# audioloom ![Image showing waveforms of two tracks interweaved together with audioloom](./img/audioloom.jpg) Interweave slices of audio files together using sox -------- ## Requirements Node.js 0.8.x + This script requires `node.js` as the runtime and `sox` to export and stitch audio back together. Installation instructions for sox here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/sox/files/sox/ ## Installation ``` git clone https://github.com/sixteenmillimeter/audioloom.git cd audioloom npm install chmod +x audioloom ``` ## Basic Usage ```./audioloom -i /path/to/audio1:/path/to/audio2 -o /path/to/output``` ## Options Run `./audioloom -h` to display help screen. ``` Usage: audioloom [options] Options: -V, --version output the version number -i, --input [files] Specify input audio files with paths seperated by colon -o, --output [file] Specify output path of audio file -p, --pattern [pattern] Specify a pattern for the alternating 1:1 is standard -r, --realtime Specify if audio files should preserve realtime speed -t, --tmp [dir] Specify tmp directory for exporting slices -m, --ms [ms] Specify length of slices using length in milliseconds, will default to 1/24 sec -R, --random Randomize slices. Ignores pattern if included -h, --help output usage information ``` ## TODO * Generate example audiofiles automatically * Publish example audio files