#include #include StaticJsonBuffer<200> jsonBuffer; /*LIGHT VARIABLES*/ #define NUMPIXELS 1 // Number of Pixies in the strip #define PIXELPIN 3 // Pin number for SoftwareSerial output; Adafruit_NeoPixel light = Adafruit_NeoPixel(1, PIXELPIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800); String color = "000,000,000"; volatile int commaR = 0; volatile int commaG = 0; String strR = "000"; String strG = "000"; String strB = "000"; volatile int r = 0; volatile int g = 0; volatile int b = 0; /*MOTOR VARIABLES*/ #define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795 #define HALF_PI 1.5707963267948966192313216916398 #define TWO_PI 6.283185307179586476925286766559 #define DEG_TO_RAD 0.017453292519943295769236907684886 #define RAD_TO_DEG 57.295779513082320876798154814105 const float RPM = 15.0; const float RPS = RPM / 60.0; const float RATIO = 0.5; //Gear ratio const float THICKNESS = 0.11938; //16mm thickness volatile int LENGTH = 33000; //mm String lengthStr = "33000"; volatile float CORE_D = 31.27; //Daylight spool //2in core //3in core //takeup spool? unsigned long starttime = 0; unsigned long runtime = 0; volatile boolean running = false; //motor pins const int MOTOR_PIN = 9; //TIP120 -> 2.2k resistor /*CORE INFO*/ volatile int i = 0; unsigned long now; //to be compared to stored values every loop /*COMMANDS*/ volatile char cmd_char = 'z'; //null command default const char cmd_connect = 'c'; const char cmd_light = 'l'; const char cmd_length = 'f'; const char cmd_start = 's'; const char cmd_stop = 'x'; const int serialDelay = 5;//allows for sending longer strings to arduino in realtime void setup () { Serial.begin(57600); Serial.flush(); Serial.setTimeout(serialDelay); pinMode(MOTOR_PIN, OUTPUT); light.begin(); setAll(0, 0, 0); delay(2000); reportString("msg", "Connected to contact printer"); } void loop () { now = millis(); readCmd(); if (running) { motor_run(); } } void readCmd () { if (Serial.available()) { /* read the most recent byte */ cmd_char = (char)Serial.read(); } if (cmd_char != 'z') { cmd(cmd_char); cmd_char = 'z'; } } void cmd (const char val) { if (val == cmd_connect) { reportString("verify", "contact_printer"); } else if (val == cmd_light) { colorString(); reportString("light", color); } else if (val == cmd_length) { setLength(); reportInt("length", LENGTH); } else if (val == cmd_start) { running = true; } else if (val == cmd_stop) { runtime = now - starttime; reportInt("stopped", runtime); running = false; i = 0; } } void reportString (String key, String val) { JsonObject& jsonObj = jsonBuffer.createObject(); jsonObj[key] = val; jsonObj.printTo(Serial); Serial.println(""); } void reportFloat (String key, const float val) { JsonObject& jsonObj = jsonBuffer.createObject(); jsonObj[key] = val; jsonObj.printTo(Serial); Serial.println(""); } void reportInt (String key, const int val) { JsonObject& jsonObj = jsonBuffer.createObject(); jsonObj[key] = val; jsonObj.printTo(Serial); Serial.println(""); } void motor_run () { starttime = now; runtime = 0; Serial.println("Starting motor"); //analogWrite(MOTOR_PIN, 255 - (i * 2)); analogWrite(MOTOR_PIN, pwm()); Serial.print("PWM = "); Serial.println(255 - (i * 2)); Serial.print(i); Serial.print("ft = "); Serial.print(diameter(12.0 * 25.4 * i)); Serial.println("mm"); Serial.print(32.0 + (i * 0.4)); Serial.print("mm = "); Serial.print(length(32.0 + (i * 0.4)) / (12 * 25.4) ); Serial.println("ft"); delay(1000); i++; if (i > 108) { runtime = now - starttime; reportInt("completed", runtime); running = false; i = 0; } } int pwm () { int val = 255; //full speed return val; } float diameter (const float len) { //mm 'use strict'; return 2 * sqrt( ((len * THICKNESS) / PI) + pow(CORE_D / 2, 2) ); } float length (const float diam) { return (PI * (pow(diam / 2, 2) - pow(CORE_D / 2, 2)) ) / THICKNESS; //var len = Math.PI * (Math.pow(d / 2, 2) - Math.pow(D / 2, 2)); //return len / THICKNESS; } void setAll (const int red, const int green, const int blue) { for (volatile int x = 0; x < NUMPIXELS; x++) { light.setPixelColor(x, red, green, blue); } light.show(); } void setLength () { while (Serial.available() == 0) { //Wait for length string } lengthStr = Serial.readString(); LENGTH = lengthStr.toInt(); } float speed (float diam) { return (diam * PI) * RPS; } void colorString () { while (Serial.available() == 0) { //Wait for color string } color = Serial.readString(); commaR = color.indexOf(','); //comma trailing R commaG = color.indexOf(',', commaR + 1); strR = color.substring(0, commaR); strG = color.substring(commaR + 1, commaG); strB = color.substring(commaG + 1); r = strR.toInt(); g = strG.toInt(); b = strB.toInt(); setAll(r, g, b); }