; float PERF_H = 1.27; float DPMM = DPI / IN; int SPACING = PITCH.equals("long") ? round(LONG_H * DPMM * MAGIC_H_CORRECTION) : round(SHORT_H * DPMM * MAGIC_H_CORRECTION); int PAGE_W_PIXELS = ceil((PAGE_W - (SAFE_W * 2)) * DPI * MAGIC_W_CORRECTION); int PAGE_H_PIXELS = ceil((PAGE_H - (SAFE_H * 2)) * DPI * MAGIC_H_CORRECTION); int FRAME_W = FORMAT.equals("super16") ? round(SUPER16_W * DPMM * MAGIC_W_CORRECTION) : round(STD16_W * DPMM * MAGIC_W_CORRECTION); int FRAME_H = FORMAT.equals("super16") ? round(SUPER16_H * DPMM * MAGIC_H_CORRECTION) : round(STD16_H * DPMM * MAGIC_H_CORRECTION); int LEFT_PAD = round(((16 - STD16_W) / 2) * DPMM * MAGIC_W_CORRECTION); //space to left of frame int COLUMNS = floor(PAGE_W_PIXELS / (16 * DPMM)); int ROWS = floor(PAGE_H_PIXELS / SPACING); int FRAME_LINE = round((SPACING - FRAME_H) / 2); int PAGES = 0; int FRAMES = 0; int SOUND_W = ceil(DPMM * (12.52 - 10.26)); boolean HAS_SOUND = false; String SOUNDTRACK_FILE = ""; SoundtrackOptical soundtrack; String[] frames; PImage frameBuffer; PGraphics frameBlank; PGraphics pageBuffer; PGraphics soundBuffer; void setup () { size(640, 480); //surface.setResizable(true); println(SOURCE); println(SOUND); frames = listFrames(SOURCE, SOUND); if (frames == null) { println("Frames not found, check SOURCE path"); exit(); return; } FRAMES = frames.length; PAGES = ceil((float) FRAMES / (ROWS * COLUMNS)); pageBuffer = createGraphics(PAGE_W_PIXELS, PAGE_H_PIXELS); if (HAS_SOUND) { soundtrack = new SoundtrackOptical(this, SOUNDTRACK_FILE, DPI, 1.0, SOUNDTRACK_TYPE, PITCH, !NEGATIVE); } printInfo(); if (PERFS == 2 && HAS_SOUND ) { println("WARNING: Double perf film and soundtrack will interfere with one another. Are you sure?"); } if (FORMAT.equals("super16") && HAS_SOUND) { println("WARNING: Super16 frame and soundtrack will interfere with one another. Are you sure?"); } if (FORMAT.equals("super16") && PERFS == 2) { println("WARNING: Super16 frame and double perf film will interfere with one another. Are you sure?"); } text("DISPLAY", 200, 200); frameBlank = createGraphics(FRAME_W, FRAME_H); noLoop(); delay(1000); thread("renderPages"); } void draw () { background(0); fill(255); text("SOURCE DIR: " + SOURCE, 10, 20); text("DPI: " + DPI, 10, 40); text("STRETCH: " + MAGIC_W_CORRECTION + " x " + MAGIC_H_CORRECTION, 10, 60); text("FRAMES: " + FRAMES, 10, 80); text("FRAME SIZE: " + FRAME_W + "x" + FRAME_H + " px", 10, 100); text("PAGES: " + PAGES, 10, 120); text("PAGE SIZE: " + PAGE_W_PIXELS + "x" + PAGE_H_PIXELS + " px", 10, 140); text("FRAMES/PAGE: " + (ROWS * COLUMNS), 10, 160); text("SECONDS/PAGE: " + ((ROWS * COLUMNS) / 24), 10, 180); } void printInfo() { println("STRETCH: " + MAGIC_W_CORRECTION + " x " + MAGIC_H_CORRECTION); println("PAGE SIZE: " + PAGE_W_PIXELS + "x" + PAGE_H_PIXELS); println("FRAME SIZE: " + FRAME_W + "x" + FRAME_H); println("FRAMES PER STRIP: " + ROWS); println("STRIPS PER PAGE: " + COLUMNS); println("FRAMES PER PAGE: " + (ROWS * COLUMNS)); println("SECONDS PER PAGE: " + ((ROWS * COLUMNS) / 24)); println("FRAMES: " + FRAMES); println("PAGES: " + PAGES); //println("RENDER_PATH: " + RENDER_PATH); if (!SOUND.equals("")) { println("SOUNDTRACK SAMPLE RATE: " + (SPACING * 24)); } } String[] listFrames (String dir, String audioDir) { ArrayList tmp = new ArrayList(); ArrayList audioTmp = new ArrayList(); String output[]; File file; File audioFile; int arraySize; int o = 0; dir = dataPath(dir); audioDir = dataPath(audioDir); println(dir); println(audioDir); if (dir.substring(dir.length() - 1, dir.length()) != SEP) { dir = dir + SEP; } if (audioDir.substring(audioDir.length() - 1, audioDir.length()) != SEP) { audioDir = audioDir + SEP; } file = new File(dir); audioFile = new File(audioDir); if (file.isDirectory()) { String names[] = file.list(); names = sort(names); for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { if (names[i].toLowerCase().contains(".jpg") || names[i].toLowerCase().contains(".jpeg") || names[i].toLowerCase().contains(".tif") || //only works with Processing tiffs names[i].toLowerCase().contains(".png")) { tmp.add(dir + names[i]); } } arraySize = tmp.size(); if (arraySize == 0) { println("ERROR: No frames detected, exiting"); exit(); return null; } if (audioFile.isDirectory()) { String audioNames[] = audioFile.list(); if (audioNames != null) { audioNames = sort(audioNames); for (int i = 0; i < audioNames.length; i++) { if (audioNames[i].toLowerCase().contains(".wav")) { audioTmp.add(audioDir + audioNames[i]); } } } else { println("Audio directory " + audioDir + " not found"); } } else { println("SOUND string " + audioDir + " does not point to a directory"); } if (audioTmp.size() > 0) { HAS_SOUND = true; SOUNDTRACK_FILE = audioTmp.get(0); println("Using audio file " + SOUNDTRACK_FILE); } else { println("No audio file detected, creating silent tracks"); } if (HAS_SOUND) { arraySize += SOUND_OFFSET; } output = new String[arraySize]; if (HAS_SOUND) { for (int i = 0; i < SOUND_OFFSET; i++) { output[o] = "_BLANK_"; o++; } } for (int i = 0; i < tmp.size(); i++) { output[o] = tmp.get(i); o++; } sort(output); return output; } else { println("ERROR: SOURCE variable does not point to a directory"); exit(); } return null; } String leftPad (int val) { String str = "" + val; if (str.length() == 1) { str = "0" + str; } return str; } void renderPages() { //surface.setSize(PAGE_W_PIXELS, PAGE_H_PIXELS / SEGMENTS); //delay(1000); int cursor; int leftX; int topY; int perfLeft; int perfRight; int perfTop; int soundTop; int soundLeft; boolean hasFrames = false; frameBlank.beginDraw(); frameBlank.background(BACKGROUND); frameBlank.endDraw(); for (int page = 0; page < PAGES; page++) { pageBuffer.beginDraw(); pageBuffer.textSize(60); pageBuffer.clear(); pageBuffer.background(255); pageBuffer.stroke(0); pageBuffer.noFill(); //draw calibration marks to be overwritten if needed pageBuffer.rect(0, 0, 10 * DPMM, 10 * DPMM); pageBuffer.rect(((16 * COLUMNS) * DPMM) - (10 * DPMM) - 1, 0, 10 * DPMM, 10 * DPMM); pageBuffer.rect(((16 * COLUMNS) * DPMM) - (10 * DPMM) - 1, ((ROWS * (SPACING / DPMM)) * DPMM) - (10 * DPMM) - 1, 10 * DPMM, 10 * DPMM); pageBuffer.rect(0, ((ROWS * (SPACING / DPMM)) * DPMM) - (10 * DPMM) - 1, 10 * DPMM, 10 * DPMM); //pageBuffer.stroke(0); for (int x = 0; x < COLUMNS; x++) { //pageBuffer.line(x * (16 * DPMM), 0, x * (16 * DPMM), PAGE_H_PIXELS); for (int y = 0; y < ROWS; y++) { cursor = (page * (COLUMNS * ROWS)) + (x * ROWS) + y; if (cursor >= FRAMES) { hasFrames = false; break; } hasFrames = true; println("Frame " + cursor + "/" + FRAMES); topY = (y * SPACING) + FRAME_LINE; leftX = x * (round(16 * DPMM)) + LEFT_PAD; perfTop = round((y * SPACING) - ((PERF_H / 2) * DPMM)); pageBuffer.noStroke(); pageBuffer.fill(BACKGROUND); pageBuffer.rect(x * (round(16 * DPMM)), (y * SPACING), round(16*DPMM), SPACING); if (SHOW_PERFS){ perfLeft = round(x * (round(16 * DPMM)) + (.85 * DPMM)); pageBuffer.fill(PERFS_COLOR); //rect([1.829, 1.27, 2], d = .5, center = true); //.85 from side pageBuffer.rect(perfLeft, perfTop, PERF_W * DPMM, PERF_H * DPMM, .26 * DPMM); //last perf if (y == ROWS - 1) { perfTop = round(((y + 1) * SPACING) - ((PERF_H / 2) * DPMM)); pageBuffer.rect(perfLeft, perfTop, PERF_W * DPMM, PERF_H * DPMM, .26 * DPMM); } } if (SHOW_PERFS && PERFS == 2) { perfRight = round((x + 1) * (round(16 * DPMM)) - (PERF_W * DPMM) - (.85 * DPMM)); pageBuffer.rect(perfRight, perfTop, PERF_W * DPMM, PERF_H * DPMM, .26 * DPMM); if (y == ROWS - 1) { perfTop = round(((y + 1) * SPACING) - ((PERF_H / 2) * DPMM)); pageBuffer.rect(perfRight, perfTop, PERF_W * DPMM, PERF_H * DPMM, .26 * DPMM); } } if (frames[cursor].equals("_BLANK_")) { pageBuffer.image(frameBlank, leftX, topY, FRAME_W, FRAME_H); } else { frameBuffer = loadImage(frames[cursor]); if (NEGATIVE) { frameBuffer.filter(INVERT); } frameBuffer.resize(FRAME_W, FRAME_H); pageBuffer.image(frameBuffer, leftX, topY, FRAME_W, FRAME_H); } if (HAS_SOUND) { soundTop = y * SPACING; soundLeft = (x * round(16 * DPMM)) + LEFT_PAD + FRAME_W + round(0.3368 * DPMM); try { soundBuffer = soundtrack.buffer(cursor); if (soundBuffer != null) { pageBuffer.image(soundBuffer, soundLeft, soundTop, round((12.52 - 10.26 - 0.3368) * DPMM), SPACING); } } catch (Error e) { // } } if (hasFrames) { text((x + 1) + "", (x * 16 * DPMM) + (8 * DPMM), ROWS * SPACING + 20); } } } pageBuffer.endDraw();"page_" + page + ".tif")); println("Saved page_" + dataPath(page + ".tif")); } printInfo(); println("Completed"); exit(); }